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Server sending Button press to Client?

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Pls help me out with this:

I need to send Joystick 1 - Button 9 from my FS9 to the WideClient machine. I have a program running on the WideClient PC that understands standard joystick buttons under WinXP.

Also, pls give me just one example how to send a key to the client (let's say F9):

1) On the WideServer I run FSUIPC/Key Presses Tab/

2) Set the Key I want to program

3) Control sent when keys pressed: KEYSEND 1-255 (WideFS)

Parameter: ????? for key F9. Where is the table for all keyboard presses and, perhaps, joystick buttons?

Many thanks.

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I need to send Joystick 1 - Button 9 from my FS9 to the WideClient machine. I have a program running on the WideClient PC that understands standard joystick buttons under WinXP.

There are no facilities in my programs to send joystick button presses to clients. Sorry.

1) On the WideServer I run FSUIPC/Key Presses Tab/

2) Set the Key I want to program

3) Control sent when keys pressed: KEYSEND 1-255 (WideFS)

Parameter: ????? for key F9. Where is the table for all keyboard presses and, perhaps, joystick buttons?

The parameter for KeySend is a number, 1-255, as it clearly states. It doesn't matter which number you choose, you just match it up with parameters in the client's INI file. If you've not already used "1" I suggest you start with "1". Afdter that, use "2"and so on. If you have 255 keys to send, you'll reach 255.

The table of keycodes and shifts for the client are tabulated in the WideFS documentation, as it is WideClient which sees the KeySend and converts it into whatever keypress you want on that particular Client.

FSUIPC/WideServer do not send the actual keypress code because that would go to all clients, and who knows what that might do on different ones. The KeySend system allows an event to be created on all clients (a "KeySendN", N = 1 to 255) which can be programmed locally as you like.

Please re-check the WideFS documentation provided.


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Please re-check the WideFS documentation provided.


Thank you very much, Pete, I promise I'll do that. In the meantime could you pls post here just only one single sample of the syntax to be added to Client.ini. My 1 key is F9. :)

Much thanks.

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could you pls post here just only one single sample of the syntax to be added to Client.ini. My 1 key is F9.

Hmm. I have to look up the documentation to do this. I don't see why you shouldn't at least make that much effort if you want to do something. Do you think I carry all this stuff in my head? I don't even have paper copies, so I have to go find the document and extract bits out just to save to all that bother? Why so lazy?

I don't mind correcting something you've worked out for yourself, assuming you tried something and it didn't work, but asking me to look things up for you seems a bit much, don't you think?

There are already examples in the document for Shift+A, Shift+Ctrl+Backspace and Alt+F1. I don't see why you can't easily find F9 in the list supplied and make your own example. :-(


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Sorry, I'm having a problem here. I'm trying to send properly my 1st key to the Client yet, but it does not work.





In FSUIPC I assign keypress F9 KEYSEND 1-255 (WideFS) Parameter 1

Nothing is sent. When I return back to FSUIPC/Key Presses/ and review F9 keypress it always shows Parameter 0 to some reason? Any idea here?

Thank you.

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In FSUIPC I assign keypress F9 KEYSEND 1-255 (WideFS) Parameter 1

I thought you said you wanted F9 pressed on the Client PC -- 82 is 'R'.

When I return back to FSUIPC/Key Presses/ and review F9 keypress it always shows Parameter 0 to some reason? Any idea here?

Sound like you've simply not Confirmed the setting.


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Pete, the above is just my first test (or long forgotten one to be exact) of sending a simple key (R in this case). Besides, it is easy to check in the word editor if the key is being sent (unlike F9). :)

I confirm it ® is sent to the Client (it is being typed) each time I press my joystick button, since I was not able to assign F9 keypress to do that.

F9 keypress on the Server seems to be unable to save Parameter 1. Still a question?

Unfortunately my Apllicatin (Shoot) on the Client PC does not 'feel/sense' the keypress R generated by WideClient.exe when I send the command from the Server. But as I said, Notepad starts typing if I open it.


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F9 keypress on the Server seems to be unable to save Parameter 1. Still a question?

The parameter facility is actually implemented the same in both button and keys tabs. All I have to do is program the Keypress action on the left-hand side , icluding entering the parameter, then press Confirm -- you will see the result reviewable on the right-hand side. This has been working now for around 9 years. I have really no idea why you are having any problems. Maybe you should delete the keypress assignment and try again?

Unfortunately my Apllicatin (Shoot) on the Client PC does not 'feel/sense' the keypress R generated by WideClient.exe when I send the command from the Server. But as I said, Notepad starts typing if I open it.

Different programs have different ways of reading the keyboard. If it reads the hardware then WideClient cannot help. However, there are several other things it might do.

First, with KeySend, if you are having WideClient load this program for you (via Run or RunReady parameters), then you can add ",Run1" or ",RunReady1" (for example) to the end of the KeySend parameter. This will make Wideclient actually send the keypress code directly to the programs main Window. This works with most programs.

There are other ways to try -- PostKeys=Yes and UseSendInput=Yes (one or the other, not both together). These are described further down in the Tech document. But these are not often used these days.


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There are other ways to try -- PostKeys=Yes and UseSendInput=Yes (one or the other, not both together). These are described further down in the Tech document. But these are not often used these days.




works. :D

Thank you very much.

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In WideClient.ini:

KeySend1=120,16 ; press F9
keySend2=120,24 ; release F9

KEYSEND 1-255(WideFS)
Parameter 1
x Contorl to repeat while held
Control sent when button released
KEYSEND 1-255(WideFS)
Parameter 2

Genious. :mrgreen:

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