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Hi all, I have a problem with connecting my Client PC’s with the FS Server PC... I have been running FSUIPC along with WideFS/WideClient for a number of years, however after moving home and dismantling my sim I decided to update all the software, and re-register my FSUIPC and such like.

However no matter how I try I am unable to get a connection from the client pc’s to the server. I initially had a network problem, but after hours of trouble shooting and help from the guys on the FDS forum I got things up and running, however the connection problem is still there despite looking over the manual again.

When switching off FS2004, at the top it reads ‘FS server waiting for Clients’ or words to that effect.

I have inserted the line serverAddr= to the ini file, have shared both the software on the Client pc’s and the FS2004 on the Server PC. I have also pinged all of the PC’s and they all talk to each other, but still no joy. I have even tried disabling the firewall, but still no luck. I remembered that I did not have this problem before so I do not understand why I have it now.

Maybe Peter or anyone could shed some light on my problem.

All the Best, Karl

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When switching off FS2004, at the top it reads ‘FS server waiting for Clients’ or words to that effect.

And what does the Client show?

Please show me the WideServer.Log from the Server and the WideClient.Log from the Client. These files are produced explicitly so that you and I can see what is happening. They are the first place to look.

I have inserted the line serverAddr= to the ini file

Not really a good idea. If you really want to make WideFs bypass all its automatic systems, why not use the Name of the Server rather than the IP address? Then you never have to worry about it changing. Also, if you provide an explicit Server you also need to provide an explicit Protocol parameter.

... have shared both the software on the Client pc’s and the FS2004 on the Server PC.

No point in that. Folder sharing is for Explorer and other file access needs. Wideclient and WideServer talk directly to each other, not via files.

I have also pinged all of the PC’s and they all talk to each other, but still no joy. I have even tried disabling the firewall, but still no luck. I remembered that I did not have this problem before so I do not understand why I have it now.

It's probably to do with firewalls, but you need to provide more information -- specifically the Log files, which you can paste here. That is why they are produced, to tell you what is going on! Also you need to at least mention what version of Windows you are using at each end. And please make sure you are using an up-to-date supported version of WideFS (see the Announcements above about that).



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