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FS 2004 & PSS A320 & FSUIPC 3 ???

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hi peter!

sorry for asking this (maybe silly) question, but i still didn´t understand your new system:

how will i get the PSS A320 product working in FS2004 with the FSUIPC3?

do i have to wait for a registry key/update from PSS or will i get it from you?



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how will i get the PSS A320 product working in FS2004 with the FSUIPC3? do i have to wait for a registry key/update from PSS or will i get it from you?

I didn't know it used FSUIPC, but if it does there are two ways:

1. Register your installation of FSUIPC 3. Then everything will work in any case. Or,

2. Wait till PSS provide an update with an automatic key, or possibly publish a key on their website or wherever.

But supposing PSS don't want to agree on a license wih me (I'm not saying this is the case). Your only option then is #1.

Is that clear? The announcements and the documentation all say this.

Of course, it may be that the PSS A320 won't work on FS2004 without an update for it in any case. FSUIPC cannot be used for all the things that aircraft do. In fact I suspect the only thing they use in FSUIPC is the TCAS data.

Access keys for programs are the responsibility of the program developers or suppliers. I could help out for "defunct" ownerless applications, especially freeware which is not being developed, if I am given the details. But essentially it is up to the supplier/developer.



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hi peter!

thx for your answer. i´m surprised that you don´t know if PSS requires

FSUIPC or not. i just read in another forum that you get the complete panel into view in fs2004 but only a small outside view window which cannot be resized to normal size. now i was wondering if it has to do with your FSUIPC... :roll:

well, i´ll wait then a couple of days if PSS announces something.

and if i understood it right, freeware designers like eric marciano will get a key from you so we can still use his fantastic a320/330 panel in fs2004?

could you maybe post a list which features all the freeware/payware designers which obtained a key from you, so we could figure it out easier what will work in fs2004 and what not?


this is what i found at PSS forum:

"We are currently negoiating with Peter Dowson on our license and we will have it for the PSS packages if required

Robert Kirkland


now i´m really confused...



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thx for your answer. i´m surprised that you don´t know if PSS requires FSUIPC or not.

Sorry, I don't know everything, and I don't have every accessory there is. I think I do have a copy of PSS A320 here, but I've never had time to install it.

i just read in another forum that you get the complete panel into view in fs2004 but only a small outside view window which cannot be resized to normal size. now i was wondering if it has to do with your FSUIPC.

No, FSUIPc can't really have any affect on such things. As I said, they probably only use FSUIPC for TCAS.

if i understood it right, freeware designers like eric marciano will get a key from you so we can still use his fantastic a320/330 panel in fs2004?

If I am asked for a key for freeware and provded the information, yes, of course. But, again, does his panel use FSUIPC? I'm sure that there aren't many that do.

could you maybe post a list which features all the freeware/payware designers which obtained a key from you, so we could figure it out easier what will work in fs2004 and what not?

I think that is wrong. whether things work with FS2004 or not is not just a matter of FSUIPC support, or, for many products, not EVEN a matter of FSUIPC support, as they don't use it. For me to imply that something will work with FS2004 when I haven't seen it do so and when its own publisher hasn't announced it will would be very wrong of me, and, worse, make it look like programs that had no access keys would not work, which is even more wrong.

Sorry, but in each and every instance your recourse is to the author or publisher, as it always has been. Why do you think it would be any different now? Please do NOT try to make me into some sort of regulator. That is completely wrong and false!

this is what i found at PSS forum:

"We are currently negoiating with Peter Dowson on our license and we will have it for the PSS packages if required

I cannot comment on that. It really has no place in public discussion. If you register your copy of FSUIPC it would be totally irrelevent to you in any case. If you don't, then you need to wait for appropriate announcements and releases from publishers in any case. And since they have at least to test their products out with FS2004, and very likely make changes in any case -- whether they use FSUIPC or not -- I can't see that there's any alternative anyway.



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