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Lock F068 and E068?

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Hi Pete,

Is there a way to lock the TCAS options at offset E068 and F068?

The reason I ask is because many addons modify the range bytes, which is a pain because two programs can be inconsistently setting ranges. For instance, my little proggy likes to find and display all (range unlimited) of the aircraft flying around the user, while I think AISmooth limits the range to around 40nm.

Maybe a fsuipc.ini parameter would be useful in this instance?



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Is there a way to lock the TCAS options at offset E068 and F068?


The reason I ask is because many addons modify the range bytes

Really? That's odd. I don't know of any! What are they?

... which is a pain because two programs can be inconsistently setting ranges. For instance, my little proggy likes to find and display all (range unlimited) of the aircraft flying around the user, while I think AISmooth limits the range to around 40nm.

40 nm is, i think, the TCAS instrument range, isn't it? Maybe that's why I, as an AISmooth user, have never noticed it changing it.

Maybe a fsuipc.ini parameter would be useful in this instance?

To lock it to the user's choice, which should be 40nm for most purposes, surely? So how would that help you?

These programs that change it. How often do they do this? Couldn't you simply change it before reading the tables? Of course you'd need to wait a while to allow them to populate.

And don't forget the capacity is limited to the nearest 96 (airborne). You won't get ALL aircraft even with "unlimited" range if there are more than that.



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The reason I ask is because many addons modify the range bytes

I think the Leonardo Maddog also does it. I get the same symptom flying that aircraft - that is, on FSCommander, I get one seconds of my range being shown followed by a few seconds of the other addon's range.

To lock it to the user's choice, which should be 40nm for most purposes, surely? So how would that help you?

Easy answer: I'm the user and it would be my preferred choice. But seriously, it is a higher count of aircraft I'm after. I want to work out which runways will be busiest at each airport as I fly to them and display the aircraft flying to my runway on Google Earth.

These programs that change it. How often do they do this? Couldn't you simply change it before reading the tables? Of course you'd need to wait a while to allow them to populate.

If I'm right, they change it very frequently - ie, each second.

And don't forget the capacity is limited to the nearest 96 (airborne). You won't get ALL aircraft even with "unlimited" range if there are more than that.

Understood, but 96 >= aircraft count within 40nm.



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Understood, but 96 >= aircraft count within 40nm.

Really? Not here, not often in any case. But then I am using MyTrafficX at 70% in Europe. ;-)

I've put the request on my list and may implement something. I'd have to grey out the options in the miscellaneous tab too. you'd have to add an INI line after setting the options, and that line would lock the settings on the next session.


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