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Hi Pete, is version 3.82 compatable with FS2002.

Compatible? Yes, and FS2000, and even FS98, CFS1 and CFS2 at a push.

But I'm afraid I do not re-test each new version on anything earlier than FS2004, so, whilst the intention has been all along to maintain backward compatibility, if it has in some places gone wrong I'm afraid I'm unlikely to be able to fix it now. However, if you do find a problem, let me know.

Don't expect many, if any, of the newer offsets and facilities to work, though. The subset which always worked on FS2002 should certainly still work.

Oh, one more thing. If you do want to report anything, please always first try the latest increment from the "Other Downloads" Announcement above. That would be the version I would need to test with. Currently it is version 3.847.



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