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Elite Pro Panel - Serial

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I have an older Elite Pro Panel - Serial with a USB adapter. I have installed the Elite Driver, FSUIPC (Registered) and they both show in the FSX menu under add-ons. I can select the "Elite Setup" and all of the functions appear to work (rudders, yoke, power quadrant, radio panel, etc). FSX will not turn the "control" of those elements over to FSUIPC. When I do Elite setup, it says it finds a device on Com6 but no USB devices... will this cause the problem with FSUIPC?



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I have an older Elite Pro Panel - Serial with a USB adapter. I have installed the Elite Driver, FSUIPC (Registered) and they both show in the FSX menu under add-ons.

That surprises me. Is it an FSX-specific Elite driver?

I can select the "Elite Setup" and all of the functions appear to work (rudders, yoke, power quadrant, radio panel, etc). FSX will not turn the "control" of those elements over to FSUIPC.

What does that mean? Sorry, it doesn't make sense to me.

When I do Elite setup, it says it finds a device on Com6 but no USB devices... will this cause the problem with FSUIPC?

What has it got to do with FSUIPC? FSUIPC doesn't read any COM or USB devices. It does have facilities for assigning and reading Windows joysticks, however they may be connected, and Goflight devices using the GFDev GoFlight driver. Oh, and buttons on EPIC cards.

A serial COM port device connected to USB via a serial USB adapter looks like a COMn port to the PC. That's what the driver for the serial adapter is for, so that serial COM devices can be used as serial COM devices by those programs who expect them there.

If you have questions on FSUIPC you ought to be posting in my Support forum, near here.


Pete Dowson

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Elite tech support gave me the following website for the latest driver; http://www.flyelite.com/flightsim. On the "Elite Config" under add-ons comment; I can select Elite Config under Add-ons and it allows me to calibrate the controls, aileron, elevator, etc... When I select FSUIPC, I do not see any interface when I move the controls or rudders. If I go to a throttle quardrant view of the cockpit, the levers do not move when I move them on the console, but I know the Elite driver is recognizing them just not the FSUIPC. The Elite Driver comes with FSUIPC 4.0 but it did not install as the one I got was 4.40... Should I try installing the 4.0 version? I also tried installing the service pack 1 for FSX and the accelerator... the symptoms did not change.

Thanks for the quick reply


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Elite tech support gave me the following website for the latest driver; http://www.flyelite.com/flightsim. On the "Elite Config" under add-ons comment; I can select Elite Config under Add-ons and it allows me to calibrate the controls, aileron, elevator, etc... When I select FSUIPC, I do not see any interface when I move the controls or rudders.

Should it? I don't know how the Elite driver tries to control these things.

If I go to a throttle quardrant view of the cockpit, the levers do not move when I move them on the console, but I know the Elite driver is recognizing them just not the FSUIPC.

I don't know. What do you think FSUIPC has to do with these axes? The Elite driver may be sending them to FS. Have you checked that the sensitivities in FS are set to maximum, and the null zone to minimum?

What does Elite support have to say?

The Elite Driver comes with FSUIPC 4.0 but it did not install as the one I got was 4.40... Should I try installing the 4.0 version?

No! 4.00 is dead, gone, unsupported, and it will not work with anything but the original unpatched FSX in any case.



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