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Using FSUIPC, GoFlight Config and Keyboard CMDS

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My son is flying FSX. We have a fully licensed version of FSUIPC. We're having some issues!

We want to program ONLY the CH Yoke, Pedals and Throttle Quad in FSUIPC.

We want to use the GoFlight Config Software for the GoFLight Modules.

We want to still have access to all the FSX keyboard commands.

Is this possible? Currently we have turned off "enable joysticks" in FSX. The Yoke, Pedals and THQ are working fine. Even after programming the GF modules (RP48 and GF-LGT) in FSUIPC and running the GFDisplay, the GoFlight modules don't show the lights and the landing gear only work one direction. When programmed with the GF Config, they all worked perfectly. Finally, we can no longer use some keyboard controls such as pressing the space bar and moving the mouse to look around. We still need that until we can get more modules to eliminate the keyboard completely.

I know that I am doing something wrong and I appreciate any help you can give. Please keep it simple! The FS is my son's and I am just trying to get it set-up correctly for him.

We use the Ellie Systems avionics package via WideClient. All other modules are on the FSX computer.


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We did make some changes since this first post.

I am using CHCM/FSX in direct mode for assignment and calibration of the yoke and pedals. I am using FSUIPC for the Throttle Quadrant. I'm using the GFConfig for the GoFlight modules.

This seems to be working. However, when we rebooted last night, all the settings were GONE. I had to make everything again. I hope that doesn't happen again! Is there a way to prevent that? I did make backups of the fsuipc.ini, standard.xml and fsx.cfg files. I can replace them if it is back to default.

The GoFlight RP48 does not work with the PMDG 747 or Level-D 767 and that is disappointing. Any help with that would be appreciated.

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We want to program ONLY the CH Yoke, Pedals and Throttle Quad in FSUIPC.

We want to use the GoFlight Config Software for the GoFLight Modules.

We want to still have access to all the FSX keyboard commands.

Is this possible?

Yes, as far as I know. GoFlight's own software is completely independent to FSUIPC. In fact I think you can mix them in any case, even on the same unit.

after programming the GF modules (RP48 and GF-LGT) in FSUIPC and running the GFDisplay, the GoFlight modules don't show the lights

Just running GFdisplay does nothing. It is a free program provided for programming the way the lights work. It is not intelligent. It doesn't know what you want the lights to do unless you tell it, through its parameter file.

and the landing gear only work one direction.

So, you programmed the "press" action for Gear Down, but forgot to program to "release" operation to tell it to do Gear Up?

When programmed with the GF Config, they all worked perfectly.

That's because the GoFlight software is written specifically to drive GoFlight units in the way they were designed to be used. FSUIPC is a general facility for assigning whatever you like wherever you like. Greater flexibility has a price -- you have to do more work to use it. If the GoFlight stuff does all you want, use it. Only use FSUIPC for stuff you want to do differently!

Finally, we can no longer use some keyboard controls such as pressing the space bar and moving the mouse to look around.

Sounds like you've assigned the space bar to do something else -- you might have done that in FS, in FSUIPC, or maybe even elsewhere? You'd need to check this yourself. FSUIPC doesn't touch the keyboard unless you've asked it to.



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I am using CHCM/FSX in direct mode for assignment and calibration of the yoke and pedals. I am using FSUIPC for the Throttle Quadrant. I'm using the GFConfig for the GoFlight modules.

This seems to be working. However, when we rebooted last night, all the settings were GONE. I had to make everything again. I hope that doesn't happen again! Is there a way to prevent that? I did make backups of the fsuipc.ini, standard.xml and fsx.cfg files. I can replace them if it is back to default.

No idea how you lost your settings, but if they were in all places, including FSX and GoFlight configurations, it sounds like your FSX session crashed rather than terminated correctly. FSX in particular only saves its settings when it closes normally.

FSUIPC's settings are saved in its INI file when you OK out of the options and settings dialogue. You will certainly not easily lose those.

The GoFlight RP48 does not work with the PMDG 747 or Level-D 767 and that is disappointing. Any help with that would be appreciated.

There's nothing different about a set of buttons and knobs just because you change aircraft. You have to decide what you want them to do then assign the appropriate functions, no matter what aircraft you use. At least with FSUIPC assignments you can make them aircraft-specific, so they switch over when you load different aircraft. I don't know in CHCM or GoFlight's software can do that.



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Everything seems to be working. I am trying to keep this as simple as possible for my son (OK, and me!). The only joystick that is controlled by FSUIPC is the CH Throttle and it is working fine now.

Question: have you seen any issues with Wilco's E-Jets add-on? When we installed it, I lost the "add-ons" menu in FSX completely. No more FSUIPS at all! I unistalled E-Jets and reinstalled FSUIPC and it came back.

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Question: have you seen any issues with Wilco's E-Jets add-on? When we installed it, I lost the "add-ons" menu in FSX completely. No more FSUIPS at all! I unistalled E-Jets and reinstalled FSUIPC and it came back.

No, I've not heard of anything like that. What does E-Jets do? I assume it's a collection of add-on aircraft? Does it try to install its own SimConnect DLL, perhaps? If so, maybe it makes a mess of the DLL.XML file which SimConnect needs to manage loadings.

Try installing E-Jets THEN re-installing FSUIPC4 using the installer. Re-running the FSUIPC installer won't change anything in your installation, but it will re-build the DLL.XML file and maybe fix the problem.

Either way you should report it to Wilco's own support.



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Re-running the FSUIPC installer won't change anything in your installation, but it will re-build the DLL.XML file and maybe fix the problem.

Does this mean that my axis assignments and calibration WILL NOT be affected? Or will I need to do them again?

Yes, it means they will not be affected, and no, you will not need to do anything again. As I said, re-running the installer will not change ANYTHING in your installation. it will simply rebuild the DLL.XML file.. It won't even re-install FSUIPC4 itself if you've updated the latter with a later interim version, and it will tell you so.


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