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Mouse Macros/Reality XP GNS 530


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Pete: I programmed 2 mouse macros using FSUIPC for my add on Reality XP GNS 530 GPS unit in the Beech Baron (B58) plane. I programmed 2 buttons, one to increase range and one to decrease range on this GPS unit. At the time I programmed it, it worked fine. I then closed FS. However, now when I open any plane that has that particular GPS unit installed in it, I get an error message that says "Can't start the Reality XP Garmin". The plane opens and the GPS unit is there but it will not turn on. I have no idea why this happened but occurred right after I did the macro programming. Any suggestions what to do from here? Can the programming be edited via the Macro file or the FSUIPC.ini file to get rid of those 2 macros to see if the unit will work again. Does the Macro programming do anything to the Gauge file for the Reality XP 530 unit? Thanks, Al

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now when I open any plane that has that particular GPS unit installed in it, I get an error message that says "Can't start the Reality XP Garmin". The plane opens and the GPS unit is there but it will not turn on. I have no idea why this happened but occurred right after I did the macro programming.

It must be just a coincidence. There's really no way FSUIPC is doing anything with any part of any add-on until and unless you actually use the facility.

Any suggestions what to do from here? Can the programming be edited via the Macro file or the FSUIPC.ini file to get rid of those 2 macros to see if the unit will work again.

The macros are simply lines in the INI file. They do nothing at all in themselves. The only time they are used is when you have them assigned and then actually USE them. It's just like any tool. Sitting in your toolbox a tool does nothing (well, except rust, perhaps). You have to USE it for it do do anything. Same with anything assigned in FSUIPC.

Does the Macro programming do anything to the Gauge file for the Reality XP 530 unit?

No, nothing at all. It cannot.



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