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MS updates for Saitek, now nothing works!!

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Ok, last night I did a Windows update for Vista, in there I noticed 2 updates for Saitek. I said to myself hey why not, functions of my Saitek quadrants and rudder pedals were setup using fsuipc and working really well, rudder, spoilers, gear. Now it's a mess, spoilers go up and right back down again, no gear function that was assigned to a button, and my rudder works but when it reaches the end to either side it pops back to the middle. I'm wondering if there is an easy fix or should I blow away this .ini file and star over. Any similar experience?

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Ok, last night I did a Windows update for Vista, in there I noticed 2 updates for Saitek. I said to myself hey why not, functions of my Saitek quadrants and rudder pedals were setup using fsuipc and working really well, rudder, spoilers, gear. Now it's a mess, spoilers go up and right back down again, no gear function that was assigned to a button, and my rudder works but when it reaches the end to either side it pops back to the middle. I'm wondering if there is an easy fix or should I blow away this .ini file and star over. Any similar experience?

One possibility, if you have them assigned in FSUIPC (not just calibrated there), is that the new drivers have effectively changed the identity of them as seen by FS, and FS, in its wisdom, has seen them and automatically assigned them as new devices. If you have things assigned in more than one place it can produce some very weird results, so that's the first thing I'd check.

Of course they may also look like new devices to FSUIPC too. So check both. If you are using the latest interim update for FSUIPC (available here, in the Announcements), it creates a section in your FSUIPC INI file listing the "JoyNames" it finds associated with each joystick number assigned by Windows. There are facilities for assigning letters instead, and then FSUIPC will automatically handle such changes as best it can (assuming the names don't change, only the numbers).

Otherwise, have you asked on the Saitek forum? They should know what their driver updates do?



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The driver updates did change the identity of the devices, Pete. I had the same issue (but fortunately didn't have much assigned through FSUIPC at that moment, because I was testing, so I just reassigned the controls to the new device IDs).

Ian P.

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The driver updates did change the identity of the devices, Pete. I had the same issue (but fortunately didn't have much assigned through FSUIPC at that moment, because I was testing, so I just reassigned the controls to the new device IDs).

The current interim updates for FSUIPC, from the Announcements, allows users to assign names (only single letters, but not numbers) to their known named devices, and FSUIPC then automatically finds the correct device -- provided it still has the same name. Obviously it can't handle a name change automatically, but at least then the change that you accomplished in the assignments would simply be a change in the [JoyNames] section, to associate the joystick letter to the new names for devices. All the other sections are then unaffected.

The letters can be auto-assigned by FSUIPC, or can be chosen to suit usage -- eg "R" for rudder, "J" for joystick, "Y" for Yoke, "Q" for throttle Quadrant, and so on.



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After a bit of research and testing it would appear that only my PMDG 737's are affected! What's happening? Should I de-install all my 737's and re-install?

Sorry, I've no idea how you've assigned things differently for PMDG 737s so much from anything else that it's a mess.

I don't see that re-installing them would help anything, as the aircraft themselves do not read any buttons or joystick axes directly. It is all done by FS itself, or FSUIPC where you've used that for assignments. If you want to start again with FSUIPC just delete the FSUIPC INI file. If yu want to start again with FS delete its CFG file.



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The current interim updates for FSUIPC, from the Announcements, allows users to assign names (only single letters, but not numbers) to their known named devices, and FSUIPC then automatically finds the correct device -- provided it still has the same name. Obviously it can't handle a name change automatically, but at least then the change that you accomplished in the assignments would simply be a change in the [JoyNames] section, to associate the joystick letter to the new names for devices. All the other sections are then unaffected.

The letters can be auto-assigned by FSUIPC, or can be chosen to suit usage -- eg "R" for rudder, "J" for joystick, "Y" for Yoke, "Q" for throttle Quadrant, and so on.



I'll have a look at that - thanks Pete.

Ian P.

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