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PMDG 737 Fire Warning Test

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Hi Pete,

I had set up a pushbutton switch for testing the firewarning bell using your mousetrapping. However to get it to work whenever I load FS, the first time I have to bring up the TQ on the screen. After that it will wok without the TQ being on screen. Any thoughts about this?



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I had set up a pushbutton switch for testing the firewarning bell using your mousetrapping. However to get it to work whenever I load FS, the first time I have to bring up the TQ on the screen. After that it will wok without the TQ being on screen. Any thoughts about this?

It sounds as if that gauge isn't loaded when the aircraft is loaded. If the code isn't in memory it cannot be used. FSUIPC will not, itself, load gauges just to call them -- think what would happen in other aircraft. The mouse macros only work for modules actually loaded with the aircraft.

Best load it up and save a flight with it visible. Use "W" or whatever to remove the panel on first loading. Maybe even a flight saved in "W" mode would be okay too. I don't know.

More memory might help too? Possibly FS is running short so doesn't preload it?



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