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any chance of binding sevaral macro's to 1 key?

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any chance of binding sevaral macro's to 1 key?

I just figured out what mouse macro's do, what a clever option

it even fixes bugs in the aircraft release (not working key definition)

on PMDG MD-11 there are lots of buttons, that operate by mouse

so I run out of fysical buttons

for instance, landing lights has 3 positions with seperate L and R light switch, and a Taxi light, also 2 down positions

mouse macro detects a 'down' and an 'up' trigger

in PMDG-key-define-options one can only define Toggle On/Off lights (2-at-once) (bugger), what a pity

so a nice compromise would be to have a switch 'dwn' macro, but with the - edit - option to

bind 2 macro's to 1 button (for instance, L/R landing Lights, or to popup several sub-panels at once. MD-11 has maaaany subpanels, or the de-icing switches)

in regular button definition, one can serialize several actions, by defining the the same button

in the macro file, I find a similar line numbering and

it would be nice, for instance, be able to edit the macro file, or something like that, to bind several actions together

so they can be triggered by 1 button action

an extension of this

would be to be able to add (a) mouse macro('s) (mix and match) to a regular button definition

for instance,

one can lower the landing gear, and this also triggers/calls the macro that switches on the taxi light on the nose wheel

how nice that would be, please consider

(if I missed something, I am sure you'll let me know)

thx mt

Vista64, latest FSUIPC4, FSX/SP2

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any chance of binding sevaral macro's to 1 key?

Well you can by editing the INI file and making the additional assigns by hand. But I would instead recomment simply making a new multi-line macro and assigning to that. Just edit the Macro file. The format for single lines in

  • n==

For multiline is would be

  • n=

and so on.

as per Advanced User's documentation.

Your macro actions can contain any keypress or control actions: this isn't just about "mouse macros". Macro files are for anything.

For more advanced options, with decisions, loops, reading FSUIPC and FS values, displays, asking user for input and so on, you use the Lua plug-in facilities instead.



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what am I missing:

Left/Right landinglight Switch, down/up

seperate macro's #5 #6 working

put together #3 #4, only first line works, i.c. 3.1 / 4.1, i.c only LeftLandingLight moves down/up





3.1=RX3270*X8bcc ;LeftLandingLight

3.2=RX3290*X8bcc ;RightLandingLight


4.1=RX3270*X8bcc,31 ;LeftLandingLight

4.2=RX3290*X8bcc,31 ;RightLandingLight

5=llLdwn=RX3270*X8bcc ;LeftLandingLight

6=llRdwn=RX3290*X8bcc ;RightLandingLight




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put together #3 #4, only first line works, i.c. 3.1 / 4.1, i.c only LeftLandingLight moves down/up

Those should work. Maybe it is too fast for the gauge, though that seems very unlikely -- after all it isn't calling the second routine till the first one returns.

I don't have the MD11 to try this on, but I'll check it on the 747. Can you dprovide a little more information please?

1. Version of FSUIPC. (You only said "latest FSUIPC4" -- that's meaningless. Please always give version numbers!)

2. If not the real latest increment (4.427), please try that so we are on the same base

3. Enable Button & Key logging in FSUIPC's Logging tab, operate the LLdown macro and show me the logged results.



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Those should work. Maybe it is too fast for the gauge, though that seems very unlikely -- after all it isn't calling the second routine till the first one returns.

Okay -- found it! It's a bug. It only obeys the first line, UNLESS the very first Macro in the MCRO file is also multi-lined. Evidently in my multi-line tests I used files with only multi-lined macros in them.

Good catch! I'll fix it today. Look out for new interim updates for both FSUIPC3 and FSUPC4 in the Updates Announcement later.


Okay, it's up. 4.428 fixes this.



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