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Can't find HOTAS Microstick in FSUIPC

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New here. And a rookie. With problems!

Here's my setup:

PC: Intel Core Duo CPU E8400, 3.00 GHz; RAM 4.0 GB; 1Tb HDD; ATI Radeon HD 4800; Vista Home Premium 64bits.

Joystick: Thrustmaster HOTAS Cougar

Sim: VRS F/A-18 E Superhornet "The Superbug"

FSUIPC: version 3.85 (registered)

Here's my problem. I'm a former Jane's F/A-18 "pilot" that's been off simming for many years. Now I'm on it again, and in the process of installing and configuring everything of the above.

When programming my HOTAS Cougar with FSUIPC I'm running into problems with the TDC microstick. Clicking it for radar designation is ok (that's the "ENTER" button in the Superbug). But slewing the radar cursor (that's the keyboard "ARROWS") with the HOTAS microstick goes over my head. Nowhere in the FSUIPC programming tool do I find any microstick response. I've checked the microstick in the Cougar Control Panel (CCP), and it seems ok there.

Can anyone help? (Please, be extremely clear in your instructions. Im REALLLLY new at this!)


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Nowhere in the FSUIPC programming tool do I find any microstick response.

What IS this "microstick"? Sorry, I've no idea. Maybe it uses some of the later-added axes not supported in the Joystick facilities FSUIPC3 uses. If so, I'm sorry but you are out of luck until you update to FSX and FSUIPC4 -- I wrote new axis code in FSUIPC4 which copes with all the axes which "DirectInput" can support.

FSUIPC3 supports axes called X Y Z R U and V. These are the 6 axes supported in al versions of Windows for many many years. More were added in DirectInput.

I attach a program you can run to check which axes are which. It uses the same interface as FSUIPC3.




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Hey Pete.

Thx for your swift response. And for the joyview tool. Can't get it to work, though. Can only see my joystick's X- and Y-axis moving.

As for the microstick, it's on the throttle, like a small joystick itself, moves in all directions (up/down and all around) and can when moved up or down move the cursor on the radar screen (if properly programmed/activated i.e.) and when the cursor is over your chosen target blip, you click the microstick in and that lockes your radar target acquisition and missiles to that specific target. Real life F-16 procedure, if I'm correctly informed.

Upgrading to FSX is not an option since this sim (F/A-18 Superbug) only runs in FS9.

Here's a pic:


Here's a program example by Kjell Olav "K@OS" Spångberg (for Jane's F/A-18) written in Thrustmasters Foxy (comes with the Cougar) which I think sets the microstick (T1) funktion in the joystick.

Rem +------------------------------------------------------------------+

Rem | M O U S E A N D T D C M O V E M E N T

Rem +------------------------------------------------------------------+


/O /H Target_Designate

MIX /I 2 11 MSX(-10) MSX(-7) MSX(-4) MSX(-2) MSX(-1) MSX(0) MSX(1) MSX(2) MSX(4) MSX(7) MSX(10)

/O 3 TDC_Left ^ TDC_Right

MIY /I 2 11 MSY(10) MSY(7) MSY(4) MSY(2) MSY(1) MSY(0) MSY(-1) MSY(-2) MSY(-4) MSY(-7) MSY(-10)

/O 3 TDC_Down ^ TDC_Up

with these corresponding macros:

Target_Designate = ENT Rem Designate a target using the TDC

TDC_Up = UARROW Rem Slew the TDC up

TDC_Down = DARROW Rem Slew the TDC down

TDC_Left = LARROW Rem Slew the TDC left

TDC_Right = RARROW Rem Slew the TDC right

If that makes it any clearer!?!

PS. This HOTAS isn't all that new. Bought it back in 2003

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Thx for your swift response. And for the joyview tool. Can't get it to work, though. Can only see my joystick's X- and Y-axis moving.

What? On all 16 devices it can show, only 2 axes, no buttons, no other axes?

If that's the case then that'll be all that FSUIPC3 can see too. It uses exactly the same interface.

As for the microstick, it's on the throttle, like a small joystick itself, moves in all directions (up/down and all around) and can when moved up or down move the cursor on the radar screen (if properly programmed/activated i.e.) and when the cursor is over your chosen target blip, you click the microstick in

Are you sure it isn't acting as a mouse? Does it move and click the Windows mouse cursor?

Otherwise, that last action sounds like it must be acting as a button. If that's not seen in FSUIPC's Button & Switches tab then it must be outside the standard 32 button range FSUIPC can cope with -- DirectInput can handle 64 buttons.

If not a mouse, the microstick might be a POV (point of view) device, like a "hat". In FSUIPC3 one POV only is supported, as a set of 4 or 8 buttons (depending on the Hat). DirectInput supports more, but you'd need FSX + FSUIPC4 for that. The throttle device looks as if it already has a hat on it, so maybe the microstick is a second hat, or a true joystick with X-Y type axes.

This HOTAS isn't all that new. Bought it back in 2003

DirectInput has been around longer than that. FS has been using it since FS2002 I think. Before that FS used the same interface as FSUIPC -- in fact that's why I used that interface in FSUIPC which was designed in FS98 days.

Sorry, for FSUIPC3 it looks like you may be out of luck for that button/stick.



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Hi again, Pete.

No, it's not that joyview can't see the joystick buttons. It's me not knowing how to run joyview.

Now I've come to a point where with the HOTAS in "Emulation on" mode (user programmed mode), I can see all joystick and throttle axis in joyview, but no buttons. Some of them - incl the microstick - seem to work as mouse inputs moving the cursor and clicking stuff.

In "Emulation off" mode (Windows mode) all axis and buttons give response in joyview. Even the microstick when used as a button (pushed in). But the friggin' microstick, when moved up and down doesn't show anywhere.

Any new suggestions how to put this thing to work given the above? It's really cool (in Jane's F/A-18) to slew the radar cursor to a desired target and locking it up using this microstick, while operating the other HOTAS controls simultaneousely! :mrgreen:

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Now I've come to a point where with the HOTAS in "Emulation on" mode (user programmed mode), I can see all joystick and throttle axis in joyview, but no buttons.

Maybe, in that mode, they are meant to produce keystrokes instead?

Some of them - incl the microstick - seem to work as mouse inputs moving the cursor and clicking stuff.

Emulating a mouse, then. Call it a "mousestick"? :-)

In "Emulation off" mode (Windows mode) all axis and buttons give response in joyview. Even the microstick when used as a button (pushed in). But the friggin' microstick, when moved up and down doesn't show anywhere.

Sorry, then. It isn't possible to use it in FSUIPC3. Maybe you need to use the "Emulation On" mode and program it differently in FS?



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  • 3 years later...

Hi Peter, Is this question resolved?

I have the latest version of fsuipc (sept 2012) and I do not know what axis to assign to a similar component that is on the market since 2004 (the microstick/microjoystick of the ch throttle). What axis to activate in fsuipc or in fsx to have this microstick work as a TDC radar?

I can assign it to the ailerons and elevators and is working fine but that is not the function I am looking for.

I use FA/18 from VRS for FSX and I have ch pro throttle, fightherstick and pro pedals and W7 64bit.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi Peter, Is this question resolved?

See previous answers.

I have the latest version of fsuipc (sept 2012)

There were several versions released in September. -- 4 of FSUIPC4 and at least one of FSUIPC3. They have version numbers, which are really really easy to find -- in the log, on the screen in options, in the DLL right-click Properties-Version, even amazingly in the documents supplied in the Zip. Please always give version numbers.

and I do not know what axis to assign to a similar component that is on the market since 2004 (the microstick/microjoystick of the ch throttle). What axis to activate in fsuipc or in fsx to have this microstick work as a TDC radar?

If this "microstick" is visible via DirectInput as a normal joystick type device, it will be visible and assignable in FSUIPC when you move it. If it isn't then it presumably is not a normal Windows joystick device. You'll need to consult its documentation to see how to use it.

I've no idea what a TDC radar is nor how you could use a joystick as one. Sorry.

I can assign it to the ailerons and elevators and is working fine but that is not the function I am looking for.

So it IS visible as a joystick! Then you can assign it to any of the FS controls listed, or to any additional FSUIPC controls listed -- see the drop down in the assignments tab. You can even assign it to do things with FSUIPC offsets.

I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by "using it as a TDC radar". That makes no sense to me I'm afraid.

After today I am away on holiday till november 5th, so please forgive any delays. You might be better off posting a question in a new thread with the title saying something about "TDC Radar", as evidently your question is certainly not about getting your microstick working, which is what this thread was about. By using the proper titles in threads you are more likely to get help from folks who know.



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Thanks for the preliminary answers Peter. I have bought the latest version in September fsuipc 4 something.

I didn't open a new post as this one was convenient: same issue only CH instead of TM.

I quote from the beginning of the post: "When programming my HOTAS Cougar with FSUIPC I'm running into problems with the TDC microstick. Clicking it for radar designation is ok (that's the "ENTER" button in the Superbug). But slewing the radar cursor (that's the keyboard "ARROWS") with the HOTAS microstick goes over my head. Nowhere in the FSUIPC programming tool do I find any microstick response."

If I assign the microstick to ailerons and elevators, I can control the aircraft with it, but what I want to do is simulate as axis the arrows keyboard function.

If the answer is: "Maybe you need to use the "Emulation On" mode and program it differently in FS" then I do not understand it.

The TDC radar or radar cursor is activated in VRS by using the keyboard arrows up, down, left, right.

The idea instead of using the buttons is to use the axis to assign these fonctions but I do not manage it.

The way it is done with ch manager is described in the link (middle of the page). I used it like that for many military sims, but for FSX I am using your software (usually it was even already programmed in profiles made by some individuals).


Enjoy your holiday.

Edited by Sagal
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Thanks for the preliminary answers Peter. I have bought the latest version in September fsuipc 4 something.

It isn't "4.something" but 4. then two or three decimal digits! Version 4 is the one for FSX and has been so for over six years. The version number is easy to find, so why not quote it? There were four releases in September. And you don't "buy the latest version" you buy FSUIPC3 (for FS9 and before) or you buy FSUIPC4 (for FSX or later). Your purchase covers all versions FSUIPC 4.xxx, so there's no way I can know what actual version you are using unless you tell me!.

The actual latest version 4, as you will see from the Download Links subforum, is 4.858.

I didn't open a new post as this one was convenient: same issue only CH instead of TM.

I quote from the beginning of the post: "When programming my HOTAS Cougar with FSUIPC I'm running into problems with the TDC microstick. Clicking it for radar designation is ok (that's the "ENTER" button in the Superbug). But slewing the radar cursor (that's the keyboard "ARROWS") with the HOTAS microstick goes over my head. Nowhere in the FSUIPC programming tool do I find any microstick response."

So "TDC Radar" isn't some FS function peculiar to a cockpit, as it came across to me, but a mode of use of your joystick?

Anyway, the crucial part of the above is

"Nowhere in the FSUIPC programming tool do I find any microstick response"

in which case it evidently is not looking like a normal joystick device, at least in the "TDC Radar" mode, therefore you can't program it as a joystick device in FSUIPC -- unless perhaps you can get USB innterface programming details for it and write your own Lua plug-in to handle it.

If I assign the microstick to ailerons and elevators, I can control the aircraft with it, but what I want to do is simulate as axis the arrows keyboard function.

If the "TDC Radar" means sending keystrokes then they won't be detected as assignable bttns or axes. You need to program the keystrokes instead.

If the answer is: "Maybe you need to use the "Emulation On" mode and program it differently in FS" then I do not understand it.

The TDC radar or radar cursor is activated in VRS by using the keyboard arrows up, down, left, right.

The idea instead of using the buttons is to use the axis to assign these fonctions but I do not manage it.

Sorry, I am totally confused now. I do not understand any of that at all. Where does "VRS" come into it, and what is "emulation on mode"? This must all be related to other programs I assume?

If FSUIPC can see device buttons and axes as device buttons and axes, you can assign them in FSUIPC. If it cannot then you cannot. It is really that simple. If you can make this strange device send the right signals to the PC then I'm sure you can do something with it. I'm really sorry I can't be more help than this.



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Yes I have the version you mentioned.

Well I will see what I can do from your answers. Thank you.

As I understand it the only way to somehow assign an axis to these arrows keyboard is to program it whether in my case with ch manager or by using a lua file. One exists for VRS. As it is not working for me for the microstick part, maybe I have some conflicts. I will restart from scratch another time.

Concerning the part on: "Sorry, then. It isn't possible to use it in FSUIPC3. Maybe you need to use the "Emulation On" mode and program it differently in FS?" I am sorry for the confusion it was about the previous resolution of the question. Adapted to ch products: it means using the ch manager.

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As I understand it the only way to somehow assign an axis to these arrows keyboard is to ...

The problem I have in helping you is simply that I do not understand the concept of assigning an axis to "these arrow keyboard". What IS an "arrow keyboard", and how would any keyboard type of control even act as an axis? An "axis" is something which provides variable values according to position, i.e. a joystick or lever. I do not see how "arrows" or "keyboards" come into that.

When you use the keyboard to control a value which is more commonly or more conveniently controlled by an axis input, you do it by assigning INCREMENTS and DECREMENTS. For every axis type control in FS there are increment and decrement controls which you can assign. indeed, most are already assigned on the "normal keyboard" for use by folks without a joystick.

FSUIPC can also assign such controls to keyboard inputs. Is this what you really mean and need to use, perhaps?



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OK my problem is solved. In addition I had some conflict. This time I deactivated the joystick in FSX and used fsuipc4 for all axis and calibration. I also used a lua file for VRS FA/18 written by Tripod available at VRS forum. He scripted the keyboard arrows keys so that one can use the microstick of ch throttle, TM cougar etc for using it to move the radar cursor. More details there (registered users of vrs only). Sorry if I cannot be more specific, I only understand the big picture, I cannot explain it. Your help was very usefull as I understood that the axis I was looking for was not existing and has to be scripted.


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Hi Sagal, Hi Pete,

The script he is referring to is the exact same script I posted here in the user contributions forum named SuperScript_VRS.lua

Just for you reference Pete, he was trying to assign the micro stick which was being recognized fine as an X and Y AXIS to the UP, DOWN, LEFT , RIGHT Arrow keys on the keyboard, this controls a radar cursor in the VRS superbug that designates targets, you basically move a little cursor around the screen up, down, left or right on the radar, put the cursor on top of the target you want and hit enter to designate and track/lock that target.

My script simply calls ipc.keypress commands for those four functions,

It looks like he had some crossed assignments with his AXIS or possible corruption, I got him to delete the FSUIPC.INI file, reset all the FSX assignments and start again and it now seems to be solved.

P.S. I'm still having a ball with this LUA scripting, THANKYOU so much for the facility, I have been playing with annunciators now and I can't believe the things one can achieve.

Cheers Glenn

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