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Hey all.

I'm in a virtual airliner, using FSUIPC and VAFS, for tracking our flights.

Now, when I open my FSX with REX (Real Environment Xtreme), the FSUIPC fails to connect to flightsim, and says that the IPC timed out on all retries..

The problem doesn't occure when I'm opening my FSX without REX, so I guess there's something with that?

Please help..

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I'm in a virtual airliner, using FSUIPC and VAFS, for tracking our flights.

Now, when I open my FSX with REX (Real Environment Xtreme), the FSUIPC fails to connect to flightsim, and says that the IPC timed out on all retries..

The problem doesn't occure when I'm opening my FSX without REX, so I guess there's something with that?

FSUIPC has no such message as "IPC timed out on all retries" -- FSUIPC does not have to "connect to flightsim" as it runs as PART of flightSim. Maybe you mean that some utility program you are using (for this VAFS (?) presumably) isn't connecting to FSUIPC? That is not the same thing at all.

A possible problem is that your PC is slowed down a lot by the add-on of REX and, whatever VAFS does, it has too tight a timeout to cope with the horrible response times. Could that be the case? Is VAFS the program you are trying to run which fails to connect to FSUIPC? Have you asked the author about it?

I wouldn't have thought that REX used FSUIPC at all, so I can't see how it could affect things directly, only via impinging on performance. What does the FSUIPC log show? And what version number of FSUIPC are you using? That information is always needed. If not the latest please try it first -- see the Updates Announcement above.


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No sorry, I meant VAFS comes with an FSUIPC error log, saying the IPC timed out.

Yes, I am trying to track a flight in vafs, (thereby clicking on the "track flight" button), where the log says it's connecting to flightsim, and then after 1-1½ sec, it displays the error: IPC timed out on all retries.

I'd say it isn't being slowed down, because REX and VAFS doesn't use that much space/memory, it's more like some thing in the programme, is blocking files' entrance to FSUIPC, and thereby "timing out".

The version of VAFS and FSUIPC, I'm using, is the newest -just ercently downloaded from your website and vafinancials.com.

REX doesn't use FSUIPC, but VAFS does. VAFS is using FSUIPC to track a flight from A to B, and just getting informations of fuel, altitude, speed etc.

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I'm not sure what OS you are using or whether this will actually help in your case, but if you are using Vista then make sure all programs have the option "run as administrator" set in their properties. If you have a mix and match of some programs having admin rights and some not then Vista wont let them communicate with one another. A program without admin rights cannot interact with a program that does, and vice versa.

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