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ADVdisplay panel save

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scratch that question. just read a little deeper to find that that option was removed in an earlier version. sorry bout that

Sorry, either I'm confused or you are? :)

You can still dock to a panel part. That's the "dock" option in the drop down menu you get when right-clicking. There's also a "lock" option, which locks it instead, to a fixed position irrespective of panel.

If you dock it to a panel, it saves the details in the PANEL.CFG file, in its own section. That will contain the name of the panel part it is docked to (which you can edit if you like). It will disappear when that panel part is not on screen and reappear when it returns.

Maybe you are talking about a different option?

The main change was that the docking position isn't now relative to the panel bitmap position, it is a screen postion now. The "docking" merely associates it with a panel part for the purposes of displaying it and hiding it.

The alternative way of using it is to "lock" it in position instead, then hide it and show it by assigning a hot key for this in FSUIPC's Hot Keys page.

Hope this helps,


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