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Manual elevator trim with Thomas Richter TSR 737NG

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Hi Pete,

I'm a bit confused how to setup FSUIPC 3.90.

I would like assign two joystick buttons ( joy #0 1 Btn#) for Trim up.

And ( joy #0 7 Btn#) for Trim down.

Thomas provided 2 offsets for this 0x6DB9 Bit 0 for trim up and 0x6DB9 Bit 1 for trim down.

Now I choose on the Buttons & Switches Tab and select "Offset byte select bits" Offset "0x6DB9" and in the parameter box "0" for trim up.

Same for trim down.

I'm not sure about "Offset byte select bits" because the trim function doesn't work.

And I've selected "Manual trim" on TSR 737NG program.

Hope you can help.

Best regards

Jan Geurtsen

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I'm a bit confused how to setup FSUIPC 3.90.

I would like assign two joystick buttons ( joy #0 1 Btn#) for Trim up.

And ( joy #0 7 Btn#) for Trim down.

Thomas provided 2 offsets for this 0x6DB9 Bit 0 for trim up and 0x6DB9 Bit 1 for trim down.

This is not setting up FSUIPC, then, but setting up some third party software?

The 6DB9 offset is private to TSR. I don't know how to use it. my trim system refers direct to FS offsets.

I'm not sure about "Offset byte select bits" because the trim function doesn't work.

I'm not sure about "Offset byte select bits" either because there's no control listed by that name. Do you perhaps mean "Offset byte setbits"? Anyway, either way, FSUIPC uses the form "x..." for hexadecimal, not "0x..." so the offset box should contain x6DB9 not 0x6DB9. It does tell you this in the FSUIPC documents.

And I've selected "Manual trim" on TSR 737NG program.

Hope you can help.

Sorry, I don't know this part of Thomas's program, so I really cannot help. Really it is best to seek help with other programs from their own support. Thomas is very good at answering questions on his programs.



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