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FSUIPC Variables

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Hello all - Question to the experts!

I should much appreciate getting information in a problem concerning FSUIPC:

Can anyone help me finding the FSUIPC (Vs.3.5) offset (in FS 2004) for the maximal

gross weight of the aircraft currently loaded in FS ?


The table within the manual "FSUIP for Programmers" lists the position 1334 hex

with a 4 Byte entry for the maximal gross weight * 256 of the aircraft involved.

However, a check with the "FSInterrogate2std.exe" programm reveals that at that position

there does not exist a known variable, and the check of the underlying Hex

representation shows that there are four 0-Bytes. Also, in the neighbourhood of

this position, I did not succeed to find a meaningful entry, which can be interpreted

as the desired weight.

Thanks for the attention,

Gerhard Berendt



Dr. Gerhard Berendt

e-mail: berendt@zedat.fu-berlin.de

internet: http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~berendt


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Can anyone help me finding the FSUIPC (Vs.3.5) offset (in FS 2004) for the maximal

gross weight of the aircraft currently loaded in FS ?

Version 3.5 is well out of date -- over three years in fact! It is totally unsupported.

Offset 1334 wasn't added till version 3.80, in March 2008!

You appear to be reading a later version of the Offsets list yet using a very old FSUIPC and a very old FSI file in FSInterrogate!

Please do NOT ask for help here before checking you are up to date! It just wastes everyone's time. Please see the Announcements above for current version numbers.


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