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Saitek Pro Flight Help!

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I need some help to calibrate my Pro Flight Yoke System because, on axis calibration there are no differences between the "min" and "mid" positions. The numbers are the same then, I can't set reverse, props feather and cut off mixture.

On CH products I know that there are a "DetentValue" that I must set but on Saitek products I don't know how to do it if the same problems exists.

Whith thrust reverse, I "walked around" using F2 key on "buttons + switches" but for prop feather and mixture cut off, I don't know how to do it so the need of help :oops:

I have FS9, Vista 64 and the last drivers for Pro flight system.

Many thanks in advance



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I need some help to calibrate my Pro Flight Yoke System because, on axis calibration there are no differences between the "min" and "mid" positions. The numbers are the same then, I can't set reverse, props feather and cut off mixture.

If the levers don't give different values between two positions, then there's nothing any calibrating software can possibly do. Either your device is broken, or, more likely, it's drivers need sorting out. You'll need to contact the makers about that I fear.

On CH products I know that there are a "DetentValue" that I must set but on Saitek products I don't know how to do it if the same problems exists.

Sorry, I don't have either and I have no idea how their drivers work. Perhaps other Saitek users will be able to help you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

It is interesting that 'cmgam' can't configure his Saitek Yoke. I have Vista/64 and the Saitek drivers will not install (and Saitek cannot help)

I am using the Microsoft Vista Default driver, which recognizes all the Axes and buttons. With FSUIPC, I can at least keep flying.!!

And my question is nearly the same as his. Saitek Yoke & single Throttle Quadrant.

I cannot figure out how to set the 'Reverser' on the throttle (pulling the all the way down - then pressing down to activate the switch)

I also cannot figure out how to set the 'Feather' on the propeller (again, pull all the way down - then press down to activate the switch)

I've read the manual (about 6 times now) but must be missing something

Best regards

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I cannot figure out how to set the 'Reverser' on the throttle (pulling the all the way down - then pressing down to activate the switch)

I also cannot figure out how to set the 'Feather' on the propeller (again, pull all the way down - then press down to activate the switch)

Button activated reverse can only be done by assigning the button to the appropriate "DECREASE" control, probably THROTTLE_DEC for throttle and PROP_PITCH _DEC (or something like that) for prop pitch -- whatever way you do it on the keyboard, it would be the same control. Have it repeating. You probably also need a cancellation control, to set IDLE or zero when the button is released. I don't really know -- ask other Saitek users.

FSUIPC's reverse zone facilities are for proper axes with real reverse zones or reverser levers on them. Your Saitek's take the cheap way out by having a button instead. FSUIPC will simply see that as a button, it is up to you to decide what to do with it.

I'm really amazed that Saitek don't provide documentation or help on this.

I've read the manual (about 6 times now) but must be missing something

What, the Saitek manual? Or FSUIPC? FSUIPC's manual doesn't deal with specific equipment. It is not possible for me to purchase and document the best way to handle each item of equipment you can possibly connect.



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Thank you for the answer, I will persevere (sp) with the settings. I finally figured out why one plane kept 'yawing/pitching'.....it has dual controls !!

I finally used "set 1 & set 2" for throttle, mixture, prop. (as Homer Simpson says......DOH!!)

(And to the poster who suggested assigning "F2" to the switch.....I had tried that, and it doesn't work. At least not for me)

Again, thanks for the awesome program !!

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I'm using F2 as "reverser", assigning throttle as Jim Harnes :wink: .

"Feathering" propellers, as you, I don't know how to do it :? .

Well, since by default FS assigns the F2 key to the "THROTTLE DECR" control (which would actually be a better choice to the keypress -- all FS is doing is looking up F2 in its keyboard assignments and converting it to THROTTLE DECR), I should think the equivalent for Propeller Pitch is "PROP PITCH DECR", which by default is assigned to the Ctrl+F2 keypress. Likewise, the MIXTURE DECR control is assigned to Shft+Ctrl+F2.

In all cases, however, i'd strongly recommend assigning direct to the FS Control rather than the KeyPress, which is (a) inefficient and (b) liable to reassignment (by you of course, but also other programs, including FSUIPC).



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Ok lets see if I can give written instructions on how to programme two levers for individual engines and use the same levers for reverse thrust for the Saitek throttle quadrant. A registered copy of FSUIPC is required and used for all axis controls i.e. joystick etc is disabled in FS.

Open FSUIPC at the Axis Assign Tab and press the Rescan Button until the two boxes marked Joy# and Axis# are empty and Move Lever is displayed

Move the first lever and Joy# 1 and Z Axiz# will be displayed

Under the section marked Type Of Action Required enable Send Direct To FSUIPC Calibration

Find Throttle 1 in the drop down list directly underneath and tick the box at the side to enable it

Rescan again and do the same with the second lever but this time Joy#1 and U Axis# will be displayed and so enable Throttle 2 in the drop down

It's as simple as that for assigning the levers but they now need calibrating and so the next step is as follows;

Open the Joystick Calibration Tab in FSUIPC and step to the Seperate Throttles Per Engine section where the 4 sections within for throttles will be displaying "Axis not processed". Of course we are only interested in Throttles 1 & 2 so the next step is to calibrate Throttle 1.

There are several boxes which will indicate IN and OUT readings. There is no need for a detailed explanation here but the numbers in brackets are mine.... yours may be different.

Set the lever to 25% on the quadrant (8832) and press the Set button which will enable three more set buttons to the right, Reverse, Idle and Max corresponding IN OUT boxes.

Press the Idle button twice and the boxes underneath will be the same as the two on the left (8832). This is, as indicated, the Idle point.

Now move the lever to 100% ie max thrust and the left boxes will indicate a positive number (16383) and don't worry if they are not exactly the same. Press the Max button to transfer this number to the Max box.

Next is Reverse thrust so move the lever to 0% and transfer what is now a negative number to the Reverse box using the Reverse button.

You now have individual throttle control for each engine where 25% on the quadrant is idle thrust along with individual reversers at 0%.

For the techies amongst you there are detailed explanations available amongst the comprehensive documentation provided with FSUIPC and for those of you are interested I use the third lever as a gear lever.

I hope that this has been some help and do apologise for the lack of screen shots..... the resolution wasn't good enough if I kept them to a manageable size.


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