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PSS Airbus A320

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Ok, from everything I read and hands on, the PSS A320 does not work with the thrust lever of a quadrant. One must use the + and - on the numeric keypad, I find it quite cumbersome for taxi, any solution out there to overcome this? and of course being able to use the lever!


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You can use the throttle, but it will only work as a throttle, not correctly as the engine management system of an A320.

The reason for this is that the A320 does not use throttles in the same way as, say, a Boeing 737 does - it uses a system of "gates", which you click the throttles into to select modes. Once it is in that gate, you don't move it until you enter a different phase of flight. Basically, once it it is CLB, you leave it there until you close the throttles to land. This is what the keypresses simulate.

So if you want to use the throttles to fly, you can, but you can't use the autothrottle if you do so. There is no workaround for this.

However, if you absolutely have to fly controlling the aircraft using the throttle quadrant to select the gates then the fix is "buy the FeelThere/Wilco A320", where the gate position is selected using the throttle on your stick or quadrant rather than by keypresses. It does have some bugs, yes, but so does the PSS model!

Ian P.

(Ex PSS beta tester once upon a time)

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Ok, from everything I read and hands on, the PSS A320 does not work with the thrust lever of a quadrant. One must use the + and - on the numeric keypad, I find it quite cumbersome for taxi, any solution out there to overcome this? and of course being able to use the lever!

As well as what Ian says, with a registered install of FSUIPC you could effectively assign the relevant key presses (+ and - was it?) to the lever using the right-hand side of the FSUIPC axis assignment Tab. You can have up to 10 zones in each direction, crossing which could produce a control (two, actually, one on entry, one on exit) -- and there are FSUIPC added controls which produce keystrokes. If 20 keystrokes in each direction is sufficient then that could work okay.



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