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Hi Pete,

I would like to calculate the CG% of the aircraft. In case of FSX I read the 2EF8 offset but in case of FS9 it does not work.

So, the only way to calculate the CG% at FS9 is to read

1.) empty_weight_CG_position

2.) empty_weight_pitch_MOI

3.) Aircraft empty weight

4.) Aircraft total weight

5.) reference_datum_position of payload stations and fuel tanks.

I can read throu fsuipc the positions 3,4,5 but not the positions 1,2

Can you find a solution of reading those positions throu offsets?


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I would like to calculate the CG% of the aircraft. In case of FSX I read the 2EF8 offset but in case of FS9 it does not work.

It doesn't? That's the first time that has been reported. It always has worked, through FS2000, FS2002 and FS2004. Can you give me more details?

I'll try to check it here if I can get my FS2004 PC up and running. Had hardware difficulties with it recently.

1.) empty_weight_CG_position

2.) empty_weight_pitch_MOI

3.) Aircraft empty weight

4.) Aircraft total weight

5.) reference_datum_position of payload stations and fuel tanks.

I can read throu fsuipc the positions 3,4,5 but not the positions 1,2

Are such values available in FS?

Can you find a solution of reading those positions throu offsets?

Only if you tell me where they are to be found. I'd rather find out why 2EF8 has suddenly stopped working after all these years!



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Hi pete,

It doesn't? That's the first time that has been reported. It always has worked, through FS2000, FS2002 and FS2004. Can you give me more details?

I'll try to check it here if I can get my FS2004 PC up and running. Had hardware difficulties with it recently.

The offset 2EF8 gives a reasonable value for fsx like 25 to 27 that is correct accoring to my calculations, but fs9 returns a value of 0,15 to 0,20. This is not correct. I use 3.90 for fs9.

Are such values available in FS?

Positions 3,4,5 yes

Positions 1,2 I do not know but it exists inside aircraft.cfg

Maybe you can provide the Full pathname of the current cfg file like the air file of offset 3C00? Then I can read position 1 and 2 from the text file.

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In case of FSX I read the 2EF8 offset but in case of FS9 it does not work.

Wonder of wonders, my FS2004 PC booted up okay today!

I've checked 2EF8 and, whilst I do not know enough to tell whether the figures are correct, the value given most certainly varies as one would expect when changing the payloads. Why do you think it isn't working? (I am using FSUIPC 3.911, in case there's a difference).

Comparing the sorts of values I'm getting there with those in FSX I can see what your problem might be -- it's a bug in the FSX version. I am presenting it as a percentage whereas it should be a fraction -- i.e. not 16.2345 but 0.162345 -- in FS2004 and before it was always the fractional value, you multiply by 100 for a percentage.

I'll fix FSUIPC4 -- look out for Version 4.517 soon!



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Hi Pete,

Thank very much.


In case of FSX I read the 2EF8 offset but in case of FS9 it does not work.

Wonder of wonders, my FS2004 PC booted up okay today!

I've checked 2EF8 and, whilst I do not know enough to tell whether the figures are correct, the value given most certainly varies as one would expect when changing the payloads. Why do you think it isn't working? (I am using FSUIPC 3.911, in case there's a difference).

Comparing the sorts of values I'm getting there with those in FSX I can see what your problem might be -- it's a bug in the FSX version. I am presenting it as a percentage whereas it should be a fraction -- i.e. not 16.2345 but 0.162345 -- in FS2004 and before it was always the fractional value, you multiply by 100 for a percentage.

I'll fix FSUIPC4 -- look out for Version 4.517 soon!



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