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Problem creating mouse Macro

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Hi Pete,

I´ve just bought your amazing FSUIPC 4.

Now I´m trying to create a mouse macro so that I can use my GoFlight MCP Advanced Autopilot with the Flight one ATR72-500.

But here´s my problem:

Recording works fine, all the buttons and knobs are recognized by FSUIPC, i can put any mouse action to any button on my GF-MCP and everything is working fine when I´m doing the test pressing TAB.

But when I stop recording, and go back to FSX, nothing happens when I´m pressing the buttons on my autopilot.

Am I doing anything wrong programming this module?

I´ve found an earlier forum post with a similar problem in PMDG´s MD11.

Could you please explain me how to solve that issue.

Kind Regards


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Hi Andy,

thanks for the fast reply.

I tried to assign the macro in a subpanel of the 2D - panel.

Indeed it´s impossible to support an aircraft that you don´t have on your machine. :D

Kind regards


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Does FSUIPC see the actual buttons being pressed on the GF MCP or do you have to assign keyboard button presses in FSUIPC and then use software supplied by GF to assign these keyboard definitions to the buttons and dials on the MCP etc?

If you have to use GF software with key definitions, do the keyboard short cuts you have created actually work the function you have assigned them?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Is really no solution known??

No idea. Are you referring to this query of about three weeks ago?

Recording works fine, all the buttons and knobs are recognized by FSUIPC, i can put any mouse action to any button on my GF-MCP and everything is working fine when I´m doing the test pressing TAB.

But when I stop recording, and go back to FSX, nothing happens when I´m pressing the buttons on my autopilot.

What's been going on all this time? Have you tried anything? What do the mouse macros look like? What version of FSUIPC4 are you using -- the latest is 4.522, from the Updates announcement. Have you tried that? Maybe the mouse action needs qualifying (see the notes in the docs)? I've actually never heard of something working with the "TAB" test and not working subsequently, when assigned -- because the TAB test does the same thing as an assigned key or button.

I'm not going to buy and install an aircraft I don't want just to try things myself. I provide the tools and suggestions, the rest is up to you. If you want more help, you need to supply more information -- such as the macro files and the buttons section of the INI file.

You also said

I´ve found an earlier forum post with a similar problem in PMDG´s MD11.

Can you provide the link to that please? Because I don't know of anything outstanding for any of the PMDG aircraft. The mouse macros work for everything as far as I know.

Perhaps I'll hear more from you in another two or three weeks? ;-)



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Hi Pete,

this answer should be quick enough for you. :D

My version of FSUIPC is 4.520.

In between I tried creating the macro in the 2D - Cockpit with already opened subpanel (where the switch is located, I want to assign), with opening the subpanel during macro recording and I tried it in virtual cockpit. All with the same result.

I´ve recorded a log file while creating a macro. Could you please have a look on the macro and the log?

What do you mean with "qualifying" the macros (sorry, I didn´t find anything in the manual)

Kind regards


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In between I tried creating the macro in the 2D - Cockpit with already opened subpanel (where the switch is located, I want to assign), with opening the subpanel during macro recording and I tried it in virtual cockpit. All with the same result.

That result being, that it works with the TAB test, and then not when assigned to a button or keypress? Is that what you mean?

I´ve recorded a log file while creating a macro. Could you please have a look on the macro and the log?

Yes, I can do. You'll need to enable at least Button/Key logging in the Logging options. Keep the test short and post both files, and the [buttons] section of your INI file, into a message here.

What do you mean with "qualifying" the macros (sorry, I didn´t find anything in the manual)

The mouseflag values. Here's a relevant part of the Advanced User's guide:

Finally, the , part provides the actual mouse action required to operate the facility. This is encoded as a number and must will sometimes be one of the following:














Of these, 29 is bar far the most common and is assumed when the parameter is omitted. Note that the values actually equate to the mouse flags by those names in the FS Gauge C/C++ SDK.

Those marked * cannot be generated automatically by FSUIPC as they refer to the mouse buttons being released. However, they may be needed for some switch implementations, and you would need to add them yourself—experimentation is key here. There are examples in the main User Guide.

Note well the "experimentation is key here" statement. I can't experiment for you, I don't have the aircraft.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Pete,

sorry for the late answer again.

Now I created an example - macro for the action NAV hold:




that´s all the content of the macro - file and here is the log file:

[Continuation log requested by user]

Running inside FSX (using SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07)

Module base=61000000

Wind smoothing fix is fully installed

187985 System time = 01:08:45, Simulator time = 10:06:35 (08:06Z)

187985 LogOptions changed, now 40000000 00000001

191188 *** Entered Buttons option page ***

191188 FirstButtonChange res=00000120 (0.1, 32)

194985 JoystickValues joynum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={00000095 00000001}

194985 FirstButtonChange res=00009500 (0.149, 0)

195141 JoystickValues joynum=0, dwCount=1, data[2]={00000095 00000000}

201641 *** Exiting Buttons option page ***

203313 Mouse by function: RX8550*Xa1cc (flags=20000000), Module="F1ATRB.DLL"

207063 User Macro: nav1=RX8550*Xa1cc (Module="F1ATRB.DLL")

207235 KEYUP: VK=13, Waiting=0

210860 *** Entered Buttons option page ***

212719 *** Exiting Buttons option page ***

218172 LogOptions changed, now 00000000 00000001

and the [buttons] section goes here:



I hope this could help.

Kind regards


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Now I created an example - macro for the action NAV hold:

But the log only shows you trying the default created macro. And it definitely shows that FSUIPC called the apprpriate routine in the panel's DLL. If it had no result it means the default mouse action (a left click) is not enough.

Have not not yet even started to experiment with the mouse action, as I advised? I cannot experiment for you, I do not have the aircraft. I've told you this before.

Please review the User Guide section on Mouse Macros again. You are surely not reading far enough. Look for example at the boxed section entitled

Variations for Mouse activated switches which might be made to work by editing the Macro file



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