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GoFlight+FlightDeckSoftware SysLogics via WideFs

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Hi,1st of all i just wanna say:"Thank you Pete for your amzing job done in this years for FS!!! :D

I've a question about Flight Deck Soft. System Logics software.I've no time and no money @moment,to build an Hardware OverHead :( ,so i'd like to use some Goflight switch module to simulate just few switches on the OverHead panel by FDS.But I can't figure out how to do it?!

The FDS seems to override the inputs offsets i gave with GoFlight mods programmed viaFsuipc.

Before I go on testing,i'd like to know if this interaction it's possible or not!?




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i'd like to use some Goflight switch module to simulate just few switches on the OverHead panel by FDS.But I can't figure out how to do it?!

The FDS seems to override the inputs offsets i gave with GoFlight mods programmed viaFsuipc.

Before I go on testing,i'd like to know if this interaction it's possible or not!?

By "FDS" do you mean Flight Deck Software, http://www.flightdecksoftware.com ? If so, how are you trying to program its overhead logic in FSUIPC? Do you have the documentation for the FDS offsets?

This might be a question more suitably placed in FDS's own Forum -- apart from the hardware directly supported by Bart I'm sure there must be plenty more users doing their own thing, whether with GoFlight or other kit. Provided you obtain the offset usage documentation from FDS I think it would then mainly be a matter of using FSUIPC's "Offset ..." controls to do exactly what you want. This is the way it is with Project Magenta, for example -- PM publish their offset usage openly on their website.



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Hi Pete,thank's 4 the quick answer.. :D

Yes,i mean Flight Deck Software..I'm sure i'm doing something wrong with the offsets values :roll: .

I've the FSUIPC Offsets list by FDS.

I also read the FSUIPC docs,but i still miss somthing... :?

For example,if I'd like to switch the FDS's DC Battery switch ON, with a Goflight switch,like T8module,i try to send the value 48 to the 6E6F offset..it's that correct?!I'm newbie,i know.. :lol:


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For example,if I'd like to switch the FDS's DC Battery switch ON, with a Goflight switch,like T8module,i try to send the value 48 to the 6E6F offset..it's that correct?

I don't know. The copy of the FDS offsets list Bart sent me back in November doesn't include 6E6F. It lists these two values



but those are for offset 6EF7 ("FSUIPC Switch input values"). Maybe he's changed them?

Actually my copy is dated May 4th 2008, and the used offsets in the list I have are from 6D88 to 6DF7. However, I know he changed the "D" to "E" at my request last November because he was using offsets allocated to some other programs. I gave him a proper allocation then, 6E00 to 6EFF.

Anyway, once you have obtained the correct offset, whatever it might be, just use the "Offset Byte Set" control, with the given offset (xXXXX) and the correct parameter. If that doesn't then work, try FDS's support -- I am sure it is excellent.


I've just found the latest offsets list, in FDS's "Resources" section, and the switch operating offset is still 6EF7. If you are trying 6E6F then it isn't surprising it isn't working! Where did you get that from?



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Ops..i typed 6E6F instead of 6EF7...sry..but i'm sure i send the value to 6EF7 :wink:

The value change the Offset for a msecond when i switch the Goflight "switch", but then FDS takes the leads and bring the value to the value sent by the OverHead software panel... :?:

umpfh..sorry for my bad english..i hope it's clear enough. :oops:

Now i try to ask on FDS forum too...

std-by :lol:

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Ops..i typed 6E6F instead of 6EF7...sry..but i'm sure i send the value to 6EF7 :wink:

The value change the Offset for a msecond when i switch the Goflight "switch", but then FDS takes the leads and bring the value to the value sent by the OverHead software panel... :?:

Strange. Perhaps the offset is only telling you where the switch is, rather than allowing you to control it? Perhaps there's another mechanism for that?

Now i try to ask on FDS forum too...

Yes. I'm afraid this is a question for Bart. I don't know how his software works. Sorry.



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Strange. Perhaps the offset is only telling you where the switch is, rather than allowing you to control it? Perhaps there's another mechanism for that?

yes,I think this could be the problem...maybe there's a sort of "Hey_ImTheMaster_" command in FDS software :lol: ...

Anyway I've just asked on FDS forum,i'll let you know what they'll answer me..

and thanks a lot for your support & your great work with FS :!: :!: amazing job :!: :!: :shock:



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