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Key Stroke to mouse Interfacing

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Hello Anyone!

I have purchased the Cera Bell 212 and 214 helicopters, great models! but interfacing them to my cockpit simulator has been a dispointment :?

All of the switches are mouse driven and the panel gauges are all XML.

Does anyone have these aircraft?

Has anyone figured a way FSUIPC, Mouse Macro, Lvar, to hook to these types of switches?

To engergize the ENGINE 1 Starter the variable is Engine 1 start = (L:starteng,enum) 1

Engine 2 start = (L:starteng,enum) -1

All the guages are in the FSX/Guages folder and are a .CAB file.

Am I to use a LUA script to send a "L:starteng,enum 1" and energize ENG1 starter?

Is there a way to edit a mouse macro to assign a keystroke to send "L:starteng,enum 1" to FSX to energize ENG1 starter?

Of course the same needs to be done for:

Generator 1 = (L:Genel,bool)

Generator 2 = (L:Gener,bool)

Engine 1 start = (L:starteng,enum) 1

Engine 2 start = (L:starteng,enum) -1

Inverter 1 = (L:Swinva, bool)

Inverter 2 = (L:Swinvb, bool)

Any help would sure be appreciated!


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Am I to use a LUA script to send a "L:starteng,enum 1" and energize ENG1 starter?

Is there a way to edit a mouse macro to assign a keystroke to send "L:starteng,enum 1" to FSX to energize ENG1 starter?

No. You are mixing up two completely separate methods. The "mouse macro" is a way of allowing a button or keypress to do the same as a mouse click by making FSUIPC actualiy call the C-coded routine in the C-coded gauge directly. That is not possible with XML gauges with no C-code nor even in C-coded gauges which don't abide by the structures Microsoft laid down for mouse rectangles -- as, in fact, in most Microsoft-written gauges.

You CAN use normal (not "mouse") FSUIPC macros to write to named L:variables though. This is described in the FSUIPC "Advanced Users" guide. Please look in the contents list. it is actually mentioned explicitly there. The actual information is towards the end, page 41 in my copy, but check your contents list.

You should note that writing the correct value to a local variable will change it, but whether the gauge takes any notice of that change is another matter. In many cases the variable is merely saving the state of the switch and not actually instigating the action associated with it.

Generally you'd be better off asking questions about using FSUIPC over in my FSUIPC Support Forum. I don't come here so often.



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