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I am having problems calibrating my Logitech 3D Pro.

On the ground my plane constantly turns to the left. I read the directions that come with FSUIPC, I set my sensitivity to max, null to zero and calibrated the joystick under the FSUIPC area to do this. Here are my values


2272 IN -16380 3883 16380

0 Out

For some reason this wont get to zero, any ideas?

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Here are my values

Rudder               MIN        CENTRE          MAX
2272   IN           -16380       3883          16380
0      Out

For some reason this wont get to zero, any ideas?

You missed showing the other centre value -- there are two, making the limits of the centre "parking" zone which gives zero. And in any case, you are getting zero -- that OUT value you show of 0, for an IN value of 2272 shows that the rudder is neutral at 2272 (so evidently your other centre calibration is less than or equal to 2272).

There are other possible reasons you your plane pulling to the left on the ground. The most usual one is prop torque and prop wash. If it pulls more with higher revs and less with lower revs, then this is what it is. When taxiing and taking off in a single prop aircraft you do need right-rudder (or left, depending on prop turning direction, but most usually right) to keep it straight. I learned this in a real Cessna 152 aircraft. However, it can be rather overdone in FS -- if it seems excessive, go to FS's Aircraft - Realism menu and take the torque slider down a bit. I find having all those sliders about central give most realism to my feel of things.

Second, possibly your rudder trim is offset. Use the rear outside view of your aircraft to see if the rudder looks straight when stationary, facing the wind, and feet off the pedals. If not you need to centre the trim. If your aircraft doesn't have a rudder trim adjustment, load one that does, centre it with that, then change to yours and save the flight so it'll be centred next time.



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thanks for your reply.

I load up today and now it pulls to the right.

My rudder In and out are the following, 2271, -1304 respectivly. Min -16380, centre 3883 (out centre) 3883, max 16380.

rudder trim is set to zero, so is aielron, throttles go up together.

Could it be certain drivers out of place with my controller? really weird.

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My rudder In and out are the following, 2271, -1304 respectivly. Min -16380, centre 3883 (out centre) 3883, max 16380.

Well, you've not calibrated correctly at all. To start with -16380 and +16380 for the minimum and maximum positions are the defaults, assumed by FSUIPC if you don't set real ones, so you've not bothered to set those. And you have the zero centre zone fixed at 3883 to 3883 -- i.e one single spot on the axis, with zero width (no chance of it being there often) --- and which is certainly not 2271 which appears to be your normal feet-off reading. Your centre values should be below and above that, with a good margin, so it is always achieved.

I am thinking now that you do not understand FSUIPC calibration. Please please simply follow the numbered steps as described in the User Guide. If you don't it's really a complete waste of time using FSUIPC for your joysticks.



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well maybe that is true, I do not understand the FSUIPC, for that matter I do not know much about computers, but regardless I went through your user guide, which again is not the clearest for me, might be for others.

When I turnmy rudder control left or right, I do get those max amounts. My mian questions was everytime my rudder is neutral, not being touched, the value is always something different, or if I dont touch it at all it goes up and down.

I will go through your user guide again to see if I have better results.

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When I turnmy rudder control left or right, I do get those max amounts.

Yes, but, as it says in the Guide, you should always allow a little leeway at both ends, so that you can always achieve full deflection when needed in spite of small hardware variations. These changes can occur due to voltage levels, humidity, and temperature.

My mian questions was everytime my rudder is neutral, not being touched, the value is always something different, or if I dont touch it at all it goes up and down.

That's a normal result of centralising springs not always returning to the same place -- and the variation is "jitter". This is why you should calibrate with "dead" zones at either end AND in the centre. Your central zone should be wide enough to always encompass all the values you might get with "feet off". Apart from jitter (due to environment), with most pedals the springs which centre the pedals seldom return them to the exact same place.

Your figures show that not only have you not even set a central zone, but you've set both upper and lower values of the central "point" (!) to a value which isn't even matching the "central" IN value you show!

Take your feet off. Then press left pedal a little, making sure the IN number changes. Click the central "SET". Then do the same with the right pedal. It does say this in the guide. ALWAYS calibrate with a range for centre with your "normal" feet off value in the middle! Then check a few times by pressing full left and/or right and letting go -- see if the spring gets it back inside the centre range. If not you will have to make it wider still.

This isn't hard. It is very easy. It only involves two clicks on buttons!

You could then also use the Slopes facility to flatten the response a little in the centre so you don't get so big an effect unless pushing hard.


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just so you know my rudder contol is on my joystick, it is the twisting of it that controls it. I have the logitech 3d pro, no rudder pedals.

Okay, so it's your hand you take off, not your foot! ;-)

Similarly, give a little twist one way, press centre "SET", a little twist the other way, press centre "SET". You need to give it a range of values which will encompass all those you might see when taking your hand off and letting it centralise itslef.


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