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Elevator Trim 0

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I'm trying to set elevator trim centre using the CH Eclipse yoke by pushing the large vertical trim when on the yoke, thence selecting 'Elevator Trim Set' from the 'Buttons + Switches' tab. I've followed the directions on Page #35 of the Users Guide:

"Another useful example is a button to exactly centre the elevator trim:

Elevator Trim Set is the control, and

0 is the parameter

Again, as with key presses, you can have a separate control sent when you release..."

However, it's not working; I'm sure I've missed something somewhere?

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I'm trying to set elevator trim centre using the CH Eclipse yoke by pushing the large vertical trim when on the yoke

What's "the large vertical trim"?

However, it's not working; I'm sure I've missed something somewhere?

"Elevator trim set" with a parameter of 0 will certainly set the elevator trim to centre. That's what it does. But maybe you have something else working against it? Please try using the FSUIPC logging to see what is happening. You'll need to enable both axis and normal event logging (two check marks).


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