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I have FSX with all service packs installed. I also have the latest version of FSUIPC and a valid registration.

When trying to create a mouse macro, it does nothing.

FS started > FSUIPC =open > Buttons & switches > create mouse macro > OK + OK > Click on a panel switch to assign.... and that is were it ends. No further pop up screen ( the green or red one ) . No registration of mouse macro in INI file

My operating system is Win7 64 bits.

Any idea whats happening here ?

Best regards



When trying to create a mouse macro, it does nothing.

FS started > FSUIPC =open > Buttons & switches > create mouse macro > OK + OK > Click on a panel switch to assign.... and that is were it ends. No further pop up screen ( the green or red one ) . No registration of mouse macro in INI file

My operating system is Win7 64 bits.

Any idea whats happening here ?

Yes, you are trying to create a mouse macro for a mouse area which does not call the standard C-structures used for gauges written via the standard Microsoft gauge SDK. As documented, mouse macros are often not possible -- particularly for Microsoft's own panels (because they did not use their own SDK), and for all modern gauges (particularly in FSX) written in XML.

In general it would help if you stated the VERSION number of the FSUIPC you are using rather than just "latest" which is always pretty meaningless as different people have a different notion to what is the "latest".





I use FS9 and Version 3.9.66c at the moment. And I have the same problem. With an aircraft, for which I had already made successfully mouse macros, I am currently not able to record any new macro. Even for default MS planes I don't get the popup any more. I have no idea, what might have changed (beside new versions of FSUIPC and some Win XP updates).




I use FS9 and Version 3.9.66c at the moment.

Sorry, that is too old. Please update to at least 3.98.

Even for default MS planes I don't get the popup any more.

Mouse macros are not usable on hardly any parts of any of the default aircraft as MS did not use their SDK when writing the code.



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