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View up command

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I am using FSX and a registered version of FSUIPC (Latest version) and I am setting up the hat switch on my yoke. I can get the down, left and right buttons to scroll in the said directions, but using "view reset" and any of the other instructions to do with "up" only sends the cockpit view to the roof and it will not scroll. This is in the VC view. All hat switches are seen in fsuipc, but I cannot find the right setting for scrolling up instead of the jump straight up to the cockpit roof.

A couple of other people have tried to emulate this and are getting the same result as me, so it would appear it is not being created by my set up.

I am using FSX/FSUIPC on a quad core, with 4Gb ram.

Any ideas on how to solve this please?

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I am using FSX and a registered version of FSUIPC (Latest version) and I am setting up the hat switch on my yoke. I can get the down, left and right buttons to scroll in the said directions, but using "view reset" and any of the other instructions to do with "up" only sends the cockpit view to the roof and it will not scroll. This is in the VC view. All hat switches are seen in fsuipc, but I cannot find the right setting for scrolling up instead of the jump straight up to the cockpit roof.

No idea why. All FSUIPC does is send your assigned commands to FS, exactly as if you assigned in FS.

For panning why not simply assign the hat to "Pan View" in the Axis assignments tab? That gives precise panning all round as far as I know. (I do not use panning or VC cockpits at all as my sim has windows to a projected world and it looks daft if that "pans" ;-) ).


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