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747 gear assignment

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I have a CH yoke and I wish to use one of the levers to control the gear lever on my PMDG 744. The standard gear assignment seems to have only 2 positions (up and down) however the PMDG 744 gear lever has 3 positions namely up, down and off. Is it possible to use FSUIPC4 to configure a lever to do what I want? Thanks.


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I have a CH yoke and I wish to use one of the levers to control the gear lever on my PMDG 744. The standard gear assignment seems to have only 2 positions (up and down) however the PMDG 744 gear lever has 3 positions namely up, down and off. Is it possible to use FSUIPC4 to configure a lever to do what I want?

The "off" position is only a visual thing in the simulator, being the samecas Up to all intents and purposes. it is a safety thing, cutting off power/pressure to the mechanism. If its visual position is settable in the PMDG aircraft, see if there's a keypress you can assign to set it. If so you can use the right-hand part of the FSUIPC axis assignments tab to assign that keypress to a part of the range of your lever -- basically just an extension of the lever-as-gear-control example given in the FSUIPC documentation. It would be a good idea to have it only operating when bringing the lever from the "gear up". position, as that is when you'd normally use it.

If PMDG haven't provided a way of doing it without the mouse, you could investigate whether it is susceptible to the mouse macro facilities in FSUIPC (which work with the overhead), or even the L:Var access.

You should also check the thread about "PMDG 747X commands" in the User Contributions subforum. Asking there might give results.



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