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Revised: Need help getting a utility to work via fsuipc

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I have downloaded this utility but do not know how to install it. The instructions say to "create a desktop connection using fsuipc"

How do I do that?

I have read and reread all the fsuipc documentations without success. The answer is probably there but it always seems to elude me when I want to try something.

EDITED for Clarity.

I downloaded the Cockpit Status Multifunction Utiliy that formeister has linked in the User Contributions section of this forum. It looks like a very useful utility. However the installation instructions are a bit lacking. After unzipping the file the next (and last)install instruction says to "create a desktop connection using fsuipc".

I have a registered version of fsuipc installed (updated yesterday) and working as it should.

I have the unzipped Cockpit status.........utility in a folder but can put it on the desktop if necessary.

I do not know how to link up/connect/program/or whatever to use fsuipc to operate/load/show the panels provided by this utility.

I hope this revised post is adequate to explain what help I need.

Your help appreciated.

Every time I read one of the posts about writing .DLLs, Lua scripts, etc. I am truly envious.

Once I was a whiz with machine language (CDC-1604), FORTRAN, and BASIC so that makes me "an old codger" and slow to learn.

Regards to all;

Neal Howard

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I have downloaded this utility but do not know how to install it. The instructions say to "create a desktop connection using fsuipc"

Sorry, what instructions say that? Nothing of mine for sure.

How do I do that?

I've no idea what you are trying to do, but to install FSUIPC you simply run the FSUIPC Installer. That's what the installer is for.

I have read and reread all the fsuipc documentations without success. The answer is probably there but it always seems to elude me when I want to try something.

The Installation document, included in the ZIP with the Installer, is all you need to read to install. You simply run the Installer! There's nothing else to do unless you want to Register it because you've bought it. Instructions are there for that too. Goodness, the document is only two or three pages long for heaven's sake! What else are you reading?

Sorry, you aren't making any sense. I don't know what else to tell you except: run the installer. Full stop.


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I dislike posts that are unpleasant in the main and would prefer using PM instead of a forum reply but as you do not accept PMs:

Pete, you obviously did not read the full description of my topic. My query is referring to : Cockpit Status Multifunction Utility For Any Aircraft which is a utility provided by forstmeier in the User Contributions section of this forum.

Nowhere do I mention installing fsuipc. My request is for help using it. Then you seem to think I am unable to install fsuipc when I refer to documentations and the use of fsuipc. I have had fsuipc for several years and, yes, it is registered. My skill with using it is, unfortunately, not good so I come here for help.

finally you say

You aren't making any sense......Full stop[/Quote]

If I am not making any sense and you admit:

I've no idea what you are trying to do[/Quote], then why bother to try and humiliate me with your response?

fsuipc is a wonderful utility and I would not want to be without it. However, I find it very difficult to ask for help on this forum because of your tendency to respond as though the questioner is incapable of performing the simplest task .

I was a flight instructor in the USAF and later spent 25 years teaching university mathematics. Condescension and humiliation are poor teaching methods.

Can you not be a bit more courteous to the folks who appreciate (and pay for) your utility?

Neal Howard

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I dislike posts that are unpleasant in the main and would prefer using PM instead of a forum reply but as you do not accept PMs:

Why be unpleasant?

Pete, you obviously did not read the full description of my topic. My query is referring to : Cockpit Status Multifunction Utility For Any Aircraft which is a utility provided by forstmeier in the User Contributions section of this forum.

You did not mention that. You just said "utility" which I took to mean "FSUIPC". I am not clairvoyant! ;-)

Nowhere do I mention installing fsuipc.

Sorry, your original read precisely as if that's what you were asking. You said:

"I have downloaded this utility but do not know how to install it. The instructions say to "create a desktop connection using fsuipc""

How was I to guess that by "this utility" you were not referring ot FSUIPC when you mention no other product? REad that line again, please!

If I am not making any sense and you admit:, then why bother to try and humiliate me with your response?

How is it humiliating you? I know you have revised your message, but the original was not making sense. That's all I pointed out!

fsuipc is a wonderful utility and I would not want to be without it. However, I find it very difficult to ask for help on this forum because of your tendency to respond as though the questioner is incapable of performing the simplest task .

Evidently, the "simple task" you failed at here was to explain your problem in a way which could be understood the way you intended. If came across loud and clear as from someone who'd hardly heard of FSUIPC before and wondered how to install it. In no way was I either trying to humiliate you or suggesting you had such incapabilities!

I was a flight instructor in the USAF and later spent 25 years teaching university mathematics. Condescension and humiliation are poor teaching methods.

Can you not be a bit more courteous to the folks who appreciate (and pay for) your utility?

I answer questions directly as as helpfully as I can. You are obviously a far better person than I, but nevertheless you are evidently reading my responses incorrectly, much as you write your questions so ambiguously and without evidently reading them yourself before posting.

In any case there is nothing I know called a "desktop connection using fsuipc". Since your utility is from elsewhere perhaps you ought to go and be nasty to whoever wrote that instead of taking it out on me?


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I have downloaded this utility but do not know how to install it. The instructions say to "create a desktop connection using fsuipc"

How do I do that?

I have read and reread all the fsuipc documentations without success. The answer is probably there but it always seems to elude me when I want to try something.

EDITED for Clarity.

I downloaded the Cockpit Status Multifunction Utiliy that formeister has linked in the User Contributions section of this forum. It looks like a very useful utility. However the installation instructions are a bit lacking. After unzipping the file the next (and last)install instruction says to "create a desktop connection using fsuipc".

I have a registered version of fsuipc installed (updated yesterday) and working as it should.

I have the unzipped Cockpit status.........utility in a folder but can put it on the desktop if necessary.

I do not know how to link up/connect/program/or whatever to use fsuipc to operate/load/show the panels provided by this utility.

I hope this revised post is adequate to explain what help I need.

Your help appreciated.

Every time I read one of the posts about writing .DLLs, Lua scripts, etc. I am truly envious.

Once I was a whiz with machine language (CDC-1604), FORTRAN, and BASIC so that makes me "an old codger" and slow to learn.

Regards to all;

Neal Howard

The Installer-Instructions are saying:


Program developement using Visual Basic and the FSUIPC-SDK Pack by Peter Dowson.

All functions are working with FSX. Previous FS versions not testet.

You should update your FSUIPC version to the latest issue ! (not registered)

You should have installed: Net Framework 3.5 or +



- Create a NEW FOLDER (p.e. call it CockpitStatus)

- UNZIP into the new Folder

- Create a Desktop Connection

- using FSUIPC


Creating a Desktop-Link should be done for a fast access to the program itself.

With FSUIPC installed you do not have to do anything else than open CockpitStatus.

CockpitStatus will connect to FSuipc.

The last CockpitStatus update was on: Jan 30 - 2011.

Pls read the Readme-file + the Readme-Ias-file (upto the end of the page)

In 1 or 2 days the will be the second release v 1.1. with a new 'tuned' AT-Iashold match when actual speed reaching the Hold-Ias speed. This At does not use any Pitch-control, only working with pressure.




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The Installer-Instructions are saying:

- Create a Desktop Connection

- using FSUIPC


Creating a Desktop-Link should be done for a fast access to the program itself..

Aha! so it is NOT "Create a Desktop Connection using FSUIPC". Those are two separate things. And the line "Creating a Desktop-Link should be done for a fast access to the program itself.." explains that by "desktop connection" he simply means make a shortcut to his program on the desktop so you can start it easily!

Now why didn't the original poster read this correctly?



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