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FSUIPC and TQ6 callibration problem

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Greetings all!

First I would like to appoligize for the corss-posting with AVSIM but I am going nuts over this!

I am running into throttle issues with my FS setup on my new system. The throttle control is not linear but logarithmic. On my old system the callibration works fine. I have removed the axis assignments in FSX for my TQ6, in GFConfig have all the axsis set to [NONE]. When I try to callibrate in FS using FSUIPC this is the Flight Control Response curve I see. Notice that the change is 50% up the slope. It almost like a 50% null zone.

The screenshots are for the default MS172 but Iam having the same issue on all aircraft. Yes, I have the registered version of FSUIPC (v4.703)



Any Ideas on this. I have deleted fsuipc.ini to see if that would help but no luck. I have tried connecting the TQ6 directly to the PC and not going through a usb hub. It is driving me NUTS!



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I am running into throttle issues with my FS setup on my new system. The throttle control is not linear but logarithmic. On my old system the callibration works fine. I have removed the axis assignments in FSX for my TQ6, in GFConfig have all the axsis set to [NONE]. When I try to callibrate in FS using FSUIPC this is the Flight Control Response curve I see. Notice that the change is 50% up the slope. It almost like a 50% null zone.

You've set a slope in FSUIPC calibration. If you want it linear, select the linear slope (number 0) -- as shown in one of your pictures, in fact.

The reason it starts at "50%" is that is where IDLE is. The lower part, for reverse thrust, is not subject to any slope -- it really isn't needed as the amount of reverse adjustment is normally quite limited. Your "50%" point is calibrated as the "central" idle, which for a throttle incorporating reverse would be calibrated quite low down, towards the pilot, not at the 50% mark of the movement available.

With NRZ selected, as you have, the lower part of the response curve is irrelevant -- it isn't used. Only values 0-16383 are sent to FS and you don't get a reverse section at all. In the Calibration page picture you posted I see you have set NRZ, but it must have been recent, and you haven't since then waggled the lever in order to get new IN / OUT readings posted. The OUT value of -4096 is the normal max reverse thrust when NRZ is not selected, and that is showing as left over from before you selected NRZ.

If you don't need reverse, and you are only assigning one throttle lever, you should really be using the generic throttle, not the separate Throttle 1. You'd find it easier I'm sure -- less options to consider.

I don't understand why you are "going nuts" over this because you don't say. What is actually wrong with your throttle control? You post lots of pictures which i could just as easily have created myself, but don't bother to explain what is actually troubling you about using your throttles.



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