jahman Posted May 24, 2011 Report Posted May 24, 2011 Hello! I'm having a really weird problem here: With the stock DC-3/Baron 58/F-18, I have wildly sticky/jerky controls: First no movement at all of the control surface for a really, really big movement in the hardware control, then an extreme movement akin to a "snap-to" as the control surface makes-up for "lost time"... in the Twilight Zone... Ooo-eee, ooo-eee. This happens when moving the control away from center and repeats when moving the control back to the center. Affected control surfaces are 1. right rudder, 2. right aileron, and 3. down elevator. Only those controls and only in those quadrants, i.e. left aileron, left rudder and up elevator are not affected at all and work fine and smooth (and so do the throttles). Is this weird or what? (You are now entering "The Twilight Zone"... For the next half hour we will be taking control of your FSX via SimConnect...) I checked in FSUIPC and the IN and OUT values for each axis increment/decrement smoothly throughout the entire range of control movement, so nothing appears to be wrong with my CH Yoke and Pedals, corresponding hardware drivers, CH Manager Calibration and FSUIPC config (recall the FSUIPC OUT values all move smooooothly.) I also loaded FSX without FSUIPC, let FSX build an FSX.cfg from scratch and reassigned my CH Yoke, Pedals and Throttles via FSX: They all moved smooth as butter over their entire range. I have no idea what to try next. Any pointers? Thanks! Cheers, - jahman. (Clueless in The SimConnect Twilight Zone) Here's my FSUIPC.ini: [General] UpdatedByVersion=4705 History=1Q2RWQJ0FR0E8LC63JCXW TCASid=Flight TCASrange=40 AxisCalibration=No DirectAxesToCalibs=No ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=No SuppressMultilineFS=No AxisIntercepts=No WeatherReadFactor=2 WeatherRewriteSeconds=1 CustomWeatherModify=No SimConnectStallTime=1 Console=No MouseWheelTrim=No MouseWheelTrimSpeed=1 FixControlAccel=Yes FixMachSpeedBug=Yes VisibilityOptions=No OneCloudLayer=No CloudTurbulence=No CloudIcing=No GenerateCirrus=No SuppressCloudTurbulence=No MaxIce=-4 MinIce=-4 UpperWindGusts=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No SuppressWindVariance=No WindTurbulence=No TurbulenceRate=1.0,5.0 TurbulenceDivisor=20,20,40,40 SuppressAllGusts=No MaxSurfaceWind=0 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 SmoothBySimTime=No WindSmoothing=No WindSmoothness=2 WindSmoothAirborneOnly=No PressureSmoothness=20 TemperatureSmoothness=0 DisconnTrimForAP=Yes ZeroElevForAPAlt=No ThrottleSyncAll=No WhiteMessages=No ShowPMcontrols=No SpoilerIncrement=512 MagicBattery=Yes RudderSpikeRemoval=Yes ElevatorSpikeRemoval=Yes AileronSpikeRemoval=Yes ReversedElevatorTrim=No ClockSync=No ClockSyncMins=5 ClearWeatherDynamics=No OwnWeatherChanges=No TimeForSelect=4 LoadFlightMenu=No LoadPlanMenu=No PauseAfterCrash=Yes SaveDataWithFlights=No ZapSound=firework ShortAircraftNameOk=No UseProfiles=No BrakeReleaseThreshold=75 DontResetAxes=No JoystickTimeout=20 PollGFTQ6=Yes BlankDisplays=No GetNearestAirports=No LuaRerunDelay=66 [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=Yes A=CH Pro Pedals USB B=CH Flight Sim Yoke USB C=CH Throttle Quadrant USB 0=CH Pro Pedals USB 0.GUID={2F7B7820-82E7-11DD-8003-444553540000} 2=CH Flight Sim Yoke USB 2.GUID={2F7B7820-82E7-11DD-8005-444553540000} A.GUID={2F7B7820-82E7-11DD-8003-444553540000} B.GUID={2F7B7820-82E7-11DD-8005-444553540000} C.GUID={2F7B7820-82E7-11DD-8004-444553540000} 3=CH Throttle Quadrant USB 3.GUID={2F7B7820-82E7-11DD-8004-444553540000} [WideServer] WideFSenabled=Yes AdvertiseService=1 Port=8002 Port2=9002 [Buttons] ButtonRepeat=20,10 5=PB,0,C66513,0 ;(not listed) 9=RB,10,C65607,0 ;EYEPOINT_UP 10=RB,11,C65615,0 ;EYEPOINT_DOWN 15=PB,1,C66853,0 ;VIEW_CAMERA_SELECT_3 16=PB,2,C66653,0 ;VIEW_COCKPIT_FORWARD 17=PB,3,C66654,0 ;VIEW_VIRTUAL_COCKPIT_FORWARD 18=PC,0,C66609,0 ;GPS_FLIGHTPLAN_BUTTON 19=PC,1,C66612,0 ;GPS_PROCEDURE_BUTTON 20=PC,2,C66616,0 ;GPS_ZOOMOUT_BUTTON 21=PC,3,C66615,0 ;GPS_ZOOMIN_BUTTON 22=PC,4,C66624,0 ;GPS_CURSOR_BUTTON 23=PC,5,C66617,0 ;GPS_DIRECTTO_BUTTON 24=PC,6,C66626,0 ;GPS_GROUP_KNOB_DEC 25=PC,7,C66625,0 ;GPS_GROUP_KNOB_INC 26=PC,8,C66628,0 ;GPS_PAGE_KNOB_DEC 27=PC,9,C66627,0 ;GPS_PAGE_KNOB_INC 28=PC,11,C66623,0 ;GPS_ENTER_BUTTON 29=PC,10,C66618,0 ;GPS_MENU_BUTTON 30=PB,4,C66172,0 31=PB,5,C66173,0 32=PB,6,C66174,0 33=PB,7,C66175,0 34=PB,8,K123,8 37=UB,5,C66514,0 38=UB,6,C66514,0 39=UB,7,C66514,0 41=UB,4,C66514,0 42=PB,9,K120,8 43=UB,0,C66514,0 [AutoSave] AutoSaveEnabled=Yes Interval=60 Files=10 SaveOnGround=No Next=10 1=Mon 034004 2=Mon 035158 3=Mon 035258 4=Mon 035357 5=Mon 035457 6=Mon 035556 7=Mon 035656 8=Mon 035755 9=Mon 035855 10=Mon 033904 [GPSout] GPSoutEnabled=No Port=COM0 Speed=4800 Interval=2000 PosTo6Decimal=No Sentences= [GPSout2] GPSoutEnabled=No Port=<none set> Speed=4800 Interval=2000 PosTo6Decimal=No Sentences= [Axes] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 8=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 9=CZ,256,F,66421,0,0,0 10=CR,256,F,66424,0,0,0 11=CU,256,F,66425,0,0,0 12=CV,256,F,66422,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No MapProp12to34=Yes MapMix12to34=Yes MapProp12to123=Yes MapMix12to123=Yes MapCowl1to1234=Yes FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16384,0,0,16256 Elevator=-16384,0,0,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16128 LeftBrake=-16256,16384/16 RightBrake=-16384,16256/16 Throttle1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle3=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle4=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Mixture1=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 Mixture2=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 Mixture3=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 Mixture4=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 PropPitch1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 PropPitch2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 PropPitch3=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 PropPitch4=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 ElevatorTrim=-16380,0,0,16383 Spoilers=-16384,16383/16 CowlFlaps1=-16384,16383/16 SlewAlt=-16384,0,0,16383 SlewAhead=-16384,0,0,16128 SlewHeading=-16384,0,0,16256 [Keys] 1=189,8,66700,0 2=187,8,66699,0 3=N69,10,66224,0 4=N69,9,66389,0 5=N13,14,65553,0 6=N89,11,66807,0 7=N81,10,65552,0 8=N89,10,65557,0 9=N86,10,66722,0 10=N32,10,65875,0 11=N190,8,65752,0 12=N19,8,65561,0 13=N90,9,65737,0 14=N49,9,65906,0 15=N50,9,65907,0 16=N51,9,65908,0 17=N52,9,65909,0 18=N53,9,65910,0 19=N54,9,65911,0 20=N55,9,65912,0 21=N56,9,65913,0 22=N57,9,65914,0 23=27,8,66268,0 [Axes.747] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 8=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 9=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 10=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 11=CU,256,F,66425,0,0,0 12=CV,256,F,66422,0,0,0 [ClientNames] 1=HAL-9000 [Axes.CS CS_C130 1] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=BV,256,F,65766,0,0,0 8=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 9=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 10=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 11=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 12=CU,256,F,66424,0,0,0 13=CV,256,F,66421,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.CS CS_C130 1] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No MapProp12to34=Yes MapCowl1to1234=Yes FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16384,0,0,16256 Elevator=-16384,0,0,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16128 LeftBrake=-16256,16384/16 RightBrake=-16384,16256/16 Throttle1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle3=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle4=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 PropPitch1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 PropPitch2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 ElevatorTrim=-16380,0,0,16383 Spoilers=-16384,16383/16 CowlFlaps1=-16384,16383/16 SlewAlt=-16384,0,0,16383 SlewAhead=-16384,0,0,16128 SlewHeading=-16384,0,0,16256 [Axes.PMDG - 747-400 GE CF6 Engines] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 8=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 9=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 10=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.PMDG - 747-400 GE CF6 Engines] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No MapMix12to34=Yes MapMix12to123=Yes FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16384,0,0,16256/8 Elevator=-16384,0,0,16128/8 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16128/8 LeftBrake=-16256,16384/24 RightBrake=-16384,16256/24 Throttle1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/8 Throttle2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/8 Throttle3=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/8 Throttle4=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/8 Mixture1=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/40 Mixture2=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/40 ElevatorTrim=-16380,0,0,16383/8 Spoilers=-16384,16383/24 SlewAlt=-16384,0,0,16383/8 SlewAhead=-16384,0,0,16128/8 SlewHeading=-16384,0,0,16256/8 [Axes.Boeing Stratocruiser, PAN AM] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,0,65870,0,0 6=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 7=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 8=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 9=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 10=CV,256,F,66291,0,0,0 [Axes.CS C130Extra1 2] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=BV,256,F,65766,0,0,0 8=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 9=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 10=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 11=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 12=CU,256,F,66425,0,0,0 13=CV,256,F,66422,0,0,0 [Axes.Boeing B-17G 350th BS] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,0,65870,0,0 6=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 7=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 8=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 9=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 10=CV,256,F,66291,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.Boeing B-17G 350th BS] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No MapCowl1to1234=Yes FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16384,0,0,16256 Elevator=-16384,0,0,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16128 LeftBrake=-16256,16384/16 RightBrake=-16384,16256/16 Throttle1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle3=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle4=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Mixture1=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 Mixture2=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 Mixture3=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 Mixture4=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 PropPitch1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/32 PropPitch2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/32 PropPitch3=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/32 PropPitch4=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/32 ElevatorTrim=-16380,0,0,16383 Spoilers=-16384,16383/16 CowlFlaps1=-16384,16383/16 SlewAlt=-16384,0,0,16383 SlewAhead=-16384,0,0,16128 SlewHeading=-16384,0,0,16256 [Axes.ALPHA XB-70 Valkyrie] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=BV,256,F,65766,0,0,0 8=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 9=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 10=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 11=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 12=CU,256,F,66425,0,0,0 13=CV,256,F,66422,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.ALPHA XB-70 Valkyrie] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No MapMix12to34=Yes MapMix12to123=Yes MapCowl1to1234=Yes FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16384,0,0,16256 Elevator=-16384,0,0,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16128 LeftBrake=-16256,16384/16 RightBrake=-16384,16256/16 Throttle1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle3=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle4=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Mixture1=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 Mixture2=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 ElevatorTrim=-16380,0,0,16383 Spoilers=-16384,16383/16 CowlFlaps1=-16384,16383/16 SlewAlt=-16384,0,0,16383 SlewAhead=-16384,0,0,16128 SlewHeading=-16384,0,0,16256 [Axes.Concorde (Capt) BAUF OAF] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=BV,256,F,65766,0,0,0 8=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 9=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 10=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 11=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 12=CU,256,F,66425,0,0,0 13=CV,256,F,66422,0,0,0 [Axes.US NAVY Blue Angels #1] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=BV,256,F,65766,0,0,0 8=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 9=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 10=CU,256,F,66425,0,0,0 11=CV,256,F,66422,0,0,0 [Axes.P-47D-20-RA 362nd FG] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,0,65870,0,0 6=BV,256,F,65766,0,0,0 7=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 8=CU,256,F,66425,0,0,0 9=CV,256,F,66421,0,0,0 [Axes.P-47D-23-RA 342nd FS] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BV,256,F,65766,0,0,0 7=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 8=CU,256,F,66425,0,0,0 9=CV,256,F,66421,0,0,0 [Sounds] Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Sound\ Device1=Primary Sound Driver Device2=Speakers (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio) Device3=SPDIF Interface (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio)
Pete Dowson Posted June 1, 2011 Report Posted June 1, 2011 On 5/24/2011 at 6:44 AM, jahman said: With the stock DC-3/Baron 58/F-18, I have wildly sticky/jerky controls Only with those, not with the aircraft for which you have specific assignments and calibrations? i.e. Quote [Axes.747] [Axes.ALPHA XB-70 Valkyrie] [Axes.Boeing B-17G 350th BS] [Axes.Boeing Stratocruiser, PAN AM] [Axes.Concorde (Capt) BAUF OAF] [Axes.CS C130Extra1 2] [Axes.CS CS_C130 1] [Axes.PMDG - 747-400 GE CF6 Engines] [Axes.P-47D-20-RA 362nd FG] [Axes.P-47D-23-RA 342nd FS] [Axes.US NAVY Blue Angels #1] [JoystickCalibration.ALPHA XB-70 Valkyrie] [JoystickCalibration.Boeing B-17G 350th BS] [JoystickCalibration.CS CS_C130 1] [JoystickCalibration.PMDG - 747-400 GE CF6 Engines] All those look pretty similar to the generic [Axes] and [JoystickCalibration] sections, so it's pretty strange if it only affects specific generically-treated aircraft. Quote First no movement at all of the control surface for a really, really big movement in the hardware control, then an extreme movement akin to a "snap-to" as the control surface makes-up for "lost time"... in the Twilight Zone... Ooo-eee, ooo-eee.This happens when moving the control away from center and repeats when moving the control back to the center. Hmmm. Weird, it sounds almost, but not quite, like FS's default time-interval based movement, but gone wrong. It might be worth changing FS's axis mode (the STICK_SENSITIVITY_MODE=0 parameter, as recommended in the FSUIPC User Guide). I see you are assigning to FS controls, which can make things a bit less efficient: Quote 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,03=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 Try changing the three affected axes to "direct to FSUIPC calibration", to see if that helps. Regards Pete
jahman Posted June 27, 2011 Author Report Posted June 27, 2011 On 6/1/2011 at 10:18 AM, Pete Dowson said: Try changing the three affected axes to "direct to FSUIPC calibration", to see if that helps. All options are greyed-out and "Send to FS as normal axis" is pre-selected. Also I would lose my reverser zones on my CH ThrottleQ that I set-up in CH Control Manager. What did fix the problem is switching assignments from "Axis Aileron Set" to just "Aileron Set" and so on for all other controls. Control movements are a lot more fluid now. Use of the "Axis..." assignments ought to be discouraged, or just plain removed from the list. Cheers, - jahman.
Bob Church Posted June 27, 2011 Report Posted June 27, 2011 Hi Jahman, If you have the Control Manager drivers installed (doesn't matter whether you're using a map or not) and you're using the 64-bit version of either Vista or Win7, could you have, at some point, calibrated from within FS? Under Vista 64 and Win7 64, the in-sim calibration for FS9 and FSX will send you to the standard Windows Calibration Applet, and calibration there can result in some very strange results. The Windows calibration routines set registry bits, etc. that interfere with the proper operation of the CM drivers. If that might be the case, go into FS and start the calibration again. Early on, you'll be given an option to "Reset the Calibration Data" or something along those lines. Do that for all the CH Controllers, but don't actually calibrate. As soon as you've cleared the data, exit the calibration screen as gracefully as possible. Close FS, restart Windows, and run the CM GUI to calibrate them again. Another method that will clear the Windows calibration data is to drop by the Logitech Wingmanteam site: http://www.wingmanteam.com Pick up a freebie called "ClrCalib.exe". Unplug all the controllers and run the ClrCalib utility. When that's finished, plug the controllers back in and restart Windows. Open the CM GUI again, go to the calibration screen, and if any of your CH stuff isn't there click the little "Rescan" button in the lower left corner. Again, restart Windows after you clear the data but before you calibrate. This glitch only shows up on the 64-bit OS's, if you're using a 32-bit version then the above isn't really relevant. Best regards, - Bob The StickWorks http://www.stickworks.com
jahman Posted June 27, 2011 Author Report Posted June 27, 2011 Bob, Many thanks for your input, butI don't use the FSX calibration of any kind. I confirm definitely switching from "Axis Rudder Set" to "Rudder Set" (similarly for aileron and elevator) works wonders for standard aircraft (FSX stock DC-3 in this case). Same for the A2A AccuSim B-17, P-47 and B-377 (except setting the pedals to "Rudder Set" makes the B-377 rudder control surface twitter all over the place, as if fighting a simultaneous assignment to another lever control that I can't find.) But the PMDG B-744 prefers the control axis and throttles to be assigned via ther "Axis"-preceded function names. I wonder why this is, as grouping the axis names with the "Axis" prefix makes it so much easier to assign axis to controls (wish all functions were similarly prefixed!). Cheers, - jahman. My Current FSUIPC.ini: [General] UpdatedByVersion=4709b History=OLU6TLESUM4J9PMIFVO9X TCASid=Flight TCASrange=40 AxisCalibration=No DirectAxesToCalibs=No ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=No SuppressMultilineFS=No AxisIntercepts=No WeatherReadFactor=2 WeatherRewriteSeconds=1 CustomWeatherModify=No SimConnectStallTime=1 Console=No MouseWheelTrim=No MouseWheelTrimSpeed=1 FixControlAccel=Yes FixMachSpeedBug=Yes VisibilityOptions=No OneCloudLayer=No CloudTurbulence=No CloudIcing=No GenerateCirrus=No SuppressCloudTurbulence=No MaxIce=-4 MinIce=-4 UpperWindGusts=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No SuppressWindVariance=No WindTurbulence=No TurbulenceRate=1.0,5.0 TurbulenceDivisor=20,20,40,40 SuppressAllGusts=No MaxSurfaceWind=0 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 SmoothBySimTime=No WindSmoothing=No WindSmoothness=2 WindSmoothAirborneOnly=No PressureSmoothness=20 TemperatureSmoothness=0 DisconnTrimForAP=Yes ZeroElevForAPAlt=No ThrottleSyncAll=No WhiteMessages=No ShowPMcontrols=No SpoilerIncrement=512 MagicBattery=Yes RudderSpikeRemoval=Yes ElevatorSpikeRemoval=Yes AileronSpikeRemoval=Yes ReversedElevatorTrim=No ClockSync=No ClockSyncMins=5 ClearWeatherDynamics=No OwnWeatherChanges=No TimeForSelect=4 LoadFlightMenu=No LoadPlanMenu=No PauseAfterCrash=Yes SaveDataWithFlights=No ZapSound=firework ShortAircraftNameOk=No UseProfiles=No BrakeReleaseThreshold=75 DontResetAxes=No JoystickTimeout=20 PollGFTQ6=Yes BlankDisplays=No GetNearestAirports=No LuaRerunDelay=66 [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=Yes A=CH Pro Pedals USB B=CH Flight Sim Yoke USB C=CH Throttle Quadrant USB 0=CH Pro Pedals USB 0.GUID={2F7B7820-82E7-11DD-8003-444553540000} 2=CH Flight Sim Yoke USB 2.GUID={2F7B7820-82E7-11DD-8005-444553540000} A.GUID={2F7B7820-82E7-11DD-8003-444553540000} B.GUID={2F7B7820-82E7-11DD-8005-444553540000} C.GUID={2F7B7820-82E7-11DD-8004-444553540000} 3=CH Throttle Quadrant USB 3.GUID={2F7B7820-82E7-11DD-8004-444553540000} [WideServer] WideFSenabled=Yes AdvertiseService=1 Port=8002 Port2=9002 [Buttons] ButtonRepeat=20,10 5=PB,0,C66513,0 ;(not listed) 9=RB,10,C65607,0 ;EYEPOINT_UP 10=RB,11,C65615,0 ;EYEPOINT_DOWN 15=PB,1,C66853,0 ;VIEW_CAMERA_SELECT_3 16=PB,2,C66653,0 ;VIEW_COCKPIT_FORWARD 17=PB,3,C66654,0 ;VIEW_VIRTUAL_COCKPIT_FORWARD 18=PC,0,C66609,0 ;GPS_FLIGHTPLAN_BUTTON 19=PC,1,C66612,0 ;GPS_PROCEDURE_BUTTON 20=PC,2,C66616,0 ;GPS_ZOOMOUT_BUTTON 21=PC,3,C66615,0 ;GPS_ZOOMIN_BUTTON 22=PC,4,C66624,0 ;GPS_CURSOR_BUTTON 23=PC,5,C66617,0 ;GPS_DIRECTTO_BUTTON 24=PC,6,C66626,0 ;GPS_GROUP_KNOB_DEC 25=PC,7,C66625,0 ;GPS_GROUP_KNOB_INC 26=PC,8,C66628,0 ;GPS_PAGE_KNOB_DEC 27=PC,9,C66627,0 ;GPS_PAGE_KNOB_INC 28=PC,11,C66623,0 ;GPS_ENTER_BUTTON 29=PC,10,C66618,0 ;GPS_MENU_BUTTON 30=PB,4,C66172,0 31=PB,5,C66173,0 32=PB,6,C66174,0 33=PB,7,C66175,0 34=PB,8,K123,8 37=UB,5,C66514,0 38=UB,6,C66514,0 39=UB,7,C66514,0 41=UB,4,C66514,0 42=PB,9,K120,8 43=UB,0,C66514,0 [AutoSave] AutoSaveEnabled=Yes Interval=60 Files=10 SaveOnGround=No Next=1 1=Sun 233946 2=Sun 234045 3=Sun 234145 4=Sun 234244 5=Sun 234344 6=Sun 235140 7=Sun 235239 8=Sun 235339 9=Sun 235438 10=Sun 235538 [GPSout] GPSoutEnabled=No Port=COM4 Speed=4800 Interval=2000 PosTo6Decimal=No Sentences= [GPSout2] GPSoutEnabled=No Port=<none set> Speed=4800 Interval=2000 PosTo6Decimal=No Sentences= [Axes] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65696,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65695,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65694,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,65786,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=CX,256,F,65820,0,0,0 8=CY,256,F,65821,0,0,0 9=CZ,256,F,65923,0,0,0 10=CR,256,F,65924,0,0,0 11=CU,256,F,65920,0,0,0 12=CV,256,F,65919,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No MapCowl1to1234=Yes FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16384,0,0,16256 Elevator=-16384,0,0,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16128 LeftBrake=-16256,16384/16 RightBrake=-16384,16256/16 Throttle1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle3=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle4=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Mixture1=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 Mixture2=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 Mixture3=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 Mixture4=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 PropPitch1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 PropPitch2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 PropPitch3=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 PropPitch4=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 ElevatorTrim=-16380,0,0,16383 Spoilers=-16384,16383/16 CowlFlaps1=-16384,16383/16 SlewAlt=-16384,0,0,16383 SlewAhead=-16384,0,0,16128 SlewHeading=-16384,0,0,16256 UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No [Keys] 1=189,8,66700,0 2=187,8,66699,0 3=N69,10,66224,0 4=N69,9,66389,0 5=N13,14,65553,0 6=N89,11,66807,0 7=N81,10,65552,0 8=N89,10,65557,0 9=N86,10,66722,0 10=N32,10,65875,0 11=N190,8,65752,0 12=N19,8,65561,0 13=N90,9,65737,0 14=N49,9,65906,0 15=N50,9,65907,0 16=N51,9,65908,0 17=N52,9,65909,0 18=N53,9,65910,0 19=N54,9,65911,0 20=N55,9,65912,0 21=N56,9,65913,0 22=N57,9,65914,0 23=27,8,66268,0 [Axes.747] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 8=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 9=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 10=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 11=CU,256,F,66425,0,0,0 12=CV,256,F,66422,0,0,0 [ClientNames] 1=HAL-9000 [Axes.CS CS_C130 1] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=BV,256,F,65766,0,0,0 8=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 9=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 10=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 11=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 12=CU,256,F,66424,0,0,0 13=CV,256,F,66421,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.CS CS_C130 1] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No MapProp12to34=Yes MapCowl1to1234=Yes FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16384,0,0,16256 Elevator=-16384,0,0,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16128 LeftBrake=-16256,16384/16 RightBrake=-16384,16256/16 Throttle1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle3=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle4=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 PropPitch1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 PropPitch2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 ElevatorTrim=-16380,0,0,16383 Spoilers=-16384,16383/16 CowlFlaps1=-16384,16383/16 SlewAlt=-16384,0,0,16383 SlewAhead=-16384,0,0,16128 SlewHeading=-16384,0,0,16256 [Axes.PMDG - 747-400 GE CF6 Engines] 0=AX,256,F,66388,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 7=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 8=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 9=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.PMDG - 747-400 GE CF6 Engines] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No MapMix12to34=Yes MapMix12to123=Yes FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16384,0,0,16256/8 Elevator=-16384,0,0,16128/8 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16128/8 LeftBrake=-16256,16384/24 RightBrake=-16384,16256/24 Throttle1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/8 Throttle2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/8 Throttle3=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/8 Throttle4=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/8 Mixture1=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/40 Mixture2=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/40 ElevatorTrim=-16380,0,0,16383/8 Spoilers=-16384,16383/24 SlewAlt=-16384,0,0,16383/8 SlewAhead=-16384,0,0,16128/8 SlewHeading=-16384,0,0,16256/8 [Axes.Boeing Stratocruiser, PAN AM] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65696,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65695,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65694,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,0,65870,0,0 6=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 7=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 8=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 9=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 10=CV,256,F,66291,0,0,0 [Axes.CS C130Extra1 2] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=BV,256,F,65766,0,0,0 8=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 9=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 10=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 11=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 12=CU,256,F,66425,0,0,0 13=CV,256,F,66422,0,0,0 [Axes.Boeing B-17G 350th BS] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65696,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65695,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65694,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,0,65870,0,0 6=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 7=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 8=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 9=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 10=CV,256,F,66291,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.Boeing B-17G 350th BS] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No MapCowl1to1234=Yes FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16384,0,0,16256 Elevator=-16384,0,0,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16128 LeftBrake=-16256,16384/16 RightBrake=-16384,16256/16 Throttle1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle3=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle4=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Mixture1=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 Mixture2=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 Mixture3=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 Mixture4=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 PropPitch1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/32 PropPitch2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/32 PropPitch3=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/32 PropPitch4=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383/32 ElevatorTrim=-16380,0,0,16383 Spoilers=-16384,16383/16 CowlFlaps1=-16384,16383/16 SlewAlt=-16384,0,0,16383 SlewAhead=-16384,0,0,16128 SlewHeading=-16384,0,0,16256 [Axes.ALPHA XB-70 Valkyrie] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=BV,256,F,65766,0,0,0 8=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 9=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 10=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 11=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 12=CU,256,F,66425,0,0,0 13=CV,256,F,66422,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.ALPHA XB-70 Valkyrie] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No MapMix12to34=Yes MapMix12to123=Yes MapCowl1to1234=Yes FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16384,0,0,16256 Elevator=-16384,0,0,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16128 LeftBrake=-16256,16384/16 RightBrake=-16384,16256/16 Throttle1=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle2=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle3=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Throttle4=-16384,-15500,-10500,16383 Mixture1=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 Mixture2=-16253,-14433,-14433,16383/32 ElevatorTrim=-16380,0,0,16383 Spoilers=-16384,16383/16 CowlFlaps1=-16384,16383/16 SlewAlt=-16384,0,0,16383 SlewAhead=-16384,0,0,16128 SlewHeading=-16384,0,0,16256 [Axes.Concorde (Capt) BAUF OAF] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=BV,256,F,65766,0,0,0 8=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 9=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 10=CZ,256,F,66426,0,0,0 11=CR,256,F,66429,0,0,0 12=CU,256,F,66425,0,0,0 13=CV,256,F,66422,0,0,0 [Axes.US NAVY Blue Angels #1] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BR,256,F,66162,0,0,0 7=BV,256,F,65766,0,0,0 8=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 9=CY,256,F,66423,0,0,0 10=CU,256,F,66425,0,0,0 11=CV,256,F,66422,0,0,0 [Axes.P-47D-20-RA 362nd FG] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65696,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65695,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65694,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,0,65870,0,0 6=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 7=CV,256,F,66421,0,0,0 [Axes.P-47D-23-RA 342nd FS] 0=AX,256,F,66387,0,0,0 1=AY,256,F,66388,0,0,0 2=AZ,256,F,65764,0,0,0 3=BX,256,F,65763,65869,0,0 4=BY,256,F,65762,65867,0,0 5=BZ,256,F,66382,65870,0,0 6=BV,256,F,65766,0,0,0 7=CX,256,F,66420,0,0,0 8=CU,256,F,66425,0,0,0 9=CV,256,F,66421,0,0,0 [Sounds] Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Sound\ Device1=Primary Sound Driver Device2=Speakers (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio) Device3=SPDIF Interface (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio)
Pete Dowson Posted June 27, 2011 Report Posted June 27, 2011 On 6/27/2011 at 1:05 AM, jahman said: All options are greyed-out and "Send to FS as normal axis" is pre-selected. That's only because you have made an assignment in that mode. Just uncheck the assignment, select "direct to ..." then select the correct assignment. The direct assignments are to FSUIPC calibration tabs NOT to the FS controls! That's the whole point! ;-) Quote Also I would lose my reverser zones on my CH ThrottleQ that I set-up in CH Control Manager. Not sure why changing the route through FSUIPC would change anything external -- why is this? And why are you trying to use an external control manager AND FSUIPC? I would have thought that would cause no end of confusion and maybe added problems. Quote What did fix the problem is switching assignments from "Axis Aileron Set" to just "Aileron Set" and so on for all other controls. Control movements are a lot more fluid now. Use of the "Axis..." assignments ought to be discouraged, or just plain removed from the list. The non-axis controls are old FS98 compatible controls, supported by FSUIPC for compatibility and to allow reverse zones on throttle, prop and mixture (the Axis controls don't have reverse). The Axis ... controls are the ones FS itself uses when you assign in FS --and there are several add-on aircraft which do not work unless those controls are used. There is no way and no reason for them to be "discouraged" and certainly not removed as they are the mainstay of FS surface controls. Just because you have a problem, probably some conflict with CH Control Manager, doesn't mean everything others use must be discarded! Pete
jahman Posted June 28, 2011 Author Report Posted June 28, 2011 On 6/27/2011 at 8:40 AM, Pete Dowson said: That's only because you have made an assignment in that mode. Just uncheck the assignment, select "direct to ..." then select the correct assignment. The direct assignments are to FSUIPC calibration tabs NOT to the FS controls! That's the whole point! ;-) OK, I'll give that a try, but it's far from self-evident from a GUI POV that once you make a choice via a radio-button the other choices are greyed out. Quote Not sure why changing the route through FSUIPC would change anything external -- why is this? And why are you trying to use an external control manager AND FSUIPC? I would have thought that would cause no end of confusion and maybe added problem. Because like many others I had the hardest of times getting reverser zones going on my CH Throttle Quadrant until I used CH Control Manager to set a reverser zone. I could never figure out how to set-up reverser zones using only FSUIPC (and I did read the documentation). Quote The non-axis controls are old FS98 compatible controls, supported by FSUIPC for compatibility and to allow reverse zones on throttle, prop and mixture (the Axis controls don't have reverse). The Axis ... controls are the ones FS itself uses when you assign in FS --and there are several add-on aircraft which do not work unless those controls are used. There is no way and no reason for them to be "discouraged" and certainly not removed as they are the mainstay of FS surface controls. Just because you have a problem, probably some conflict with CH Control Manager, doesn't mean everything others use must be discarded! OK, and how is a newbie to know this? How would I even suspect FSUIPC4 for FSX is listing functions only for compatibility for FS98? (That would be 4 FS releases back!) If certain functions are being deprecated, why not add an asterisk to the name or even better a checkbox to hide them? I'll give your suggestions a twirl later today and report back, but so far (with the exception of the rudder on the 377 and of course the PMDG 744) the fact is the deprecated FS98 axis functions do work better/smoother for me, and that seems quite odd, especially in light of the detail you mention. Cheers, - jahman.
Pete Dowson Posted June 28, 2011 Report Posted June 28, 2011 On 6/28/2011 at 6:30 AM, jahman said: OK, I'll give that a try, but it's far from self-evident from a GUI POV that once you make a choice via a radio-button the other choices are greyed out. Think about it. They have to be. The choice in the assignment is only possible with the mode currently selected. If you changed modes with an assignment altready made I'd have to delete that assignment, and then folks would be complaining that they lost assignments without meaning to just because they clicked a radio button. The "greying out" in almost all Windows programs is to prevent silly or impossible combinations. That's all. And the User Guide does actually tell you: To change between the three methods you will have to de-assign the axis controls first. Do this by removing the check mark to the left of each assignment. Incidentally, it has been this way in FSUIPC now for 12 years, with yours the first ever complaint! Quote Because like many others I had the hardest of times getting reverser zones going on my CH Throttle Quadrant until I used CH Control Manager to set a reverser zone. I could never figure out how to set-up reverser zones using only FSUIPC (and I did read the documentation). What was the problem? There's no secret. You assign to separate throttles (in FSX -- or if you have good reason, in FSUIPC) then, in the 4-throttles tab in Calibrations you calibrate minimum (=max reverse) to idle, a small central idle zone, then max for full thrust. Everything is labelled and the instructions have been clear enough for most folks for many years. In fact unless you deliberately select "No Reverse Zone" (the option for those using a button for reverse), you cannot avoid having a reverse zone with those calibrations. All you need to do is position your idle zone where it suits. Quote OK, and how is a newbie to know this? You are not. But then a "newbie" isn't really expected to be doing things like assigning axes in FSUIPC. Why are you doing it in any case? That facility was originally added for those needing different assignments for different aircraft and wanting them changing automatically. Of course anyone can use any of the facilities in FSUIPC if they wish. They should surely have some idea WHY they are doing so, though, don't you think? Just like any toolkit. Quote How would I even suspect FSUIPC4 for FSX is listing functions only for compatibility for FS98? But it is NOT! It lists ALL functions present in whatever version of FS you are using. You are completely misunderstanding what FSUIPC does! It exposes all of the innards of FS for you to take advantage of. It gets the complete list of all the controls FS itself contains -- these are in the part of FS called "CONTROLS.DLL". they are NOT listed by FSUIPC but by FS. FSUIPC has no place excluding some and including others. some do some things some do others. some are misnamed or misspelt. Some don't work. There's no way i can document the hundreds of FS controls. I don't even know what many of them do myself! Quote If certain functions are being deprecated, why not add an asterisk to the name or even better a checkbox to hide them? Which ones are deprecated? None by me, for sure. Who's to say what should or should not be used? Some work better with some aircraft, others are essential for others. Pete
jahman Posted June 28, 2011 Author Report Posted June 28, 2011 On 6/28/2011 at 9:59 AM, Pete Dowson said: Think about it. They have to be. The choice in the assignment is only possible with the mode currently selected. If you changed modes with an assignment altready made I'd have to delete that assignment, and then folks would be complaining that they lost assignments without meaning to just because they clicked a radio button. The "greying out" in almost all Windows programs is to prevent silly or impossible combinations. That's all. And the User Guide does actually tell you: To change between the three methods you will have to de-assign the axis controls first. Do this by removing the check mark to the left of each assignment. Incidentally, it has been this way in FSUIPC now for 12 years, with yours the first ever complaint! Fair enough, but this is non-standard GUI behaviour (from a lifetime user of PCs both professionally and as a hobby, specifically in testing software for useability) because there is no reason for the user to suspect a serial dependency. Normal behaviour would be for selections of mode and function to be independent of each other. I just see an option greyed-out and have no indication as to why it is greyed-out. Quote What was the problem? There's no secret. You assign to separate throttles (in FSX -- or if you have good reason, in FSUIPC) then, in the 4-throttles tab in Calibrations you calibrate minimum (=max reverse) to idle, a small central idle zone, then max for full thrust. Everything is labelled and the instructions have been clear enough for most folks for many years. In fact unless you deliberately select "No Reverse Zone" (the option for those using a button for reverse), you cannot avoid having a reverse zone with those calibrations. All you need to do is position your idle zone where it suits. Well, the forum is full of posts from folks asking about throttle reverser, so perhaps its not as clear as it may seem. For example, for me labels mean in english what they say in english, e.g. "minimum" is exactly that, minimum, and "reverse" is, well, reverse. So when you say "minimum" is reverse, I am confused. Also when you say "when you assign throttles in FSX -- or if you have good reason, in FSUIPC", I don't understand what you are saying because I assume I am supposed to assign axes from within FSUIPC. How otherwise would I get different assignments for different aircraft? Quote You are not. But then a "newbie" isn't really expected to be doing things like assigning axes in FSUIPC. Why are you doing it in any case? That facility was originally added for those needing different assignments for different aircraft and wanting them changing automatically. Of course anyone can use any of the facilities in FSUIPC if they wish. They should surely have some idea WHY they are doing so, though, don't you think? Just like any toolkit. Well, exactly, the idea is to be able to change axis assignments automatically per aircraft. That's why I paid for a registered version of FSUIPC. So why do you make it sound like I shouldn't be assigning axes from within FSUIPC? Quote But it is NOT! It lists ALL functions present in whatever version of FS you are using. You are completely misunderstanding what FSUIPC does! It exposes all of the innards of FS for you to take advantage of. It gets the complete list of all the controls FS itself contains -- these are in the part of FS called "CONTROLS.DLL". they are NOT listed by FSUIPC but by FS. FSUIPC has no place excluding some and including others. some do some things some do others. some are misnamed or misspelt. Some don't work. There's no way i can document the hundreds of FS controls. I don't even know what many of them do myself! OK, so how am I supposed to know this? You make it sound like I havwe been programming FSUIPC alongside with you when I have not. And a checkbox could be added to show/hide functions not favoured or deprecated. Quote Which ones are deprecated? None by me, for sure. Who's to say what should or should not be used? Some work better with some aircraft, others are essential for others. Well, in your previous post you said: "The non-axis controls are old FS98 compatible controls, supported by FSUIPC for compatibility", so that sounds to me like they are deprecated in favour of "the Axis ... controls are the ones FS itself uses when you assign in FS." As to "Who's to say what should or should not be used?", well you are telling me what to use, and you should be, because you understand how FS and FSUIPC work far better than I ever will. Cheers, - jahman.
Pete Dowson Posted June 28, 2011 Report Posted June 28, 2011 On 6/28/2011 at 4:38 PM, jahman said: Fair enough, but this is non-standard GUI behaviour (from a lifetime user of PCs both professionally and as a hobby, specifically in testing software for useability) because there is no reason for the user to suspect a serial dependency. Well there would be if he used the User guide. There is a dependency, because what you can assign depends on which mode you select. And in my experience with computers as a professinal since 1964 I have to disagree with you. There are many many dialogues where the options available change according to mode selections. Quote Well, the forum is full of posts from folks asking about throttle reverser, so perhaps its not as clear as it may seem. For example, for me labels mean in english what they say in english, e.g. "minimum" is exactly that, minimum, and "reverse" is, well, reverse. So when you say "minimum" is reverse, I am confused. Unless you seect "No reverse zones" the calibration screen shows reverse -- idle - max. So your confusion seems strange. Why not look at what you are doing -- it would be clearer then! I only mentioned "minimum" to refer to a minimum lever setting (i.e. pulled right back), the position which inputs the minimum arithmetic value, which is why I mentioned it. And where is the Forum full of such confused posts? The main postings have always been about how NOT to assign a reverse zone because throttle quadrants like the Saitek have a button for reverse instead -- hence the more recent addition of the No Reverse Zone option. Quite honestly, as a self-confessed computer professional it seems to be that you are going out of your way to be deliberately critical in areas which do not deserve it. Quote Also when you say "when you assign throttles in FSX -- or if you have good reason, in FSUIPC", I don't understand what you are saying because I assume I am supposed to assign axes from within FSUIPC. How otherwise would I get different assignments for different aircraft? If that's what you want to do, that's what FSUIPC assignments are good for. But it is not a general need -- you are trying to be an "advanced user" and for some reason being deliberately blind to what is in front of you. I was explaining "normal" use. Quote So why do you make it sound like I shouldn't be assigning axes from within FSUIPC? I'm not. You are reading things in such a defensive and strange manner you are misinterpreting just about everything I say. Before finishing, I should add that this diatribe started after I simply suggested that you "try changing the three affected axes to "direct to FSUIPC calibration", to see if that helps". And in return for such an attempt to help, I get crucified. It really isn't worth it, and I'm too old to risk shortening my life further by the sort of stress you seem to enjoy causing. So, sorry, but this is it. I've had enough. I give in. You must be right, you are the customer. I'm evidently completely wrong. And I've wasted enough of my time trying to convince you otherwise. I suggest you read the manual again (which you probably should have done before even buying FSUIPC and so could could have avoided the expenditure). If you have further criticisms and accusations, or even, amazingly, new requests for help, I hope someone else with more patience for folks like you will chip in. Good bye. Pete
jahman Posted July 7, 2011 Author Report Posted July 7, 2011 On 6/28/2011 at 5:01 PM, Pete Dowson said: ... And where is the Forum full of such confused posts? The main postings have always been about how NOT to assign a reverse zone because throttle quadrants like the Saitek have a button for reverse instead -- hence the more recent addition of the No Reverse Zone option. Well, I just re-read the latest version of the User Guide for assigning and calibrating joysticks. That section is really confusing. In fact, it is so confusing you added Peter Hayes' contribution as an Appendix to help understand how to assign joysticks. The reason for the confusion, BTW, is that the section is written explaining all options (which is appropriate for a Reference Manual), instead of only the options most likely to be used by a newbie as Peter Hayes did in the Appendix (and as appropriate for a User Guide). Specifically, although all three joystick assignment methods are explained (in excessive detail for any newbie having first-time contact with FSUIPC), at no point whatsoever does the User Guide give any guidance as to which of the three methods is preferred. The only clues are "default" for "Send to FS as normal axis", "much less used" for "Send to FS as Offset" and (indirectly), Peter Hayes Appendix with "Send Direct to FSUIPC calibration" as the only method favoured by that Appendix (#10 on p. 58.) So, as a newbie, I zeroed-in on the "default" assignment method, as usually "default" is the proper choice to make, and that's why I picked "Send to FS as normal axis" for my axis assignmets. Quote Quite honestly, as a self-confessed computer professional it seems to be that you are going out of your way to be deliberately critical in areas which do not deserve it. That's because you insist on me not being an FSUIPC newbie. And I'm not being "deliberatly critical", I'm just relating what I see from my end as a newbie FSUIPC user. Quote If that's what you want to do, that's what FSUIPC assignments are good for. But it is not a general need -- you are trying to be an "advanced user" and for some reason being deliberately blind to what is in front of you. I was explaining "normal" use. See above. What you term "trying to be an "advanced user" and for some reason being deliberately blind to what is in front of you" is me just being confused and trying the best I can with the documentation at hand. Quote I'm not. You are reading things in such a defensive and strange manner you are misinterpreting just about everything I say.Before finishing, I should add that this diatribe started after I simply suggested that you "try changing the three affected axes to "direct to FSUIPC calibration", to see if that helps". And in return for such an attempt to help, I get crucified. It really isn't worth it, and I'm too old to risk shortening my life further by the sort of stress you seem to enjoy causing. You're not getting crucified. I'm just trying to tell you that it is not clear from the FSUIPC GUI or documentation which axis assignment method is favoured, and you insist I should somehow know that. Heck, you even tell me to read the User Manual, and the User Manual is silent on that particular issue. Quote So, sorry, but this is it. I've had enough. I give in. You must be right, you are the customer. I'm evidently completely wrong. And I've wasted enough of my time trying to convince you otherwise. I suggest you read the manual again (which you probably should have done before even buying FSUIPC and so could could have avoided the expenditure). If you have further criticisms and accusations, or even, amazingly, new requests for help, I hope someone else with more patience for folks like you will chip in.Good bye. Pete Pete, tell me where your User Manual says "Send Direct to FSUIPC calibration" is the preferred method for assignining Joysticks for FSX. (BTW I checked the Advaced Users Manual and it isn't mentioned there either.) And if it's not mentioned, please consider adding it. Thanks. Cheers, - jahman.
peterhayes Posted July 7, 2011 Report Posted July 7, 2011 Hi Jahman I see that you are having issues with your CH controller and assignments. I wrote the appendix (which PeteD generously added to the manual) as a step by step guide to a particular option in FSUIPC4, that a "newbie" could follow - it was really just to enhance and expand in a step-wise fashion PeteD's instructions in the manual. :razz: I myself have a CH Yoke plus pedals and have no problems in FSX/FSUIPC4/CHCM. This is what I do: I do not use CHCM in "MAPPED" mode as I believe that there are some interactions between that and Win 7 calibration and may be with FSUIPC (BobC disagrees with me on that latter point). If I use CHCM I use it in "DIRECT" mode so that I can set the null zone exactly at the detente on the TQ6 and that corresponds nicely with the calibration settings in FSUIPC4 and so you get the reverse thrust occurring exactly at the start of the detente down to the minimum setting, and vice versa. I know that you have said that you did not use the windows calibration - but I would still follow BobC's advice and use the "reset to default" (or the Logitech cleaner) option in FSX joystick calibration, so that all calibration settings in Windows are reset. I would also back up both my fsx.cfg file and the fsuipc.ini file and remove them one by one and then let FSX re-build a new cfg file and FSUIPC re-create the ini file. (Yes, it is a pain but it can resolve lots of issues). I would also check the current in-use standard.xml (in the system disk\user\username\appdata usually) just to make sure there are no issues there? Sometimes you get "greyed out" buttons in FSUIPC when you are not expecting them, so if I see that I just "wiggle" a lever or the yoke and that can fix that problem. The CH game controllers don't alweays make themselves known when in an "idle" state and a "wiggle" wakes them up. :rolleyes: If none of this or Pete's/BobC's advice works try changing the USB port hub (eg lots of USB issues in Win 7) or re-plugging the controllers in after turning off the computer, removing the power cord for several minutes, perhaps with a "clean boot" or suspect a hardware fault. Regards PeterH
Pete Dowson Posted July 7, 2011 Report Posted July 7, 2011 On 7/7/2011 at 12:14 AM, jahman said: Pete, tell me where your User Manual says "Send Direct to FSUIPC calibration" is the preferred method for assignining Joysticks for FSX. (BTW I checked the Advaced Users Manual and it isn't mentioned there either.) And if it's not mentioned, please consider adding it. Thanks. No, because it will create more problems for me to answer for those using some add-on aircraft which need the normal FS controls. If i say this way is better than that way then those folks will get problems through following that advice. There is no single solution suiting all. Sorry, but that is not the way it is. All I can do is supply a toolkit which you apply as best you can to suit your specific needs. And there is no way I can know them in advance because I am not the owner of every single add-on out there nor would I have the time and expertise to deal with them all. Pete
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