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Hi Folk's

I need some help I have just installed Windows 7 on to my computor installed FSX no problem untill I downloaded FSUIPC4 and no matter what I do I can not get FSUIPC4 it to work it as installed into the Modules O/K but what do I do next.

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Moved to Pete Dowson's FSUIPC forum - however you'll need to give a lot more information than that before anyone can help you!

What is not working exactly?

What are you expecting it to do?

What exact version of FSUIPC are you using?

Registered or unregistered?

If you can provide as much information as possible, it will help people assist you.


Ian P.

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Hi Folks

Lets try again I have downloaded a registered program of the FSUIPC4,I have installed it into the modules folder it consists of the following FSUIPC ducuments,Serial FP2,FSUIPC4 install,FSUIPC4dll,FSUIPC4configuration settings,FSUIPC4 Key there is no desk top icon,.

I have a felling that it is going to be some thing simple.

Regards centurion

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Lets try again I have downloaded a registered program of the FSUIPC4

There's no such thing as a "registered" version. You download the Installer for FSUIPC4, and during Installation you optionally register it, as explained in the Installation and Registration document included in the Zip. You either use it registered or unregistered, there aren't separate versions.

I have installed it into the modules folder

And how did you do that? The downloaded package contains an Installer. You MUST run the installer. You don't personally put it into the modules folder.

it consists of the following FSUIPC ducuments,Serial FP2,FSUIPC4 install,FSUIPC4dll,FSUIPC4configuration settings,FSUIPC4 Key there is no desk top icon

If there's an FSUIPC.INI file (your "configuration settings") then you have already installed it and run it, and it is probably working, as that file is made by FSUIPC when it runs.

There is never a desktop icon for FSUIPC. Why should there be?

I have a felling that it is going to be some thing simple.

It may well be, but so far you've not told us anything useful at all!

I repeat Ian's questions for you, perhaps you could answer them this time, please? Then we might get somewhere.

What is not working exactly?

What are you expecting it to do?

What exact version of FSUIPC are you using?

Registered or unregistered?

Have you tried reading any of the instructions at all? The installation and registration guide would have been in the ZIP you downloaded. The User Guide is in the folder "FSUIPC Documents" in the FS Modules folder.



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Hi Pete

Thank you (YES I DID READ THE INSTALL MANUAL SEVERAL TIMES ) and the light did not come on untill you broke it down into qoutes FSUIPC loadd perfecly and is working as it should, the prroblem lies with the saitek radio program and I suspect Windows7 for the future please bear in mind that OAP's tend to be a bit slow on the uptake with new TECHNOOGOGY;thank you both for your help.

Regards centurion

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Thank you (YES I DID READ THE INSTALL MANUAL SEVERAL TIMES ) and the light did not come on untill you broke it down into qoutes FSUIPC loadd perfecly and is working as it should, the prroblem lies with the saitek radio program and I suspect Windows7 for the future please bear in mind that OAP's tend to be a bit slow on the uptake with new TECHNOOGOGY;thank you both for your help.

This is a bit belligerent, isn't it? Why? I don't think being an OAP is an excuse, if you mean by that someone over 65 -- I am 68 myself. All we wanted was information so we could help, so we asked questions which you continue to avoid answering for some reason which is completely beyond me. :-(


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Sorry Pete

I did not mean to offend Ido not always get it rightt I am gratefull for all the help I can get,this useless body of mine is pumped full of morphine and other powerfull painkillers tends to addel the brain has far as age goes I am way in front of you ,to both of you I thank you for the help if you had not broken the itermised

the qoutes I would still be looking for a problem that does not exsist.[

Regards centurion

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