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i bought fsuipc4 yesterday and i am having hard time to install it

i am on windows 7 64 bit and FSX i give every things that is asking.

but nothing happen i read the users guide for installation and i think i do what they said.

Daniel Lavoie

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i bought fsuipc4 yesterday and i am having hard time to install it

To install it simply execute the Installer program provided in the ZIP. There's nothing else to it.

but nothing happen

What do you mean by "nothing happen"? That the program does not run? You need to be clearer please.

And please state which version number you are trying to install.


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a few things that are importend with WIN7.

Do NOT install FSX in the systemfolder "programms". Install on a different partion then Windows or use a separate folder like C:/FSX.

Check, the installer of FSUIPC4 has adminrights or disable UserAccountControl (slider to the bottom position)

otherwise the installer will not be able to write the FSUIPC-Entry into dll.xml



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Check, the installer of FSUIPC4 has adminrights or disable UserAccountControl (slider to the bottom position)

otherwise the installer will not be able to write the FSUIPC-Entry into dll.xml

At one time any installer (any EXE with "install" or "setup" in the name) automatically had elevated admin rights and needed nothing extra to do this. Some Windows update in the last months has changed this! :-(

The way around is to execute the Installer by right clicking on the EXE and selecting "run as administrator".

I did change the documentation I think.


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