drskyking Posted July 13, 2011 Report Posted July 13, 2011 Hello Pete! Odd thing since I just reinstalled my FS9 and addons with my registered FSUIPC 3.something purchased 5 yrs ago onto my new i5 quad core PC last week. Every time I start up fs9 my proppitch2 on my CH prods throttle quadrant doesn't work. I have to go into FSUIPC, rescan for joysticks, move proppitch2 lever, (it does appear to be assigned and numbers change when I move the lever) un tick it, close FSUIPC, then reopen it, rescan, and then tick and assign the right prop lever proppitch2. Then it works until I shutdown and restart fs9. I have unassigned all joysticks under FS9 joystick assignments as before. I don't believe I am doing anything differently than the old pc that always seemed to save the assignments. I keep the single prop lever on the CH flight sim yoke pulled down as it is assigned as a separate axis. Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks, Doc
Pete Dowson Posted July 13, 2011 Report Posted July 13, 2011 Odd thing since I just reinstalled my FS9 and addons with my registered FSUIPC 3.something purchased 5 yrs ago onto my new i5 quad core PC last week. Every time I start up fs9 my proppitch2 on my CH prods throttle quadrant doesn't work. I have to go into FSUIPC, rescan for joysticks, move proppitch2 lever, (it does appear to be assigned and numbers change when I move the lever) un tick it, close FSUIPC, then reopen it, rescan, and then tick and assign the right prop lever proppitch2. Then it works until I shutdown and restart fs9. I have unassigned all joysticks under FS9 joystick assignments as before. I don't believe I am doing anything differently than the old pc that always seemed to save the assignments. I keep the single prop lever on the CH flight sim yoke pulled down as it is assigned as a separate axis. Hmm. There's is really no difference between something being assigned or re-assigned, so even if you needed to go into the options to force a re-scan (which FSUIPC does automatically each time the options are entered), I really can't see that un-assigning, exiting, re-entering and re-assigning is doing more than simply going into the options and exiting again. Did you try the simpler things first? Anyway, the main question here is: are you using FSUIPC version 3.99 or later? If not please update and try again. Depending which versin you are using, there was a time-out applied to slow reacting joystick axes (i.e. those whose driver timed out when it was polled) which was changed to only apply during assignment. No version older than 3.99 is currently supported in any case. There's a version 3.997c in the Download Links subforum. It's also a good idea to turn off USB power management on all of the USB connections you are using, because that can put them to sleep. (This is done in the windows device manager). Regards Pete
drskyking Posted July 13, 2011 Author Report Posted July 13, 2011 As always, thanks for such a prompt response! Will check my version and look into turning off the USB power management. Doc
drskyking Posted July 13, 2011 Author Report Posted July 13, 2011 Very odd still. I have no power management tab on my USB drivers Properties tab. Put in 3.997c, had 3.98. I find now that Pitch2 will only work if after fs9 up, I open Modules, click on any tab then close it works! Doc
Andydigital Posted July 13, 2011 Report Posted July 13, 2011 Pete do you think this could be a permissions thing in Windows 7 or Vista due to not having access to the real files but rather the aliased/virtual files.
Pete Dowson Posted July 13, 2011 Report Posted July 13, 2011 Very odd still. I have no power management tab on my USB drivers Properties tab. It isn't "USB drivers - properties" but Device Manager - Universal Serial Bus controllers - USB Root Hub - Properties.. there will probably be several "USB Root Hubs". Put in 3.997c, had 3.98. I find now that Pitch2 will only work if after fs9 up, I open Modules, click on any tab then close it works! So you don't really have to unassign it, close FSUIPC, then reopen FSUIPC, and reassign it any more? What could have changed to make it so much easier? I suspect it was always like that because unassigning and reassigning really does nothing. It is the re-scanning when you go into the options which might wake things up. It certainly sounds like a faulty USB connection or one which is asleep, but it is odd if that's the only axis that does that. Maybe it's a fault in the device instead. What other assignments do you have on the same device? If you assign a different function to that same axis does it still happen? Do all the other assignments work okay? Note that all that is happening when you open up the FSUIPC options is a re-scan of connected devices, which is also done when you first load FS and FSUIPC starts. Also, it's a long shot, but perhaps you should paste your FSUIPC.INI file here please so I can see if you have anything odd going on in that. Regards Pete
Pete Dowson Posted July 13, 2011 Report Posted July 13, 2011 Pete do you think this could be a permissions thing in Windows 7 or Vista due to not having access to the real files but rather the aliased/virtual files. Doesn't sound like it. If merely opening FSUIPC options ad exiting again wakes the axis up, it's a connection or power thing. There's a re-scan in FSUIPC. Pete
drskyking Posted July 14, 2011 Author Report Posted July 14, 2011 Brand spanking new PC with 8 USB ports on mobo. CH Throttle Quadrant less than a year old, all other assignments hold... Ini file: [General] History=0SCZJISK5F9DBA9BHC5PE WindSmoothing=Yes AutoTaxiWind=No PropTaxiWind=No TimeSetMode=Partial WhiteMessages=No ThrottleSyncAll=No GraduatedVisibility=No LowerVisAltitude=0 UpperVisAltitude=25000 UpperVisibility=6000 GenerateCirrus=Yes WindShearSharp=No UpperWindGusts=Yes ExtendMetarMaxVis=Yes DisconnTrimForAP=No ZeroElevForAPAlt=No AutoClearWeather=Yes ExtendTopWind=Yes WindSmoothness=10 SmoothPressure=No PressureSmoothness=5 SmoothVisibility=Yes VisibilitySmoothness=2 MaxSurfaceWind=0 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 MinimumVisibility=25 MaximumVisibilityFewClouds=0 MaximumVisibility=0 MaximumVisibilityOvercast=0 MaximumVisibilityRainy=0 OneCloudLayer=No ThinClouds=No ThinThunderClouds=No CloudThinness=1000 ThunderCloudThinness=10000 CloudTurbulence=No CloudIcing=No WindTurbulence=No SuppressAllGusts=No ExternalOptionControl=Yes AutoTuneADF=No KeepFS98CloudCover=No ShowPMcontrols=No MagicBattery=No RudderSpikeRemoval=No ElevatorSpikeRemoval=No AileronSpikeRemoval=No ReversedElevatorTrim=No StopAutoFuel=No TrapUserInterrupt=Yes NavFreq50KHz=No ClockSync=No SmoothIAS=Yes SetVisUpperAlt=No VisUpperAltLimit=6000 MaxIce=3 MinIce=-1 WindSmoothingDelay=0 WindSmoothAirborneOnly=No LimitWindVariance=No VisSmoothingDelay=0 VisSmoothAirborneOnly=No TrafficControlDirect=Yes SuppressCloudTurbulence=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No SpoilerIncrement=512 ShortAircraftNameOk=No TCASid=Flight TCASrange=40 TrafficScanPerFrame=10 AxisCalibration=No CentredDialogue=Yes ShowMultilineWindow=No SuppressSingleline=No ClearWeatherDynamics=Yes OwnWeatherChanges=No FixWindows=No FixControlAccel=Yes WeatherReadInterval=4 MoveBGLvariables=Yes TimeForSelect=4 WeatherReadsFast=No MainMenu=&Modules SubMenu=&FSUIPC ... UpdatedByVersion=3997c CorrectVSsign=No MouseWheelTrim=No MouseWheelTrimSpeed=1 BrakeReleaseThreshold=75 AxisInterceptIfDirect=No DontResetAxes=No JoystickTimeout=20 PollGFTQ6=Yes BlankDisplays=No ZapSound=firework UseProfiles=No LuaRerunDelay=66 [JoystickCalibration] SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=0 RudderTrimControl=0 CowlFlaps1Control=0 CowlFlaps2Control=0 CowlFlaps3Control=0 CowlFlaps4Control=0 Mixture1=-16384,1280,1280,14208 PropPitch1=-16253,-8452,-8452,14336 Rudder=-16384,-512,512,16383 Aileron=-16384,-537,512,16256 Elevator=-16384,-512,512,16128 SlopeAileron=2 SlopeElevator=6 MaxSteerSpeed=60 MapThr12to34=Yes LeftBrake=-16384,16383/16 RightBrake=-16384,16383/16 MapProp12to34=Yes Throttle2=-16240,-12216,-10635,16383 Mixture2=-16384,1280,1280,14592 PropPitch2=-16384,-8192,-8192,14720 Throttle1=-16380,-12116,-10739,16106 MapMix12to34=Yes AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=No ExcludeMixtureSet=No ExcludePropPitchSet=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No Throttle=-16384,16383 PropPitch=-16384,16383 Mixture=-16384,16383 [buttons] 4=R1,9,K192,8 6=P1,38,C66416,1 14=R1,10,C65607,0 15=R1,11,C65615,0 ButtonRepeat=20,10 16=P2,9,C1001,0 17=U2,9,C1002,0 [Axes] 0=0X,256,D,7,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,0,0,0 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 6=1R,256,D,14,0,0,0 7=1U,256,D,13,0,0,0 8=1V,256,D,18,0,0,0 9=2X,256,D,1,0,0,0 10=2Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 11=2Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 12=2R,256,D,5,0,0,0 13=2U,256,D,6,0,0,0 14=2V,256,D,18,0,0,0 [Keys] 1=190,8,65752,0 [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=CH PRO PEDALS USB 0.GUID={5C8D5D50-A860-11E0-8002-444553540000} 1=CH THROTTLE QUADRANT 1.GUID={5C8D5D50-A860-11E0-8003-444553540000} 2=CH FLIGHT SIM YOKE USB 2.GUID={5C8D5D50-A860-11E0-8004-444553540000} [sounds] Path=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Sound\ Device1=Primary Sound Driver Device2=Realtek HD Audio output FSUIPC log: ********* FSUIPC, Version 3.997c by Pete Dowson ********* Running on Windows Version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 Verifying Certificate for "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\MODULES\FSUIPC.dll" now ... SUCCESS! Signature verifies okay! Running inside FS2004 (FS9.1 CONTROLS.DLL, FS9.1 WEATHER.DLL) User Name="Robert Droege" User Addr="drskyking@aol.com" FSUIPC Key is provided WideFS Key is provided Module base=61000000 WeatherReadInterval=4 LogOptions=00000001 DebugStatus=255 1656 System time = 13/07/2011 17:50:30 1656 \\DOCNDOCSCOPILOT\Flight Simulator 9\ 1656 System time = 13/07/2011 17:50:30, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z) 4343 \\DOCNDOCSCOPILOT\Robert\My Documents\Flight Simulator Files\ALB Gate B11.flt 4390 AIRCRAFT\PMDG737-700\B737-700.air 4390 Aircraft="Continental Airlines B737-700 - Virtual Cockpit" 6812 ERROR: Can't change message filter: functions not available 12093 \\DOCNDOCSCOPILOT\Robert\My Documents\Flight Simulator Files\UI generated flight.flt 12687 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded 30375 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled 30375 Traffic File #15 = "scenery\world\scenery\traffic030528" 540500 AIRCRAFT\Flight One C310\C310TC.air 540500 Aircraft="Flight One Dreamfleet Cessna 310 N2818Z" 577203 WeatherOptions set, now 4000372D (timer=0) 635093 System time = 13/07/2011 18:01:03, FS2004 time = 17:58:39 (21:58Z) 635093 *** FSUIPC log file being closed Memory managed: 0 Allocs, 1876 Freed ********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********
Pete Dowson Posted July 14, 2011 Report Posted July 14, 2011 Brand spanking new PC with 8 USB ports on mobo. CH Throttle Quadrant less than a year old, all other assignments hold... Did you look again for the Windows power management options on the USB hubs? They are sure to be there. The axis assignments have an oddity or three. Look at this annotated list from your INI file: CH PRO PEDALS USB 0=0X,256,D,7,0,0,0 Left brake 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 Right brake 2=0Z,256,D,3,0,0,0 Rudder CH THROTTLE QUADRANT 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 Throttle1 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 Throttle2 5=1Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 PropPitch1 6=1R,256,D,14,0,0,0 Mixture2 7=1U,256,D,13,0,0,0 Mixture1 8=1V,256,D,18,0,0,0 PropPitch2 CH FLIGHT SIM YOKE USB 9=2X,256,D,1,0,0,0 Aileron 10=2Y,256,D,2,0,0,0 Elevator 11=2Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 Throttle 12=2R,256,D,5,0,0,0 PropPitch 13=2U,256,D,6,0,0,0 Mixture 14=2V,256,D,18,0,0,0 PropPitch2 So, you have two assignments to PropPitch2. I expect one will be interfering with the other, especially if there's any jitter. This may give you symptoms which appear like unresponsiveness. You also have generic assignments to prop pitch and mixture which affect proppitch1 and proppitch2 and mixture1 and mixture2 as well. If I were you I'd delete lines 12, 13 and 14 in the [Axes] section. It's okay to have multiple assignments if you know what you are doing and are sure one isn't dominating the input over the other for some reason (like jitter or because it is left parked in a more extreme position -- FSUIPC arbitrates and allows the larger deflection from "normal" (off, idle, whatever) to win. But normally, if you want multiple controls assigned for different aircraft, you should have them assigned specifically to those aircraft types -- for instance, by using the Profiles facility in FSUIPC. Regards Pete
drskyking Posted July 14, 2011 Author Report Posted July 14, 2011 Deleted line 14 and voila it all works well! For some reason no power mgmt tab, just power tab and only tells me how much power used..... Will keep searching, but seems moot now. Thanks again Pete! Doc
Pete Dowson Posted July 14, 2011 Report Posted July 14, 2011 For some reason no power mgmt tab, just power tab and only tells me how much power used..... Will keep searching, but seems moot now. The "Generic USB Hub" devices only have Power, no Power Management. It's the "USB Root Hub" devices which have the PM tab as well as 'Power'. They are usually to be found at the end of the list in device Manager, under "Universal serial Bus controllers". Maybe you are simply not scrolling far enough down? Regards Pete
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