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Hello Pete,

First of all, I know how to use the SHortNameOK=Substring feature of FSUIPC and a great feature it is. But to get some of the functions assigned for the iFLY 737 I've had to create some 39 MOUSE MACROS in FSUIPC to perform functions that are not possible to assign through the iFLY key assignment feature or where some buttons and keys cannot be assigned by FSUIPC as they are not programmable in the iFLY seris. Does the ShortNameOK feature work with mouse macros? I haven't been able to find it if it is. At present I must go through each of those macros and assign them to each specific livery I add. I am hoping that the ShortNameOK feature will work with macro assignments.

Your help is appreciated.

Jim D.

Does the ShortNameOK feature work with mouse macros?

It's "ShortAircraftNameOk=substring", and it is not at all related to WHAT you assign buttons, keys and axes to do, but simply places those assignments in the INI file section relevant to the current aircraft. Buttons assigned to operate a macro are no different to any other button assignments in that regard, they are just represented by a line in the INI file, in a [buttons ...] section with the appropriate Profile or short Aircraft name appended.

I haven't been able to find it if it is.

Since you can assign Buttons, Axes or Keypresses to macros, just as to FS controls and FSUIPC added controls and Lua plug-ins, it would not be explicitly stated. It is the assignment which is aircraft or profile specific, not the sort of action it carries out.

At present I must go through each of those macros and assign them to each specific livery I add. I am hoping that the ShortNameOK feature will work with macro assignments.

As with all assignments, no matter what to do, if you make those assignments with the appropriate aircraft loaded and with the "Aircraft Specific" or "Profile" mode enabled (the aircraft short name will be shown in the dialogue title), then, as with all other assignments, they will be profile specific. It makes no difference whatsoever whether you assign to macros, Lua plug-ins or controls.



It's "ShortAircraftNameOk=substring", and it is not at all related to WHAT you assign buttons, keys and axes to do, but simply places those assignments in the INI file section relevant to the current aircraft. Buttons assigned to operate a macro are no different to any other button assignments in that regard, they are just represented by a line in the INI file, in a [buttons ...] section with the appropriate Profile or short Aircraft name appended.

Since you can assign Buttons, Axes or Keypresses to macros, just as to FS controls and FSUIPC added controls and Lua plug-ins, it would not be explicitly stated. It is the assignment which is aircraft or profile specific, not the sort of action it carries out.

As with all assignments, no matter what to do, if you make those assignments with the appropriate aircraft loaded and with the "Aircraft Specific" or "Profile" mode enabled (the aircraft short name will be shown in the dialogue title), then, as with all other assignments, they will be profile specific. It makes no difference whatsoever whether you assign to macros, Lua plug-ins or controls.


Thanks for the answer Pete. But it seems that the ShortAircraftNameOK=Substring feature doesn't work with the iFLY 737. At least it won't for me. I have each title using the same words, but on adding a new livery I need to do all the assignments for that particular paint. Buttons, keys and macros are not recognized by the new paint. Have you or other posters heard of this for the iFLY?

Jim D.


From the information I have gleaned from other forums the iFly has different dll's for each aircraft variant so you have to create a mouse macro for each different dll, shortaircraft... isn't going to help here.


From the information I have gleaned from other forums the iFly has different dll's for each aircraft variant so you have to create a mouse macro for each different dll, shortaircraft... isn't going to help here.

Yes, I understand that as regards the different variants, 600,700,800, etc. But what I'm asking about is when a paint is added to a particular model, e.g. 700 model. All that is being added are the textures for the livery. That doesn't change the model itself. So short name should work, but it doesn't.

Jim D.


But what I'm asking about is when a paint is added to a particular model, e.g. 700 model. All that is being added are the textures for the livery. That doesn't change the model itself. So short name should work, but it doesn't.

Can you show some examples of the names, then, please? Because there's no way FSUIPC is going to actually understand names, all it does is compare characters. If the substring you choose in the INI file matches anywhere in the aircraft name, it will work. It cannot "not work", if you see what I mean, it is so simple.

Oh, it might also be a good idea to paste in a typical [buttons. ...] section from the INI file that you've renamed to match the short name you've chosen.


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