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MakeRunways.exe get airport country

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Which scenery files are you reading? If you are getting the runway information from the default airport bgl files, then the header for the airport contains the country information. The following is the example from the SDK (apologies if there's an egg-sucking analogy here - you probably know more about this stuff than I do!)

      region="North America"
      country="United States"
      name="Illinois Valley Regional"
      <!-- Extra Airport facility data -->

That should be present for all airports, with the runway section below where the example states "<!-- Extra Airport facility data -->".

Ian P.

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Which scenery files are you reading? If you are getting the runway information from the default airport bgl files, then the header for the airport contains the country information.

I thought they might do. I just haven't got my development PC with the reference documents on it powered up at present so I wasn't 100% sure. I also don't know which files I read for what off-hand. Most of that code dates back many years. I'd have to look up the code.

I don't know what the application for having the country provided would be, but i don't make changes to MakeRunways without good reason. Bolting on more and more bits is making it a bit of a nightmare, gradually. The newest part, that making the XML file, would probably be easy enough to change, though -- it already contains airport name and city name. I'll wait to see what the OP wants it for.



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The newest part, that making the XML file, would probably be easy enough to change, though -- it already contains airport name and city name. I'll wait to see what the OP wants it for.

I haven't seen any more interest in this from the OP, but I've received a similar request from another software developer.

It was easy enough to do for two files:

runways.txt (the huge logging file), and


Version 4.50 of MakeRwys is now available in the Download Links subforum with both Country and State information, for new-style BGLs only (not pre-FS9).



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  • 1 year later...

Hi Pete:

Firstly - thanks for all the great software!

I wonder if you can help?

I am using FSX SP2 (FSX Deluxe 10.0.61472.0 FSX-SP2.20071210-2023) with the excellent Makerwys.exe (v 4.6.2).

I am intrigued as from what I can see, the airport "State" is missing in many cases for the USA, Canada and Australia. Around 50% for USA, 30% for Canada and 12% for Australia. This is in both runways.txt and runways.xml.

The system being tested has perhaps a dozen add-on airports and Just Flight Traffic X, but no other terrain or scenery modifications.

I've looked up several airports within FSX (using the Select Airport dialog) to make sure it knows the "state" of the airports in question and they all appear to be there.

I was thinking that perhaps there is something slightly different about the format of the FSX data for these airports...?

I took a quick look at the same output from FS2004 with makerwys.exe 4.6.2 and it exhibited a similar effect.

I wondered if you find the same in your own data and if anything can be done - I can imagine that working on Makerwys is not something at the top of your list of things to do. :)

Here are some examples from runways.txt:

Airport 48MN :N43:46:14.8372 W093:35:20.7905 1210ft

Country Name="United States"

City Name="Freeborn"

Airport Name="Jacobsen"

in file: Scenery\0202\scenery\APX23160.bgl

Runway N-S /S-N centre: N43:46:21.5752 W093:35:20.1870 1210ft

Start N-S : N43:46:10.1400 W093:35:21.2926 1210ft Hdg: 4.0T, Length 2400ft

Computed start N-S : Lat 43.769375 Long -93.589261

Start S-N : N43:46:33.0104 W093:35:19.0829 1210ft Hdg: 184.0T, Length 2400ft

Computed start S-N : Lat 43.775944 Long -93.588626

Hdg: 4.000 true (MagVar 4.000), Grass, 2400 x 80 ft

*** Runway *** 48MN0370 Lat 43.769375 Long -93.589264 Alt 1210 Hdg 0 Len 2400 Wid 80

*** Runway *** 48MN0410 Lat 43.775944 Long -93.588623 Alt 1210 Hdg 180 Len 2400 Wid 80

FSM A/P 48MN, lat=43.770790, long=-93.589111, alt=1210

Airport 85MN :N44:09:30.8709 W092:12:07.6073 1175ft

Country Name="United States"

City Name="Plainview"

Airport Name="Christison"

in file: Scenery\0202\scenery\APX23160.bgl

Runway N-S /S-N centre: N44:09:30.8709 W092:12:07.6073 1175ft

Start N-S : N44:09:19.8892 W092:12:08.1402 1175ft Hdg: 2.0T, Length 2300ft

Computed start N-S : Lat 44.155426 Long -92.202264

Start S-N : N44:09:41.8202 W092:12:07.0747 1175ft Hdg: 182.0T, Length 2300ft

Computed start S-N : Lat 44.161728 Long -92.201957

Hdg: 2.000 true (MagVar 2.000), Grass, 2300 x 50 ft

*** Runway *** 85MN0370 Lat 44.155426 Long -92.202263 Alt 1175 Hdg 0 Len 2300 Wid 50

*** Runway *** 85MN0410 Lat 44.161728 Long -92.201958 Alt 1175 Hdg 180 Len 2300 Wid 50

FSM A/P 85MN, lat=44.158577, long=-92.202110, alt=1175

Many thanks for your time and efforts!

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the airport "State" is missing in many cases for the USA, Canada and Australia. Around 50% for USA, 30% for Canada and 12% for Australia. This is in both runways.txt and runways.xml.

Okay. The reason is that, unlike the indices for all the other parts, the one for the state is the index x 16. No idea why. The end result was that only the state with index 0 in the state list would ever be found if there were less than 16 states, and if more then the states found would be wrong in any case!

Fixed in version 4.63 now available in the Download Links subforum.


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