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Fuel Cut Off Offset

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I've moved this to the general Support section.

Just a note that the FSUIPC Offset details for Fuel Cut Off switches need to be updated from the 2011 document

Offset 3590, 3594, 3598, 359C for Engines 1-4 fuel cut off 1=open 0=closed (rather than 2 as noted)

Where are you seeing "2" noted? They've always been 0 or 1, being standard BOOLeans.



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The text is taken from the document titled "FSUIPC Offsets Quick Reference" in the file FSUIPCOffsets 2011.pdf

offset 3590: "Engine 1 Fuel Valve, 1=open, 2=closed".

Just needs an update in the next edition.

Where do you get this document from? It isn't one published by me.

Sorry, but you need to find out who published it and tell them. I do not even have it.

If you want the correct information on FSUIPC offsets you need to refer to the official documents included in the FSUIPC SDK.



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