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Power levers

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Peter, I have FS 9 and a fully licensed FSUIPC. At the moment I am concentrating on the ATR 72-500 from Flight 1. They write in their POH:

"Joysticks or other hardware to adjust power will cause problems when using this feature! Make sure that the power setting device is calibrated and in idle position."

Indeed, using the PL of my Saitek Throttle Quadrant causes uncontrolled torque-reactions. So my question: Do I really have to sell my ThrQ and to move the PL in future only by mouse? Or can FSUIPC help me also in this case?

Regards Guenther

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At the moment I am concentrating on the ATR 72-500 from Flight 1. They write in their POH:

"Joysticks or other hardware to adjust power will cause problems when using this feature! Make sure that the power setting device is calibrated and in idle position."

What 'feature' is it they refer to here?

Indeed, using the PL of my Saitek Throttle Quadrant causes uncontrolled torque-reactions. So my question: Do I really have to sell my ThrQ and to move the PL in future only by mouse? Or can FSUIPC help me also in this case?

If they've designed an aircraft which specifically only likes throttle increment and decrement controls, as provided by mouse clicks, and behaves badly when using any sort of axis conttrol, then I think you should abandon the aircraft as being very very badly designed!

I can't say whether FSUIPC can possibly do anything because i can't believe that anything could be designed so badly. I really wouldn't know how to deal with it except to look for something better!




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Hopefully I can help.

I use the F1 ATR with CH throttle quadrant in FS9 with no problems. You just need to calibtrate correctly.

The line you refer to in the ATR manual relates solely to a detent in the thottle range which provides optimum power for t/o;climb;and cruise. This is selected by mouse click to put the trottle in or take it out of the detent. If you dont use the detent, the throttles behave like all other aircraft throttles and can be calibrated normally.

When you select the detent position however you may experience issues. If you subsequently move your hardware throttle, that can overide the detent power setting. A "noisy" hardware can cause the same problem. There are solutions: try using full power on the hardware before selecting the detent; or use the FSUIPC control to toggle the throttles off before you select the detent in the ATR.


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