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Not connecting....again

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Hello Pete, it has been a while. Things have been running great for well over a year now. Now, I cannot seem to connect properly again. I did buy a new router almost 10 months ago and never had an issue with it. I have reinstalled all files for wide FS on my FS9 machine and the laptop that has ASE, FSInn and WideFS on it. I used your instrustions that came with the version I am using. I have not updated to the latest version as it took me forever to get my controls the way I like them. Anyway, to follow is an attachemnt of both ini files and both log files. The first is from the laptop. Many thanks for helping me solve this issue. Nothing else has changed here. So, I am at a loss why it would stop working all of the sudden. I think I had to reinstall the ini on the laptop once as it wouldn't connect. But, this time, it says that is is. But, there is obviously an error in the log file for the desktop that has FS9 on it.

Thanks again and here are the files.

This is from the laptop that has ASE, and the WideFS exe file on it. FSInn is also on this machine

; PLEASE SEE WideFS documentation for parameter details

; =====================================================



















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; ===============================================

********* WideClient Log [version 6.78] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 07/10/11, Time 16:02:31.911: Client name is DAVIDZYCHOWS-PC

780 Attempting to connect now


1248 Trying TCP/IP host "DAVIDZYCHOWSKI" port 8002 ...

1248 ... Okay, IP Address =

1248 Connection made okay!

1467 New Client Application: "ASE_Exec" (Id=4740)

86893 ****** End of session performance summary ******

86893 Total time connected = 84 seconds

86893 Reception maximum: 38 frames/sec, 5584 bytes/sec

86893 Reception average whilst connected: 33 frames/sec, 3209 bytes/sec

86893 Transmission maximum: 3 frames/sec, 89 bytes/sec

86893 Transmission average whilst connected: 0 frames/sec, 34 bytes/sec

86893 Max receive buffer = 420, Max send depth = 2, Send frames lost = 0

86893 **************** Individual client application activity ****************

86893 Client 4740 requests: 40 (Ave 0/sec), Data: 2240 bytes (26/sec), Average 56 bytes/Process

86893 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 2, Alloc 2946 Freed 2946 Refused 0) *********

This is from the host FS9 machine

; PLEASE SEE the documentation for parameter details

; ==================================================












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; ===============================================



********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.78] *********

Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

Date (dmy): 07/10/11, Time 16:00:23.974: Server name is DAVIDZYCHOWSKI

24953 Initialising TCP/IP server

24969 Initialising IPX/SPX server

24969 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10044] Socket type not supported

24969 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

24969 Initialising UDP/IP server

26375 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs

36109 Restarting service due to total lack of use

36125 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

139984 Incoming connection Accepted ok (skt=3464) TCP

140156 Connected to computer "DAVIDZYCHOWS-PC" running WideClient version 6.780 (skt=3464) TCP

225625 Error 10053: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=3464) TCP

235656 Close signalled to clients

236750 Closing down now ...

Memory managed: Offset records: 72 alloc, 72 free

Read buffer usage: 77 alloc, 77 free, max in session: 1

Write buffer usage: 2929 alloc, 2929 free, max in session: 1

Throughput maximum achieved: 38 frames/sec, 5355 bytes/sec

Throughput average achieved for complete session: 5 frames/sec, 580 bytes/sec

Average receive rate from "DAVIDZYCHOWS-PC": 0 frames/sec, 27 bytes/sec

********* Log file closed *********

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I have not updated to the latest version as it took me forever to get my controls the way I like them.

Keeping up to date does not affect controls and settings, it just gets bugs fixed and performance improved. You don't delete INI and CFG files.

And it gets you support, because I cannot support old versions.

Anyway, to follow is an attachemnt of both ini files and both log files. The first is from the laptop. Many thanks for helping me solve this issue. Nothing else has changed here. So, I am at a loss why it would stop working all of the sudden. I think I had to reinstall the ini on the laptop once as it wouldn't connect. But, this time, it says that is is. But, there is obviously an error in the log file for the desktop that has FS9 on it.

The connection is fine:

86893 Reception maximum: 38 frames/sec, 5584 bytes/sec

86893 Reception average whilst connected: 33 frames/sec, 3209 bytes/sec

That's very good performance. Really you should be limiting FS frame rates to get a balance, but an average of 33 seems excellent for WideFs.

140156 Connected to computer "DAVIDZYCHOWS-PC" running WideClient version 6.780 (skt=3464) TCP

225625 Error 10053: client socket disconnected at Client: removing (skt=3464) TCP

235656 Close signalled to clients

236750 Closing down now ...

That's not a real error, just the client closing normally as shown in your client log.



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