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I'm using a CH Quadrant. I have no problem assigning and calibrating #3&4. But 1&2 will not cooperate. I cannot get an Idle position on them. They won't go lower that about 30 or 40 % position, also when advanced to Full they advance in segments. I can get a Reverse position on them. I have used the FSUIPC for some time----no problems. But not now. I have tried everything I know of, even reinstalling the Fsuipc. Help !!

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Hi Carm,

I'm not 100% sure, but it's worth a try and it seems to me I've run into it before. The first two axes are X and Y. Windows treats those as being "centering" as they would with a joystick or yoke, but they aren't of course. The other axes are treated as "non-centering".

Windows calibration is probably telling you something like "move the stick in circles" for the calibration on the first two axes. Move both levers through their full range, but leave them pointing straight up. If you leave them at either end of travel, Windows is going to mark that as the center point, which would cut the range in about half.

Any time it tells you to "center the stick" or "verify center" or whatever that calls for the stick to be centered, make sure the first two levers point straight up. See if that helps at all.

Best regards,

- Bob

The StickWorks


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Hi gents.

I am presuming here that you are only trying them inside the sim, not using Windows calibration, as I had exactly the same problem and it was caused by FS, not Windows driver, settings.

Inside the FS Settings/Controls page, check the "sensitivity and null zone" options. If it is set to "Simple Controls", change it to "Advanced Controls" and then for each of the six settings below, set Sensitivity to maximum (slider fully right) and Null Zone to minimum (sliders fully left) - remember that you'll need to scroll the section down using the bar immediately adjacent to Null Zone to set all six.

I don't believe FSUIPC should look at these settings at all - Pete would have to confirm that - but that was the fix that I had to use to get the CH quad to calibrate correctly in FSX.

You don't mention which version of Windows (or FSUIPC - Pete will need an exact version number) you are using, but Windows 7 detects them all as non-centering. With earlier versions of Windows, you may well need to install the CH driver software to use the device correctly, as certainly Windows XP (I can't remember on Vista, but can test to find out, as this notebook is Vista 64-bit) does not recognise the device correctly.

Ian P.

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