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just purchased widefs and fsuipc, fsuipc downloaded no problem, as I try to download the widefs I get a message Wideclient Error same program or class already running (FS98MAIN), can you help please. thanks

Er, you are confusing me. You surely can't get such an error in WideClient whilst downloading it from the web! After all it is a ZIP file you download, which then needs unpacking and putting on your client networked PC.

You only run WideClient on your client PC AFTER downloading it and installing it!

The error you are getting implies that you are running the client on the FS Server PC. If, so some reason, you want both client and server on the same PC you need to set WideClient to use a different class instance (one of its parameters). The clash arises otherwise because both WideClient and FS are trying to look like FS to prospective applications, same as trying to run two copies of FS on the one PC at the same time!

So, why are you doing this?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Pete,

I am also getting the Same error.

Here is what im doing.

1. Start FSX up on server PC

2, Start FSX up on client PC

3. Start wideFS client up on client PC

Error! Same program or class already running!

If I do it in this order;

1. Start FSX up on Server PC

2. Start WideFS on client PC........says "connected"

3. Start FSX up on client PC, fsx wont boot and says "Microsoft simulator already running"!

Here is my WideFS client log if it helps;

********* WideClient Log [version 6.86] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 27/11/11, Time 10:56:11.820: Client name is BASEMENT-PC

2028 LUA: "C:\Users\basement\Desktop\WideFS\Initial.LUA": not found

2060 Attempting to connect now

2184 Server = 767SIMULATOR-PC

2216 Trying TCP/IP host "767SIMULATOR-PC" port 8002 ...

2216 ... Okay, IP Address = XXX.XXX.X.XX ( I edited this out)

2216 Connection made okay!

I am running Windows 7 on both PC with a registered FSUIPC & WideFS.

Any ideas as to what could be wrong?



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Any ideas as to what could be wrong?

Yes, of course. WideClient is used on a PC which is NOT running FS. It pretends to be FS with FSUIPC inside so that FSUIPC applications which are NOT running on the FS PC can still talk to FS. Why on Earth do you want to run applications for the FS running on one PC on a machine running another separate copy of FS? It makes no sense at all!

Please read the user guide to WideFS. I rather get the feeling you don't know what it is for.



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I am actually well aware of what wideFs is used for and have set it up with project magenta and other software packages in the past.

My intention was to run wideview through my client FSX, and was under the impression that I had to use WideFS to communicate between the server & Client.

As it turns out, Wideview has its own communication protocol and WideFS is not needed.

Sorry for the confusion.



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My intention was to run wideview through my client FSX, and was under the impression that I had to use WideFS to communicate between the server & Client.

As it turns out, Wideview has its own communication protocol and WideFS is not needed.

Ah, I see. Actually it was originally the other way around -- the very first version of "wideFS" was piggy-backed onto Wideview's communications protocol and didn't have one of its own. that was back in FS95/98 days! ;-)

BTW, as answered earlier in this thread, it is actually possible to run WideClient alongside FS, and/or in fact run it multiple times on the same PC. That's done by using the "ClassInstance" parameter, but it renders the different instances invisible to FSUIPC Clients looking for the normal FS classname. However, it is useful if you want to use the Button Screen option on the same PC as FS, or, as in my case, several different buttons screens on the same client PC. Since WideClient also supports almost all of the same Lua plug-in facilities as FSUIPC, it is also useful if you want to run such plug-ins on a separate PC.



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  • 1 year later...

Yes, of course. WideClient is used on a PC which is NOT running FS. It pretends to be FS with FSUIPC inside so that FSUIPC applications which are NOT running on the FS PC can still talk to FS. Why on Earth do you want to run applications for the FS running on one PC on a machine running another separate copy of FS? It makes no sense at all!

Please read the user guide to WideFS. I rather get the feeling you don't know what it is for.






I have recently run into this error "Wideclient Error same program or class already running (FS98MAIN)". As you mentioned, WideFS is used on a PC not running FS. 

But I have been running OPUS FSX on a network. This software requires that FSX be installed on the client machine, where my WideFS resides. I use WideFS for Plan-G on my client.


i must admit I made the mistake of installing FSUIPC on my client for OPUS FSX, but have removed it since. Despite this mistake, it did work for a while. I have recently updated my Plan-G to a new version and have had the WideClient error since.


Is there a way to use WideFS for Plan-G on my client machine, which runs FSX used by OPUS FSX for external views?


Thank You for your time.

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Is there a way to use WideFS for Plan-G on my client machine, which runs FSX used by OPUS FSX for external views?


It is only possible to run WideClient next to FSX (or, indeed, another copy of WideClient) if a different ClassInstance is used -- it's a parameter in the WideClient.INI file. However, changing the ClassInstance changes the windows class name used by most FSUIPC applications to find the right place to send their requests to. Some such applications also allow this ClassInstance to be specified, but not many.


The problem is the same one which prevents two copies of FSX (or even FSX+FS9, etc) running at the same time on the same PC -- they don't allow more than one instance of the main Window class.


Try it anyway. Maybe PlanG will still find WideClient with a different Instance. Otherwise your best bet would be to ask the PlanG author if he'd add an equivalent ClassInstance facility in his program.



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