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Can't install FSUIPC 4.745

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Every time i install the FSUIPC 4.69/4.745. my FSX doesn't start.

Sorry, but more information is needed than just "doesn't start"! (And what are you doing trying an unsupported version like 4.69?)

Please see the FAQ subforum. There's a thread there with lots of helpful hints. You can't miss it, it is pinned right at the top.



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well in dutch it says reageert niet,doesn't react,so won't start up.

You mean it hangs? At what stage?

Have you followed all of the hints in the FAQ thread I mentioned? So far it has not failed to run eventually on any user's system. Most of those initial start problems are due to a SimConnect bug which was never fixed by MS.

If you have other programs being loaded by SimConnect it might be a good idea to stop them just to get FSUIPC approved. You can do this be renaming your DLL.XML and EXE.XML files, installing FSUIPC4 again, getting FSX working, then closing down FSX and renaming the two files back again.

Once FSUIPC4 has been verified by SimConnect it loads fine forever after. The problem normally occurs before FSUIPC4 is even running -- though to check that see if there's an FSUIPC4.LOG file in the Modules folder. If there is show it to me, but from the very little you've told me so far I doubt there is.

I might be able to help more but with no information it is very difficult.



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Hello Pete

I did what's in the FAQ.

I renamed my dll file and then fsx asks for approval of FSUIPC 4.7 and then FSX starts.

When i rename the DLL file back to original then FSX doesn't work.

I want to upload the log but gets the msg i'm not permitted to upload this kind of file


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I renamed my dll file and then fsx asks for approval of FSUIPC 4.7 and then FSX starts.

Sorry, can you clarify this please, because I don't think it makes sense as you say it. You renamed which DLL file exactly? The DLL.XML as I said? The one next to your FSX.CFG file? If you did that then you have to reinstall FSUIPC4 because without the DLL.XML it will not be loaded in any case, so FSX would not then ask for its approval..

If you mean you did all that (please always be explicit), and then FSUIP4 works fine, I think you must have something else being loaded by the DLL.XML which is causing a conflict. Please show me that file in this case. And do please expand upon your original statement -- when exactly does FSX hang?

When i rename the DLL file back to original then FSX doesn't work.

If you did what I suggested then you wouldn't simply be able to "rename the DLL" back, as there would have been a new, smaller, DLL.XML file created by the FSUIPC4 installer.

I want to upload the log but gets the msg i'm not permitted to upload this kind of file

They are text files -- the FSUIPC4.LOG, the Installer's log and the DLL.XML and EXE.XML files are all text files. Just paste them into your message, like you'll see everyone else doing here.

It is very difficult getting information from you. I fear this is going to take quite a long time ...



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