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v4.571 FSX freeze with AXIS assignment for A2A B17 & 377

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Greetings All,

I did a clean install of v4.571 today and after I assigned the throttle and aileron/elevator axis, FSX would freeze. Task Manager required to stop FSX. Assigning just the throttles or just the aileron/elevator, no issues. It was only when they all had there assignments would a freeze occur. Here is a list of details, and a fix.

- FSX w/SP2

- Joystick: Saitek Flight X65F

- Rudder Pedals: Saitek Flight Combat

- nVidia driver version 290.36

- Hardware details in signature

- Previous FSUIPC version 4.70b (NOTE: This version worked fine, and downgraded to confirm proper functionality)

- Unchecking throttle 1->12, 2->34 seemed to eliminate the freeze

- Checking filtering for the aileron and elevator would eliminate the freeze (this is my current solution)

- The problem only seems to be with the A2A B17 and the A2A 377 (all with the latest patches)

The freeze would only occur with moving the throttle. I noticed a bit of "jitter" with my joystick and thus turned on the filtering. I am going to take a wild guess and wonder if the "jitter" is too much data to where ever this data is sent. I did not have the problem with the 4.70b version. Filtering seems to be working just fine, but I figured I would mention it if somebody else had the issue or something that needs attention.

If any further data is needed, just let me know.

Best Regards.

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- The problem only seems to be with the A2A B17 and the A2A 377 (all with the latest patches)

The freeze would only occur with moving the throttle. I noticed a bit of "jitter" with my joystick and thus turned on the filtering. I am going to take a wild guess and wonder if the "jitter" is too much data to where ever this data is sent. I did not have the problem with the 4.70b version. Filtering seems to be working just fine, but I figured I would mention it if somebody else had the issue or something that needs attention.

FSUIPC won't be doing anything different just because you have specific add-on aircraft in use -- unless of course it it different for those because of aircraft specific or Profile settings. If it works fine with default aircraft then the problem really cannot be in FSUIPC itself. Maybe there's some differences in timing which bring out some defect in those add-ons. Jitter will of course cause more data to flow, as also with mapping multiple throttles to one input, whilst filtering would throttle them considerably. So it sounds like those add-on aircraft have some non-reentant code which is being re-entered, causing stack corruption.

Without being able to reproduce it here, or at least getting precise data about where it is actually hanging, I wouldn't stand a chance of 'fixing' it. If you can reproduce in with any default aircraft I'd take a look.



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