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Keysend's target software

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Hello, can I specify in Wideclient.ini the software I'm sending keys to? On my client pc there may be different windows active at different times when I'm sending keys from wideserver pc. If so what is the syntax?

Most methods of sending keypresses require the program receiving them to have the keyboard and mouse focus. There are some ways of directing keystrokes to particular programs, though probably not to different windows in the same program. Please check the WideFS documentation. I can help with specific questions if there's something there you don't understand but there's really no point in me reproducing it all here.

Additionally there are more flexible facilities for handling windows and sending keystrokes in the 'ext' library added to Lua for FSUIPC and WideClient recently.



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Wilco on the WideFS documentation and what document could be a starting point to take on "the 'ext' library added to Lua for FSUIPC and WideClient"?

The Lua documentation installed with the FSUIPC documentation in your FS modules folder, of course. The ext library is a very recent addition, however, so you may want to refer to the Download Links subforum here too to make sure you have up to date installations and references.


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