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I have just created, on the client PC where I have Wideclient, a LUA file called initial.lua and, as mentioned in the widefs manua,l I would use it to lanch other three LUAs (that I have put in another folder in the client) when I press specific buttons or keys.

The problem is that I do not see the entries of the initial.lua (or of the other 3 LUAs) in the list of the controls to couple them to the buttons or the keys.

What am I missing? How can assign these LUAs to the buttons or the keys I would use to launch them?

Thanks a lot and best regards



I have just created, on the client PC where I have Wideclient, a LUA file called initial.lua and, as mentioned in the widefs manua,l I would use it to lanch other three LUAs (that I have put in another folder in the client) when I press specific buttons or keys.

"Initial.lua" is only different from any other Lua file in the WideClient folder in that it is executed as soon as WideClient loads -- it does not wait for a connection to FS. WideClient will always automatically run any other Lua file it finds in the same folder as itself, but only when it is connected successfully to FS. I'm not sure why you'd want Initial.lua to run three others unless you want them all running even with no FS connection -- such Lua programs obviously cannot read or write FSUIPC offsets or send any FS controls or detect anything about FS.

The problem is that I do not see the entries of the initial.lua (or of the other 3 LUAs) in the list of the controls to couple them to the buttons or the keys.

See them where? WideClient does not provide any assignment facilities except for keypresses and so on via the FSUIPC KeySend control. Client plug-ins need to be autonomous, and if they need to act on events in FS, detect them appropriately. If you want to link them to buttons or keys pressed on the Server you'd need to make them set values in an FSUIPC offset, and use event.offset in the client plug-ins to detect this and perform the actions you need in the called functions. There are offsets available to users for such purposes -- x66C0 to x66FF. You'd use offset byte set controls to change, say, the value in byte x66c0, and detect the change in the plug-in.




Hi Peter,

thanks a lot for your reply.

I have created the initial.lua because reading the widefs docs I have undesrtood that this is the only way to have it active in a loop during the FSX session.

If i have correctly understood:

1. should assign to the keys/buttons the command 'offset byte set' (without any param?)

2. I should put in the initial.lua the commands 'event.offset' (forf each of the buttons/keys) to detect if the byte has been changed (button or key pressed) and run the related functions with the action I want executedin FSX.

Another question: can the functions contain the command ipc.macro to run macros recordered in the PC wherr there is FSX? Is the LUA on the client able to read the variables defined with the command ipc.set in the ipcready.lua on the FSX PC?

Thanks again for your support and patience

Best regards



I have created the initial.lua because reading the widefs docs I have undesrtood that this is the only way to have it active in a loop during the FSX session.

Can you tell me how you arrived at this conclusion? Because evidently I've made a coimplete hash of the documentation somewhere if that's what you think and I'd need to revise it! The only thing unique about "initial.lua" is that it is loaded as soon as WideClient starts, whewreas all other lua files, no matter how they are named, are loaded only after FS is ready to fly and connected. Thereafter such files are loaded whenever they appear or are changed, throughout the session.

If i have correctly understood:

1. should assign to the keys/buttons the command 'offset byte set' (without any param?)

No, certainly not without any parameters. Obviously you'd need the offset, for example x66c0 (or one of your choice among those available, as I said), AND the value you want it set to -- how can FSUIPC guess what you want to set?

2. I should put in the initial.lua the commands 'event.offset' (forf each of the buttons/keys) to detect if the byte has been changed (button or key pressed) and run the related functions with the action I want executedin FSX.

No! you do not read what I write! The initial lua plug-in is executed before FS is connected, therefore it cannot read offsets!! Name your Lua anything BUT "initial"!

Also, it isn't an "event.offset" for "each of the buttons/keys", but only for the offset you chose. In the function you test the value of the offset, provided in the function parameter 'val', for the value you set in the FSUIPC parameter to "offset byte set"!

Another question: can the functions contain the command ipc.macro to run macros recordered in the PC wherr there is FSX?

Yes, as documented. Think about it: where else can macros be run? Certainly not in the Client.

Is the LUA on the client able to read the variables defined with the command ipc.set in the ipcready.lua on the FSX PC?

No, certainly not. That's what you need to use the offsets. Everything in WideFS works via FSUIPC offsets (including in fact the ipc.macro option which simply writes to the macro execution offsets in FSUIPC).



Hi Peter,

probably the misunderstanding is due to the fact that english is not my first language.

Anyway I assumed that reading these paragraphs:

Unlike the FSUIPC facilities, WideClient automaticaly runs

all Lua programs (files with filetype ".lua") which it finds in the same folder as its own WideClient.EXE program. There are no facilities to start and stop specific Lua programs. With one exception they are all started as soon as WideClient connects successfully to FSUIPC.

The exception is a Lua file named

initial.lua. If such a file is found it is run almost immediately after WideClient starts up, irrespective of any connections. Naturally it cannot obtain any details from FSUIPC at this time, but it can do other local setting up operations in anticipation. It can be used to run other Lua programs—not by the ipc.macro function, which will want to run them on the FS PC, but using the newer ipc.runlua function. If this is used at all it should refer to Lua programs in other folders, such as a subfolder, not in the main Wideclient.exe folder because otherwise those will be restarted automatically when FSUIPC connection is successful.

The facility is designed to run one-off set-up programs, or continuous loop or event-driven programs which run for the duration of the session.

By the way I have created the initial lua (below an extract of it) and it does swhat I expected:




function Turbulence(offset,value)

if value == 1 then




function Captain(offset,value)

if value == 1 then

gs, tas, ias = ipc.readStruct(0x02B4, "3UD") -- ground speed

nalt=ipc.readSD(0x0574) * 3.28084 -- altitude in meters and convert in feet

gs = (gs * 3600) / (65536 * 1852)



sound1 = "c:\\mysound\\1\\"..at..".wav"

sound2 = "c:\\mysound\\1\\"..tt.."0.wav"


while sound.query(a) do




while sound.query(a) do




while sound.query(a) do




while sound.query(a) do




while sound.query(a) do





function Seat(offset,value)

if value == 1 then




function Attendant(offset,value)

if value == 1 then




function Music(offset,value)

if value == 1 then




function SOS(offset,value)

if value == 1 then










Once again thanks a lo for your support and the great tools.




Anyway I assumed that reading these paragraphs:

That clearly says thst all Lua programs found in the WideClient folder are run -- all when connection is made, with Initial.lua being the only exception, being run as soon as Wideclient is loaded.

By the way I have created the initial lua (below an extract of it) and it does swhat I expected:

It doesn't cause a problem because the events on the offsets won't trigger until FS is connected. However, it isn't doing anything at all until FS is connected, either, so there is no point in naming it "initial.lua". By calling it something else you would have the advantage that you could amend it, alter it, develop it, and so on, whilst WideClient and the FS connection is running, because WideClient watches for changes or new Luas and re-loads them when it sees them.




Do you have multiple plug-ins running on the Client, which communicate using these Global variables? If not it would be more efficient to use local definitions, i.e.




and not use ipc.set and ipc.get.




Hi Peter,

thanks again for the clarifications.

Unfortunately the lua I wrote seemed to be ok, but in real it is not running well: i'm able to set the offsite byte in the keys setting (let say to 1),but I'm not able to reset it to the original status (let say to 0 to intercept it again when I need to execute another time the actions I want).

To do that I use the command ipc.writeUB ("offset",0) in the lua, but that seems to not have any effect




Unfortunately the lua I wrote seemed to be ok, but in real it is not running well: i'm able to set the offsite byte in the keys setting (let say to 1),but I'm not able to reset it to the original status (let say to 0 to intercept it again when I need to execute another time the actions I want).

To do that I use the command ipc.writeUB ("offset",0) in the lua, but that seems to not have any effect

What are you using for the offset? You don't need quotes "", just 0x66c0 will do -- it's a number in hexadecimal. You can put that in quotes if you wish but there's no point.



  • Upvote 1


I have tried also that , but no way to have the offset written.

In FSUIPC I set the offset to 1

In the LUA (now called start) I have this:

function Seat(offset,value)

if value == 1 then









I have tried also that , but no way to have the offset written.



That should work fine. Are you sure you've not got the keypress in the FS PC repeating, so writing '1' many times?

Try using the Logging facilities in FSUIPC to see what is happening. Check the Button/Key logging option, and also, on the right-hand side, monitor 66C0 as U8 to the'normal log'.




Hi Peter,

no.. the keys are not repeated.

The LUA logs do no show any error and themonitor of the offsets shows that they are always set to 1.

At the moment the only way to resolve the issue has been to create on the server PC a lua to reset to 0 all the offset (with a delay of few secs) that I execute when the keys are released, but this is causing other issues (for example the ipc.macro commands are not always executed).




no.. the keys are not repeated.

The LUA logs do no show any error and themonitor of the offsets shows that they are always set to 1.

Hmm. Please show me the FSUIPC log you got, the one showing both key presses and the offset monitoting, and the [Keys] section of the FSUIPC INI file. Something is preventing the ipc.write from achieving what it should do.

There's something simple that we are missing asnd I don't have all the evidence to hand at present.




attached the requested info for the LUA used for the test

It seems that not only the offset write is not executed, but also the read to check if the plane is on the ground or airborne.

below the FSUIPC, wideclient and LUA logs

The key calling the LUA is CRTL/TAB/Q.

Thanks again for your support and best regards




attached the requested info for the LUA used for the test

I think there's been a misunderstanding. I asked for a Log showing key presses and the 66C5 or whatever offset being monitored. You supplied a huge log with neither. Please do NOT check options at random. IPC Read logging is only filling a huge log with irrelevances (it won't show WideFS reads in any case because they are loacal to the Client -- the Server simply keeps the client memory updated irrespective of actual reads once notified). I'm afraid there's no useful information here at all.

Please remove ALL logging options, then enable Key/Button logging and, on the right-hand side, Monitor the offset being tested, eg 66C5 or whatever, as type U8, and check the 'normal log' option below that. Do not press any other buttons or make any more check marks in that tab.

Additionally, looking at the Lua you supplied, I assume it must be the wrong one, because it does not contain any "ipc.write" at all. Please do show me the one you are using.

BTW with the right logging there should be no need for file attachemtns. You can paste them into your message here. It makes this easier this end.





I hope that im on the right site for this question.....0

what do i do? i have six monitors and the game wont start.

I downloaded the version of FSX. I restarted the computer and game. it did nothing.

please help me understand more.



I hope that im on the right site for this question.....0

what do i do? i have six monitors and the game wont start.

I downloaded the version of FSX. I restarted the computer and game. it did nothing.

please help me understand

Sorry, I've no idea what you are talking about. It most certainly doesn't seem to relate to FSUIPC or WideFS or Intitial.lua, which is the subject of this thread. If you have a general FSX problem I suggest you go to the FSX forum. But please be more clear about your question, which doesn't make sense the way you've put it.




Hi Peter,

sorry for the misunderstanding about the log.

Hope that now I'm putting here the righ tinfo you need:

Thiis the executed LUA (no error reportedin the related log):



function SOS(offset,value)

if value == 1 then







if (Aiuto == 0) then






if (Aiuto == 1) and (g == 0) then




if (Aiuto == 1) and (g == 1) then








function SeatB(offset,value)

if value == 1 then




if Seat == 0 then





if Seat == 1 then





if Seat == 2 then





if Seat == 3 then









and this is the FSUIPC log after:

User Name="Giuseppe Rondena"

User Addr="giuseppe.rondena@fastwebnet.it"

FSUIPC4 Key is provided

WideFS7 Key is provided

[Continuation log requested by user]

Running inside FSX on Windows 7

Module base=61000000

3392866 System time = 10/01/2012 20:39:34, Simulator time = 13:05:27 (12:05Z)

3392866 LogOptions changed, now 40000000 00000001

3398716 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=2

3398716 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

3398716 KEYDOWN: VK=9, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=18

3398716 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

3398716 KEYDOWN: VK=81, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=18

3398716 IPC Offsets Control: Ctrl=x0100, Length=1, Offset=66C5, Param=x1

3398716 .. This key is programmed in FSUIPC4 'Keys' options

3398747 Monitor IPC:66C5 (U8) = 0x1

3398747 KEYUP: VK=81, Waiting=0

3398747 KEYUP: VK=9, Waiting=0

3398747 KEYUP: VK=17, Waiting=0

3412662 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=2

3412662 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

3412662 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=3

3412662 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

3412693 KEYDOWN: VK=80, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=3

3412693 IPC Offsets Control: Ctrl=x0100, Length=1, Offset=66C2, Param=x1

3412693 .. This key is programmed in FSUIPC4 'Keys' options

3412693 KEYUP: VK=80, Waiting=0

3412693 KEYUP: VK=16, Waiting=0

3412693 KEYUP: VK=17, Waiting=0

3412740 Monitor IPC:66C2 (U8) = 0x1

3443831 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=2

3443831 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

3443831 KEYDOWN: VK=9, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=18

3443831 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

3443831 KEYDOWN: VK=81, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=18

3443831 IPC Offsets Control: Ctrl=x0100, Length=1, Offset=66C5, Param=x1

3443831 .. This key is programmed in FSUIPC4 'Keys' options

3443862 KEYUP: VK=81, Waiting=0

3443862 KEYUP: VK=9, Waiting=0

3443862 KEYUP: VK=17, Waiting=0

3454003 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 59 secs = 28.7 fps

3458558 LogOptions changed, now 00000000 00000001




Okay, you've now defined these a local variables, but you still do:


rather than Aiuto = 1

The global "Aiuto" is not the same as your local one.

i'm not currently understanding how the ipc.writeUB lines aren't doing anything at all. I run several Lua plug-ins on assorted Clients and if this happened to me a lot of functions on my cockpit simply wouldn't work. I might need you to do some Wideclient logging, but I need to think about it first.

Continuation log requested by user

Why are you pressing the "New Log" button? Please don't. There's always useful information at the start. Just don't touch anything else in the Logging tab, as I asked.

There's no sign of any input whatsoever from the client. Writes to a monitored offset are not only logged, they are logged with the Client PC name and the program ID. So something very odd is going on.

Can you clarify please exactly which version of FSUIPC and which version of WideClient you are using?




Hi Peter,

yes... just after the execution I realised to have anyway some 'logical' errors in the LUA (like the mentioned ipc.set.. but not only) and I have corrected that after.

Now I'm at office and I cant really verify the versions I have, but they should be: FSUIPC 4.754 and WideFS 6.86 (I take your modules always updated at the last version).

When back at home I will test again not pressing the 'new log' button

Again thanks a lot




Now I'm at office and I cant really verify the versions I have, but they should be: FSUIPC 4.754 and WideFS 6.86 (I take your modules always updated at the last version).

When back at home I will test again not pressing the 'new log' button

And please first update to FSUIPC 4.756 and Wideclient 6.90. Then you are using the same versions as me, and in any extra logging I ask you to do (probably in WideClient) I'll know we are on the same page.




Hi Peter,

I have just installed the new version of the modules and... everything seems to be OK now !!!!

I attach the FSUIPC log and, if I correctly understand it, you will see the confirmation of that (as showed also in the offset monitoring in the FSX's screen).

Also the macro contained in the LUA and the other offset reads, that before were not always properly executed, are now perfect:

********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.756 by Pete Dowson *********

User Name="Giuseppe Rondena"

User Addr="giuseppe.rondena@fastwebnet.it"

FSUIPC4 Key is provided

WideFS7 Key is provided

Running inside FSX on Windows 7

Module base=61000000

109 System time = 11/01/2012 20:40:06

125 FLT UNC path = "\\FFFFFF-PC\Users\ffffff\Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\"

156 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...

171 FS UNC path = "\\FFFFFF-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

3369 LogOptions=00000000 00000001

3369 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed

3369 G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok

3369 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

3369 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07

5382 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61472.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)

5382 Initialising SimConnect data requests now

5382 FSUIPC Menu entry added

5397 \\FFFFFF-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\FLIGHTS\OTHER\FLTSIM.FLT

5397 \\FFFFFF-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.AIR

15397 Weather Mode now = Global

18439 \\FFFFFF-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\feelThere pic 737-300\B737-3A00A.AIR

76924 System time = 11/01/2012 20:41:23, Simulator time = 12:30:24 (11:30Z)

79981 Aircraft="FeelThere Boeing 737-300 Lufthansa"

81261 Weather Mode now = Theme

81760 Weather Mode now = Global

102227 Starting everything now ...

102243 LUA: beginning "D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua"

102243 AES Link established

102243 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe"

102243 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe"

102243 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FSPS\3D Real Cockpit Effect\3D Real Cockpit Effect FSX.exe"

102243 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FSPS\Dolby Cockpit Sounds FSX\Dolby Cockpit Sounds FSX.exe"

102368 Weather Mode now = Theme

102368 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

103444 Weather Mode now = Global

154612 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 53 secs = 71.4 fps

231146 LogOptions changed, now 40000000 00000001

241536 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=2

241536 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

242035 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=2

242035 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

242082 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=2

242082 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

242098 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=2

242098 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

242129 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=2

242129 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

242160 KEYDOWN: VK=9, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=18

242160 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

242659 KEYDOWN: VK=9, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=18

242659 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

242691 KEYDOWN: VK=9, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=18

242691 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

242722 KEYDOWN: VK=9, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=18

242722 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

242753 KEYDOWN: VK=9, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=18

242753 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

242784 KEYDOWN: VK=9, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=18

242784 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

242815 KEYDOWN: VK=9, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=18

242815 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

242862 KEYDOWN: VK=9, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=18

242862 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

242862 KEYDOWN: VK=81, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=18

242862 IPC Offsets Control: Ctrl=x0100, Length=1, Offset=66C5, Param=x1

242862 .. This key is programmed in FSUIPC4 'Keys' options

242862 Monitor IPC:66C5 (U8) = 0x1

242971 Monitor IPC:66C5 (U8) = 0x0

243096 KEYUP: VK=81, Waiting=0

243127 KEYUP: VK=9, Waiting=0

243174 KEYUP: VK=17, Waiting=0

244843 Macro: mouse action="b733fwdovh.GAU":X4555e*Xe900

244843 Macro: mouse action="b733fwdovh.GAU":X4555e*Xe900

255264 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=2

255264 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

255592 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=3

255592 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

256091 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=3

256091 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

256138 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=3

256138 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

256169 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=3

256169 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

256200 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=3

256200 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

256231 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=3

256231 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

256278 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=3

256278 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

256294 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=3

256294 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

256341 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=3

256341 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

256356 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=3

256356 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

256403 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=3

256403 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

256450 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=3

256450 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

256450 KEYDOWN: VK=80, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=3

256450 IPC Offsets Control: Ctrl=x0100, Length=1, Offset=66C2, Param=x1

256450 .. This key is programmed in FSUIPC4 'Keys' options

256450 Monitor IPC:66C2 (U8) = 0x1

256559 Monitor IPC:66C2 (U8) = 0x0

256653 KEYUP: VK=80, Waiting=0

256699 KEYUP: VK=16, Waiting=0

256715 KEYUP: VK=17, Waiting=0

257121 Macro: mouse action="b733fwdovh.GAU":X4555e*Xe900

257121 Macro: mouse action="b733fwdovh.GAU":X4555e*Xe900

300099 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=2

300099 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

300598 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=2

300598 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

300598 KEYDOWN: VK=9, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=18

300598 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

301097 KEYDOWN: VK=9, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=18

301097 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

301129 KEYDOWN: VK=9, Waiting=0, Repeat=Y, Shifts=18

301129 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

301144 KEYDOWN: VK=81, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=18

301144 IPC Offsets Control: Ctrl=x0100, Length=1, Offset=66C5, Param=x1

301144 .. This key is programmed in FSUIPC4 'Keys' options

301144 Monitor IPC:66C5 (U8) = 0x1

301207 Monitor IPC:66C5 (U8) = 0x0

301347 KEYUP: VK=81, Waiting=0

301394 KEYUP: VK=9, Waiting=0

301409 KEYUP: VK=17, Waiting=0

301893 Macro: mouse action="b733fwdovh.GAU":X45383*Xe900

301909 Macro: mouse action="b733fwdovh.GAU":X45383*Xe900

301909 FSUIPC Control Action: Ctrl=1070, Param=325

301909 SendKeyToFS(00040045=[shft+E], KEYDOWN) ctr=0

301909 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=16 (Shift) (Scan code 42), Ctr=2

301924 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=69 (Scan code 18), Ctr=1

301924 KEYDOWN: VK=16, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=1

301924 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

301924 KEYDOWN: VK=69, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=1

301924 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

302018 SendKeyToFS(00040045=[shft+E], KEYUP) ctr=0

302018 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=69 (Scan code 18), Ctr=2

302033 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=16 (Shift) (Scan code 42), Ctr=1

302033 KEYUP: VK=69, Waiting=0

302033 KEYUP: VK=16, Waiting=0

306947 FSUIPC Control Action: Ctrl=1070, Param=2122

306947 SendKeyToFS(0000004A=[J], KEYDOWN) ctr=0

306947 Sending WM_KEYDOWN, Key=74 (Scan code 36), Ctr=1

306963 KEYDOWN: VK=74, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=0

306963 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

307057 SendKeyToFS(0000004A=[J], KEYUP) ctr=0

307057 Sending WM_KEYUP, Key=74 (Scan code 36), Ctr=1

307072 KEYUP: VK=74, Waiting=0

326479 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 93 secs = 41.7 fps

332532 LUA: ended "D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua"

342890 System time = 11/01/2012 20:45:49, Simulator time = 12:32:11 (11:32Z)

342890 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Average frame rate for running time of 159 secs = 52.3 fps

G3D fix: Passes 12569, Null pointers 0, Bad pointers 0, Separate instances 0

Memory managed: 540 Allocs, 540 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

Once again your support is more than great and your tools wonderful and reliable !!!!

Thanks a lot and ciao from Italy



  • Helo Pete,

I do apologize on what the question was about or how to word the quesition for you to understand.. I have five monitors for my main view. I am using the eyefinity 6 card. We are having problems with the game. I just bought your version of the fsuci. Now we are having problems with the game starting up. When I turn the game on it does nothing but flash the screens on front of me. Hopefully this helps you understand more about my problem. I due reality is there any way you can contact us? Can i give you my email or phone number to talk. I have about a thousand questions for you. LOL!!!



I do apologize on what the question was about or how to word the quesition for you to understand.

Sorry, I see no question. Are you talking about the subject of this thread? I think not. I suspect you are either in the wrong Forum, or you need to post in a new thread with an appropriate subject title, and posit a question rather than apologise for a question I don't yet appear to have received!

Hopefully this helps you understand more about my problem. I due reality is there any way you can contact us? Can i give you my email or phone number to talk. I have about a thousand questions for you. LOL!!!

I am here in this forum to answer questions, but you have to pose them properly first, with information, and in a thread of your own with a proper title. Please try again. And remember, I have no idea what you are talking about unless you explain yourself.




Hi Peter,

unfortunately I'm still back to you with the problem.

As you can see in the log I'm still facing the initial issue:

********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.756 by Pete Dowson *********

User Name="Giuseppe Rondena"

User Addr="giuseppe.rondena@fastwebnet.it"

FSUIPC4 Key is provided

WideFS7 Key is provided

Running inside FSX on Windows 7

Module base=61000000

390 System time = 13/01/2012 21:24:30

405 FLT UNC path = "\\FFFFFF-PC\Users\ffffff\Documents\File di Flight Simulator X\"

1154 Trying to connect to SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 ...

1154 FS UNC path = "\\FFFFFF-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

4337 LogOptions=00000000 00000001

4337 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed

4337 G3D.DLL fix attempt installed ok

4337 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

4337 Trying to use SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07

7004 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61472.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)

7004 Initialising SimConnect data requests now

7004 FSUIPC Menu entry added

7051 \\FFFFFF-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\FLIGHTS\OTHER\FLTSIM.FLT

7051 \\FFFFFF-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.AIR

31091 \\FFFFFF-PC\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\feelThere pic 737-300\B737-3A00A.AIR

47830 Aircraft="FeelThere Boeing 737-300 Lufthansa"

47830 System time = 13/01/2012 21:25:18, Simulator time = 12:30:38 (11:30Z)

110433 Starting everything now ...

110433 LUA: beginning "D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\ipcReady.lua"

110433 AES Link established

110480 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe"

110480 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe"

110526 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FSPS\3D Real Cockpit Effect\3D Real Cockpit Effect FSX.exe"

110589 Run: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FSPS\Dolby Cockpit Sounds FSX\Dolby Cockpit Sounds FSX.exe"

114083 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

246357 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 137 secs = 61.1 fps

518921 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 61 secs = 39.8 fps

566985 LogOptions changed, now 40000000 00000001

579091 KEYDOWN: VK=17, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=2

579091 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

579091 KEYDOWN: VK=9, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=18

579091 .. Key not programmed -- passed on to FS

579107 KEYDOWN: VK=81, Waiting=0, Repeat=N, Shifts=18

579107 IPC Offsets Control: Ctrl=x0100, Length=1, Offset=66C5, Param=x1

579107 .. This key is programmed in FSUIPC4 'Keys' options

579107 KEYUP: VK=81, Waiting=0

579107 Monitor IPC:66C5 (U8) = 1

579138 KEYUP: VK=9, Waiting=0

579138 KEYUP: VK=17, Waiting=0

599324 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 30 secs = 39.0 fps

and here the LUA script:



function SOS(offset,value)

if value == 1 then









if Aiuto == 0 then






if Aiuto == 1 and gnd == 0 then




if Aiuto == 1 and gnd == 1 then











The first sound is executed, but the offset in not set back to 0, and also the macro and the other offset read into the script are not executed.

Respect the previous run I have only installed the new version 4.757 and tried to use the UDP protocol.

After to have seen that the script were no more running well I have set back the protocol to TCP and after also reinstalled the FSUIPC 4.756 (restarting FSX at each step), but nothing has changed.

Going crazy, what should I do now?

Thanks and best regards




really sorry to bother you again, but doing more test I have noticed a really strange behavior:

I launch the script and the first sound is executed, no offset write,no offset read, no macro,no ipc.display (that I have put to better test).

After that if I manually set in fsx the offset again to 0 and click the key the next correct sound is played,the write offset,the read offset,themacro and the display are correctly executed.

What can this mean?



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