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FS Control Number for Steering tiller

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I could not find the FS Control Number of the Steering Tiller in the List of FS2004 Controls. Could you please publish the control number. Would be great :smile:

FS2004 never had a steering tiller control, so there is no FS control number. FSUIPC supports a tiller using a separate calibration of the rudder, but you have then to assign both the rudder and tiller in FSUIPC, "direct" to calibration, and calibrate them separately.

Why do you want a control nmber? If you need to operate via offsets you can use those in the range 3BA8-3BC4, and assign in the same way in FSUIPC. If you need to send control numbers instead then all FSUIPC's directly assignable axes have control numbers currently listed in the recent "Changes" document supplied in the updated ZIPs (see Download Links subforum).



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