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Hi Peter,

can you please indicate me the right offset to use to identify the right heading in degrees to fly to a specifc vor (freq tuned in NAV2?

I have tred to use different offsets (0c42, 0c5c,0c60), but no one of them gives me the right direction.

Thanks and best regards



can you please indicate me the right offset to use to identify the right heading in degrees to fly to a specifc vor (freq tuned in NAV2?

I have tred to use different offsets (0c42, 0c5c,0c60), but no one of them gives me the right direction.

Well 0C42 is clearly labelled Magenetic Variation, not a heading, 0C5C is the readout for a bearing TO VOR2, as also clearly described, and likewise 0C60 is the VOR2 radial you are on. Obviously none of those are settable, all being read-outs.

The two course values are called OBS in FS ("Omni Bearing Selector"), NAV1's OBS being at offset 0C4E and NAV2's at 0C5E, the latter being right next to one of the wrong ones you picked!



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