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I've installed v3.05 and still have a problem with it clearing all weather themes and setting 'User Defined Weather'.

I have version 3.049 that came from Marc's latest beta and it doesn't. i.e. Themes stay put with the same FSUIPC.ini file and version 3.049

Can you help?

  Badger said:

I've installed v3.05 and still have a problem with it clearing all weather themes and setting 'User Defined Weather'.

Yes, please see the Announcement called "Important".




Thanks Pete.

I'm still not quite sure about the explanation though.

Do I need to check the box on the Technical page or not to use themes?

  Badger said:

Do I need to check the box on the Technical page or not to use themes?

Leaving the box UNCHECKED, as it is by default, was supposed to leave the FS weather alone. It did, except for the wind smoothing. The reason the 3.049 Beta worked was that the mod I put in for that checkbox broke the wind smoothing altogether. I repaired that but, in the process, the wind smoothing activates itself for FS's own weather. It doesn't actually do anything, as the targets are the same as the current winds, but it seems that telling FS to set the exact same weather as it has already set constitutes "user-defined" weather. Oops.

So, as well as leaving the box unchecked, uncheck the wind smoothing. I'll fix it soon enough. Sorry.



Thanks Pete.

It makes sense to me now. I had it unchecked and couldn't understand why I was still getting 'user defined'.

Now all is clear :)


Hi Badger!

Previously I also have problem with "user defined weather", now with 3.05 version the problem is gone. I just read the manual, and firstly set the setting to "Normal Defaults" or "Minimal Weather Defaults", and then left winds setting to their default value (don't make any changes).

Visibilty setting, I make some customise based on my preference (I check all boxes).

For cloud I just check add random icing and turbulence in the cloud.

Technical, based on manual, I left "clear weather stop dynamics" checked (default) and uncheck "Allow changes to FS own weather" (default).

Now.. fs weather theme is working as it should be. Regards

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