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PMDG MD11 RTO not working

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Hi guys

I am having problems when aborting a take off using the PMDG MD11 (PMDG 747 works fine). As soon as I callibrate the toe breaks with FSUIPC, the break system automatically disarms as soon as I abort. Once I delete the callibration of the breaks in FSUIPC, all works fine again. I am using the CH product pedals. I found that before I callibrate the pedals, the output figure in FSUIPC ranges from -8162 to +8162... after the callibration the output range is -16383 to +16384 (looks as if it amplifies the output signal x2). Could that be part of the problem)?



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I am having problems when aborting a take off using the PMDG MD11 (PMDG 747 works fine). As soon as I callibrate the toe breaks with FSUIPC, the break system automatically disarms as soon as I abort. Once I delete the callibration of the breaks in FSUIPC, all works fine again.

You haven't calibrated them correctly then. Follow the steps for calibration in the documentation. You should always leave a dead zone at the "feet off" end, pressing both a little before setting the minimum -- otherwise you cannot guarantee that the brakes are always off with feet off, and also they may come onunwanted when using the rudder.

I am using the CH product pedals. I found that before I callibrate the pedals, the output figure in FSUIPC ranges from -8162 to +8162... after the callibration the output range is -16383 to +16384 (looks as if it amplifies the output signal x2). Could that be part of the problem)?

FSUIPC doesn't "amplify". You misunderstand what calibration is. Calibration is matching the input range, the figures coming from the device, to the actual needs of the simulator control you are calibrating.

It looks to me, also, that you have the brakes operating the wrong way round. The output value should INCREASE as the pedals are pushed. Most toe brakes need REVersing -- do that BEFORE calibrating!


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