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Hi there guys,

I was wondering if somebody could help me out on how to get the Lua codes from the LVD767 for operating the FMC with the CDU II from Vrinsight. I know EmileB did this for the PMDG 737NGX and it works like a charm trough FSUIPC.

I now operate the LVD767 CDU trough FSUIPC (with the help of mouse macro's) aswell but most of the times I need to press a button on the CDU two times before it gives a reaction, with the PMDG trough LUA this isn't the case.

I tried the LUA tutorial found here on the forum but it logs key press etc... but no values from the planes panels.

I hope somebody could help me out on this.

(I posted this one on the Linda Forum over at AVSIM aswell)


I now operate the LVD767 CDU trough FSUIPC (with the help of mouse macro's) aswell but most of the times I need to press a button on the CDU two times before it gives a reaction

VRInsight buttons are actually working as toggles which switch on and off on alternate presses, not simple on/off buttons, so you need to assign the action you want to both 'press' and 'release' in FSUIPC.

I'm afraid I've no idea what you mean with your Lua questions. Lua is a programming language used in FSUIPC for plug-ins. There are no "Lua codes" associated with any aircraft or anything else for that matter. The term makes no sense.

I thought everything on the LevelD 767 was catered for by Nico Kaan's interface program?




I'm not sure why you are using LINDA for the Level-D 767 and the CDU2, its works perfectly with the software included with the CDU2 i.e. SerialFP2 or the program that has now replaced that called VRiSim.


Hmmmm, sorry for my bad description of my intentions :oops:

What I was trying to do is create a LUA file like the one EmileB createde for the PMDG NGX and use is to assign buttons of my CDU II to the FMC of the Level D 767.

I would love to no how this works, this can be handy for future addons.

But great thanks for sorting out my main problem with the CDU II key presses.


What I was trying to do is create a LUA file like the one EmileB createde for the PMDG NGX and use is to assign buttons of my CDU II to the FMC of the Level D 767.

Hmm. I don't know the Lua file you refer to, and I don't really know why it would need a Lua plug-in when all the functions you need to carry out can be assigned directly to the CDU buttons, using the numerical custom control codes definedby the PMDG NGX SDK document. Why would you make it more complicated than simple assignment?




I thought everything on the LevelD 767 was catered for by Nico Kaan's interface program?


Use lekseecon_f.exe from the 8.3 version: all FMC keys and info about EXEC and MSG lights are available via FSUIPC offsets.



Use lekseecon_f.exe from the 8.3 version: all FMC keys and info about EXEC and MSG lights are available via FSUIPC offsets.

Great lets go try this.

Thanks for the help.

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