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magenta offsets

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Still learning how to use offsets, is there a way to use magenta 0x510 offset through FSUIPC ? I mean, using a keyboard shortcut or joystick button to access that offset ?

The "PM Elec ..." controls operate the bits in that word. See them in the drop downs for assignment in Buttons or Keys.


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Hi Pete,

Enrico added a new flag in PFD.ini, it is StartElecOff=On to start all magenta eletrict OFF, cold and dark cockpit.

Any keypress or the 0x510 offset should start up the glass cockpit, but I can't make FSUIPC PM Electric All Toggle or All ON to turn on PM displays.

Here is a message from another guy using the same feature, maybe it helps since I don't understand so much about offsets:

"On initial startup of GC401 with "StartElecOff=On" the 510 offset bits are

all set to 1 *except* bit 0. Setting bit zero to 1 and then back to 0 does

*not* restore the displays, all bits except 0 return to being 1. If I set

*all* bits to zero then everything works 'normally', including the bit zero


It is not FSUIPC, but maybe you can help me...I'd like to use FSUIPC to start the magenta GC electrics.



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Enrico added a new flag in PFD.ini, it is StartElecOff=On to start all magenta eletrict OFF, cold and dark cockpit.

That's nice. He doesn't tell me these things. :cry:

Any keypress or the 0x510 offset should start up the glass cockpit, but I can't make FSUIPC PM Electric All Toggle or All ON to turn on PM displays.

Well that seems bad. What does Enrico say?

Here is a message from another guy using the same feature, maybe it helps since I don't understand so much about offsets:

I hope he told Enrico this. All I can do is relay this to him in case he is not aware of it.



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Lets wait Enrico position about thsi...

Enrico says:

"I just refreshed the Glass Cockpit to 402...

We now have three new entries...


- switches the displays off on startup sets 0x510 bit 0 to 1 on startup

- displays are reactivated when bit 0 is reset or any keyboard key is



- switches the displays off on startup sets 0x510 bits 2 to 8 on startup

(not bit 0!)


- checks the position of the avionics to decide whether the displays are on

or off"

Okay now? :D


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